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Get homes cards

Get cards

HTTP Method: GET
Requires Authentication? Yes
Permission Required: None
Supported Formats: XML, JSON
Rate Limited? Yes

URL parameters

file_format Enumeration (required) The format of the response.
xml Serialize responses into XML.
json Serialize responses into JSON.

Query String parameters

property_ids String (optional)

Comma separated list of the property id to query to Homes

return_tm_agents_data Boolean (optional)

Indicates whether TmAgents should be returned.



A PropertyCardResponse object that contain some details about the property

Error String or null


Cards Collection of <PropertyCard> or null


Agent <Agent> or null


Id String or null


Name String or null


Role String or null


ProfileImageUrl String or null

Profile Image Url

BranchId String or null

Branch Id

Branch <Branch> or null


Id String or null


Role String or null


BannerUrl String or null

Banner Url

BannerBackgroundHexColour String or null

Banner Background Hex Colour

BranchName String or null

Branch Name

BrandName String or null

Brand Name

LogoUrl String or null


LegalName String or null

Legal Name

Phone String or null


RentalPartnership String or null

Rental Partnership

ResidentialPartnership String or null

Residential Partnership

TmId String or null

Tm Id

CanonicalUrl Collection of String or null

Canonical Url

Detail <BranchDetail> or null


About String or null


WebsiteUrl String or null

Website Url

Email String or null


Address String or null


Point <GeoPoint> or null


Lat Number or null


Long Number or null


lon Number or null


BrandingBackgroundColor String or null

Branding Background Color

Stats <SearchStats> or null


Sales Integer or null


ForSales Integer or null

For Sales

Rentals Integer or null


SalesInArea Integer or null

Sales In Area

ForSalesInArea Integer or null

For Sales In Area

Team Boolean


Detail <AgentDetail> or null


About String or null


WebsiteUrl String or null

Website Url

Email String or null


LinkedinUrl String or null

Linkedin Url

FacebookUrl String or null

Facebook Url

VideoUrl String or null

Video Url

OfficePhone String or null

Office Phone

MobilePhone String or null

Mobile Phone

RecentSales Collection of <AgentDetailRecentSale> or null

Recent Sales

Id Number or null


PropertyId String or null

Property Id

CityId Number or null

City Id

SuburbId Number or null

Suburb Id

TerritorialAuthorityId String or null

Territorial Authority Id

Address String or null


DisplaySalePrice String or null

Display Sale Price

SaleDate String or null

Sale Date

SaleRole Number or null

Sale Role

Point <GeoPoint> or null


(This type has already been defined)
SuburbExpert Boolean

Suburb Expert

SuburbExpertLocation String or null

Suburb Expert Location

Stats <SearchStats> or null


(This type has already been defined)
SaleStats <AgentSaleStats> or null

Sale Stats

ConfirmedRecentSales <Totals> or null

Confirmed Recent Sales

Count Integer or null


DisplayPrice String or null

Display Price

UnconfirmedRecentSales <Totals> or null

Unconfirmed Recent Sales

(This type has already been defined)
AllTimeConfirmedSales <Totals> or null

All Time Confirmed Sales

(This type has already been defined)
AgentNearestSoldProperty <AgentNearestSoldProperty> or null

Agent Nearest Sold Property

Address String or null


Date String or null


Distance Number or null


Price String or null


PropertySaleId Number or null

Property Sale Id

PropertyId String or null

Property Id

Testimonials Collection of <Testimonial> or null


Company String or null


Person String or null


Detail String or null


Position String or null


CanonicalUrl Collection of String or null

Canonical Url

TmMemberId String or null

Tm Member Id

Slug String or null


Agents Collection of <Agent> or null


(This type has already been defined)
Branch <Branch> or null


(This type has already been defined)
BranchId String or null

Branch Id

Branches Collection of <Branch> or null


(This type has already been defined)
Date String or null


DisplayPrice String or null

Display Price

DistanceToPoint Number or null

Distance To Point

FeaturedAt String or null

Featured At

FeaturedPlan Integer or null

Featured Plan

ListingId String or null

Listing Id

Point <GeoPoint> or null


(This type has already been defined)
Price Number or null


PropertyDetails <PropertyCardPropertyDetails> or null

Property Details

Address String or null


DisplayAddress String or null

Display Address

CoverImageUrl String or null

Cover Image Url

CoverImageUrlSource String or null

Cover Image Url Source

ListingImages Collection of String or null

Listing Images

GoogleStreetViewUrl String or null

Google Street View Url

NumBathrooms Integer or null

Num Bathrooms

LatestBedrooms String or null

Latest Bedrooms

NumCarSpaces Integer or null

Num Car Spaces

LatestCarSpaces String or null

Latest Car Spaces

LatestSource String or null

Latest Source

Headline String or null


EstimatedValueRevisionDate String or null

Estimated Value Revision Date

DisplayEstimatedLowerValueShort String or null

Display Estimated Lower Value Short

DisplayEstimatedUpperValueShort String or null

Display Estimated Upper Value Short

DisplayEstimatedValueShort String or null

Display Estimated Value Short

EstimatedRentalRevisionDate String or null

Estimated Rental Revision Date

DisplayEstimatedRentalLowerValueShort String or null

Display Estimated Rental Lower Value Short

DisplayEstimatedRentalUpperValueShort String or null

Display Estimated Rental Upper Value Short

EstimatedRentalYield String or null

Estimated Rental Yield

CapitalValue Number or null

Capital Value

ImprovementValue Number or null

Improvement Value

LandValue Number or null

Land Value

DisplayCapitalValueShort String or null

Display Capital Value Short

DisplayImprovementValueShort String or null

Display Improvement Value Short

DisplayLandValueShort String or null

Display Land Value Short

CurrentRevisionDate String or null

Current Revision Date

PreviousCapitalValue Number or null

Previous Capital Value

PreviousRevisionDate String or null

Previous Revision Date

FirstGasEnabled String or null

First Gas Enabled

Flags <PropertyCardPropertyDetailsFlags> or null


DeprivationIndex String or null

Deprivation Index

DotSa1 String or null

Dot Sa 1

DotSegment String or null

Dot Segment

FirstGas Boolean

First Gas

Sky Boolean


UltraFastFiber Boolean

Ultra Fast Fiber

EstimateModelVersion String or null

Estimate Model Version

EstimateModelReleaseDate String or null

Estimate Model Release Date

SuburbId Integer or null

Suburb Id

CityId Integer or null

City Id

UnitIdentifier String or null

Unit Identifier

StreetNumber String or null

Street Number

StreetAlpha String or null

Street Alpha

Street String or null


Suburb String or null


City String or null


Ta String or null


NumBedrooms Integer or null

Num Bedrooms

LatestBathrooms Number or null

Latest Bathrooms

TradeMeSuburbId Integer or null

Trademe suburb id

TradeMeRegionId Integer or null

Trademe region id

TradeMeDistrictId Integer or null

Trademe district id

TradeMeCoverImageUrl String or null

Trademe cover image url

TradeMeListingImages Collection of <HomesPhoto> or null

Trademe photo formated listing images

Key String or null
Value <HomesPhotoUrl> or null
Thumbnail String or null

The URL for the thumbnail sized photo (always 85x64, with white borders).

List String or null

The URL for the list view sized photo (scaled down to fit 160x120).

Medium String or null

The URL for the medium sized photo (scaled down to fit 175x175).

Gallery String or null

The URL for the gallery sized photo (scaled down to fit 233x176).

Large String or null

The URL for the large sized photo (scaled down to fit 352x264).

FullSize String or null

The URL for the full sized photo (scaled down to fit 670x502).

PlusSize String or null

The URL for the plus sized photo (scaled down to fit).

PhotoId String or null

The ID of the photo.

PropertyId String or null

Property Id

SalesCount Integer or null

Sales Count

State Integer or null


Url String or null


DisplayShortPrice String or null

Display Short Price

FeaturedSale <PropertyCardFeaturedSale> or null

Featured Sale

StartAt String or null

Start At

EndAt String or null

End At

Variant String or null


Solar <PropertyCardSolar> or null


ImageUrl String or null

Image Url

Estimate String or null


Potential String or null


ValuationUpdateEvents Collection of <ValuationUpdateEvent> or null

Valuation Update Events

Date String or null


Type String or null


TMListingId String or null

Last TM Listing Id

Timeline Collection of <PropertyEvent> or null

Property Timeline

Type String or null

The type of the event's Data

Date DateTime

The UTC Timestamp

PropertySale <PropertyEventSale> or null

Property Sale event

SalePrice Long Integer or null

The Sale Price

DisplaySalePrice String or null

The Sale Price, Display formatted

SaleType String or null

The Sale Type

SaleTypeDescription String or null

The Sale Type Description

SaleTypeHelpPageUrl String or null

The Sale Type Help Page URL

SaleAgents Collection of <PropertyEventSaleDataSaleAgent> or null

Sale agents

Agent <AgentDetail> or null

Agent detail

ProfileImageUrl String or null

Profile image

Name String or null

Agent name

UrlSlug String or null

Url Slug

SaleBranches Collection of <PropertyEventSaleDataSaleBranch> or null

Sale branches

Branch <BranchDetail> or null

Branch detail

OfficeMemberId String or null

Office member id

BranchName String or null

Branch name

LogoUrl String or null

Logo url

BrandingBackgroundColor String or null

Branding background color

Valuation <PropertyEventValuation> or null

Valuation event

CapitalValue Long Integer or null

The Capital Value

Built <PropertyEventBuilt> or null

Built event

DecadeBuilt String or null

The Decade Built

ConsentIssued <PropertyEventConsentIssued> or null

Consent Issued event

ContentText String or null

The Content Text

Trends <PropertyTrends> or null

Property Trends

PropertyEstimateHistory <EstimateHistory> or null

Property Estimate History

SeriesTitle String or null

The Series Title

Data Collection of <EstimateHistoryData> or null

The Estimate History data

Date Long Integer

Date, as a UTC timestamp

Estimate Number

The Estimate

LowEstimate Number

The Low Estimate

HighEstimate Number

The High Estimate

EstimateDisplay String or null

The Estimate, Display Formatted

LowEstimateDisplay String or null

The Low Estimate, Display Formatted

HighEstimateDisplay String or null

The High Estimate, Display Formatted

SuburbEstimateHistory <EstimateHistory> or null

Suburb Estimate History

(This type has already been defined)
NearbySchools <SchoolsResponse> or null

Nearby Schools

ZoningCalculated Boolean

Is zoning calculated for the property

Schools Collection of <School> or null

Schools list

SchoolId Integer

The ID of the school.

Name String or null

The school name

Location <GeographicLocation> or null

The location of the school

Latitude Number

The latitude of the location, in degrees (WGS84).

Longitude Number

The longitude of the location, in degrees (WGS84).

StreetAddress String or null

The school street address

Suburb String or null

The suburb of the school

CityDistrict String or null

School address - city district

PostCode String or null

School address - post code

InstitutionType String or null

The school institution type - eg. Full Primary, Free Kindergarten, Restricted Composite.

Authority String or null

School authority, e.g. State, Private.

SchoolRoll Integer

The school roll count.

Decile Integer or null

The school decile rating.

Gender Enumeration or null

The school gender.

CoEducational 0


BoysOnly 1

Boys only

GirlsOnly 2

Girls only

SeniorCoedJuniorBoys 3

Boys/Senior Co-Ed.

PrimaryCoedSecondaryGirls 4

Primary Co-ed, Secondary Girls

GenderDescription String or null

The school gender description e.g. Boys only or Primary Co-Ed/Secondary girls. Useful if there are different genders at different age groups.

AgeGroups Collection of Enumeration or null

A list of school age groups for the school.

EarlyChildhood 1

Early childhood

Primary 2


Intermediate 3


Secondary 4


Zones Collection of <Zone> or null

A list of zones for the school.

InZone Boolean or null

Indicates whether the property is in zone for the school (if the properties location is known)

AgeGroups Collection of Enumeration or null

The age groups applicable for this zone.

EarlyChildhood 1

Early childhood

Primary 2


Intermediate 3


Secondary 4


EncodedBoundaryPolygons Collection of String or null

The encoded/compressed zone boundaries, see: for more information.

BoundaryAsWKT String or null

The zone boundaries in WKT format.

DistanceFromProperty Number or null

The distance from the property listing to the school. Not included if the property does not have exact address.

SuburbUrl String or null


TmAgents Collection of <AgentProfileInPropertyCard> or null

A collection of Agent profiles in Trademe. The first one is recognised as the primary agent.

MemberId Integer

The agent individual member id.

FirstName String or null

The property agent first name.

LastName String or null

The property agent last name.

AgentProfilePhoto String or null

The Url to agents profile photo (FullSize image)

BrandingBackgroundColor String or null

Agency branding background color in HEX

BrandingTextColor String or null

Agency branding text color in HEX

AgencyLogoUrl String or null

The property agency logo url

AgencyName String or null

The property agency name.

AgencyMemberId Integer

The property agency member id.

UrlSlug String or null

The identifier in the URL of agent's profile page

AgentMembershipType Enumeration

The agent's membership type and whether they have a premium agent subscription

None 0

No membership type

PropertyPremiumAgent 1

Property premium agent

PropertyPremiumAgentTier2 2

Property premium agent tier 2

RecentSoldListingsCount Integer

The total of listings sold by the agent in the last 12 months

Experience <Experience> or null

The property agent experience

Years Integer or null

The property agent experience - years

Months Integer or null

The property agent experience - months

KeySkills Collection of <KeySkill> or null

A collection of KeySkill that this agent has.

Id Integer

The tag id

Name String or null

The tag text

Testimonials Collection of <AgentTestimonial> or null

A collection of testimonials that this agent got.

TestimonialId Integer

Id of the testimonial

Summary String or null

Testimonial summary

FullName String or null

Testimonial author's full name

CreatedDate DateTime

Testimonial date of creation

WebLinks Collection of <WebLink> or null

Web links

LinkId Integer

Link Id

LinkType Enumeration

Link Type

Other 0


Facebook 1


LinkedIn 2


Twitter 3


Pinterest 4


Instagram 5


Youtube 6


LinkFullUrl String or null

Link Address

LinkDisplayText String or null

Link Display Text

Example XML Response (switch to JSON)

<PropertyCardsResponse xmlns="">
              <Point />
              <Point />
        <Stats />
          <UnconfirmedRecentSales />
          <AllTimeConfirmedSales />
        <Agent />
        <Agent />
      <Branch />
        <Branch />
        <Branch />
      <Point />
        <SuburbEstimateHistory />
              <Point />
              <Point />
        <Stats />
          <UnconfirmedRecentSales />
          <AllTimeConfirmedSales />
        <Agent />
        <Agent />
      <Branch />
        <Branch />
        <Branch />
      <Point />
        <SuburbEstimateHistory />

Example JSON Response (switch to XML)

  "Error": "ABC",
  "Cards": [
      "Agent": {
        "Id": "ABC",
        "Name": "ABC",
        "Role": "ABC",
        "ProfileImageUrl": "ABC",
        "BranchId": "ABC",
        "Branch": {
          "Id": "ABC",
          "Role": "ABC",
          "BannerUrl": "ABC",
          "BannerBackgroundHexColour": "ABC",
          "BranchName": "ABC",
          "BrandName": "ABC",
          "LogoUrl": "ABC",
          "LegalName": "ABC",
          "Phone": "ABC",
          "RentalPartnership": "ABC",
          "ResidentialPartnership": "ABC",
          "TmId": "ABC",
          "CanonicalUrl": [
          "Detail": {
            "About": "ABC",
            "WebsiteUrl": "ABC",
            "Email": "ABC",
            "Address": "ABC",
            "Point": {
              "Lat": 123.0,
              "Long": 123.0,
              "lon": 123.0
            "BrandingBackgroundColor": "ABC"
          "Stats": {
            "Sales": 123,
            "ForSales": 123,
            "Rentals": 123,
            "SalesInArea": 123,
            "ForSalesInArea": 123
        "Team": false,
        "Detail": {
          "About": "ABC",
          "WebsiteUrl": "ABC",
          "Email": "ABC",
          "LinkedinUrl": "ABC",
          "FacebookUrl": "ABC",
          "VideoUrl": "ABC",
          "OfficePhone": "ABC",
          "MobilePhone": "ABC",
          "RecentSales": [
              "Id": 123.0,
              "PropertyId": "ABC",
              "CityId": 123.0,
              "SuburbId": 123.0,
              "TerritorialAuthorityId": "ABC",
              "Address": "ABC",
              "DisplaySalePrice": "ABC",
              "SaleDate": "ABC",
              "SaleRole": 123.0,
              "Point": {
              "Id": 123.0,
              "PropertyId": "ABC",
              "CityId": 123.0,
              "SuburbId": 123.0,
              "TerritorialAuthorityId": "ABC",
              "Address": "ABC",
              "DisplaySalePrice": "ABC",
              "SaleDate": "ABC",
              "SaleRole": 123.0,
              "Point": {
        "SuburbExpert": false,
        "SuburbExpertLocation": "ABC",
        "Stats": {
        "SaleStats": {
          "ConfirmedRecentSales": {
            "Count": 123,
            "DisplayPrice": "ABC"
          "UnconfirmedRecentSales": {
          "AllTimeConfirmedSales": {
        "AgentNearestSoldProperty": {
          "Address": "ABC",
          "Date": "ABC",
          "Distance": 123.0,
          "Price": "ABC",
          "PropertySaleId": 123.0,
          "PropertyId": "ABC"
        "Testimonials": [
            "Company": "ABC",
            "Person": "ABC",
            "Detail": "ABC",
            "Position": "ABC"
            "Company": "ABC",
            "Person": "ABC",
            "Detail": "ABC",
            "Position": "ABC"
        "CanonicalUrl": [
        "TmMemberId": "ABC",
        "Slug": "ABC"
      "Agents": [
      "Branch": {
      "BranchId": "ABC",
      "Branches": [
      "Date": "ABC",
      "DisplayPrice": "ABC",
      "DistanceToPoint": 123.0,
      "FeaturedAt": "ABC",
      "FeaturedPlan": 123,
      "ListingId": "ABC",
      "Point": {
      "Price": 123.0,
      "PropertyDetails": {
        "Address": "ABC",
        "DisplayAddress": "ABC",
        "CoverImageUrl": "ABC",
        "CoverImageUrlSource": "ABC",
        "ListingImages": [
        "GoogleStreetViewUrl": "ABC",
        "NumBathrooms": 123,
        "LatestBedrooms": "ABC",
        "NumCarSpaces": 123,
        "LatestCarSpaces": "ABC",
        "LatestSource": "ABC",
        "Headline": "ABC",
        "EstimatedValueRevisionDate": "ABC",
        "DisplayEstimatedLowerValueShort": "ABC",
        "DisplayEstimatedUpperValueShort": "ABC",
        "DisplayEstimatedValueShort": "ABC",
        "EstimatedRentalRevisionDate": "ABC",
        "DisplayEstimatedRentalLowerValueShort": "ABC",
        "DisplayEstimatedRentalUpperValueShort": "ABC",
        "EstimatedRentalYield": "ABC",
        "CapitalValue": 123.0,
        "ImprovementValue": 123.0,
        "LandValue": 123.0,
        "DisplayCapitalValueShort": "ABC",
        "DisplayImprovementValueShort": "ABC",
        "DisplayLandValueShort": "ABC",
        "CurrentRevisionDate": "ABC",
        "PreviousCapitalValue": 123.0,
        "PreviousRevisionDate": "ABC",
        "FirstGasEnabled": "ABC",
        "Flags": {
          "DeprivationIndex": "ABC",
          "DotSa1": "ABC",
          "DotSegment": "ABC",
          "FirstGas": false,
          "Sky": false,
          "UltraFastFiber": false,
          "EstimateModelVersion": "ABC",
          "EstimateModelReleaseDate": "ABC"
        "SuburbId": 123,
        "CityId": 123,
        "UnitIdentifier": "ABC",
        "StreetNumber": "ABC",
        "StreetAlpha": "ABC",
        "Street": "ABC",
        "Suburb": "ABC",
        "City": "ABC",
        "Ta": "ABC",
        "NumBedrooms": 123,
        "LatestBathrooms": 123.0,
        "TradeMeSuburbId": 123,
        "TradeMeRegionId": 123,
        "TradeMeDistrictId": 123,
        "TradeMeCoverImageUrl": "ABC",
        "TradeMeListingImages": [
            "Key": "ABC",
            "Value": {
              "Thumbnail": "ABC",
              "List": "ABC",
              "Medium": "ABC",
              "Gallery": "ABC",
              "Large": "ABC",
              "FullSize": "ABC",
              "PlusSize": "ABC",
              "PhotoId": "ABC"
            "Key": "ABC",
            "Value": {
              "Thumbnail": "ABC",
              "List": "ABC",
              "Medium": "ABC",
              "Gallery": "ABC",
              "Large": "ABC",
              "FullSize": "ABC",
              "PlusSize": "ABC",
              "PhotoId": "ABC"
      "PropertyId": "ABC",
      "SalesCount": 123,
      "State": 123,
      "Url": "ABC",
      "DisplayShortPrice": "ABC",
      "FeaturedSale": {
        "StartAt": "ABC",
        "EndAt": "ABC",
        "Variant": "ABC"
      "Solar": {
        "ImageUrl": "ABC",
        "Estimate": "ABC",
        "Potential": "ABC"
      "ValuationUpdateEvents": [
          "Date": "ABC",
          "Type": "ABC"
          "Date": "ABC",
          "Type": "ABC"
      "TMListingId": "ABC",
      "Timeline": [
          "Type": "ABC",
          "Date": "\/Date(1514764800)\/",
          "PropertySale": {
            "SalePrice": 123,
            "DisplaySalePrice": "ABC",
            "SaleType": "ABC",
            "SaleTypeDescription": "ABC",
            "SaleTypeHelpPageUrl": "ABC",
            "SaleAgents": [
                "Agent": {
                  "ProfileImageUrl": "ABC",
                  "Name": "ABC",
                  "UrlSlug": "ABC"
                "Agent": {
                  "ProfileImageUrl": "ABC",
                  "Name": "ABC",
                  "UrlSlug": "ABC"
            "SaleBranches": [
                "Branch": {
                  "OfficeMemberId": "ABC",
                  "BranchName": "ABC",
                  "LogoUrl": "ABC",
                  "BrandingBackgroundColor": "ABC"
                "Branch": {
                  "OfficeMemberId": "ABC",
                  "BranchName": "ABC",
                  "LogoUrl": "ABC",
                  "BrandingBackgroundColor": "ABC"
          "Valuation": {
            "CapitalValue": 123
          "Built": {
            "DecadeBuilt": "ABC"
          "ConsentIssued": {
            "ContentText": "ABC"
          "Type": "ABC",
          "Date": "\/Date(1514764800)\/",
          "PropertySale": {
            "SalePrice": 123,
            "DisplaySalePrice": "ABC",
            "SaleType": "ABC",
            "SaleTypeDescription": "ABC",
            "SaleTypeHelpPageUrl": "ABC",
            "SaleAgents": [
                "Agent": {
                  "ProfileImageUrl": "ABC",
                  "Name": "ABC",
                  "UrlSlug": "ABC"
                "Agent": {
                  "ProfileImageUrl": "ABC",
                  "Name": "ABC",
                  "UrlSlug": "ABC"
            "SaleBranches": [
                "Branch": {
                  "OfficeMemberId": "ABC",
                  "BranchName": "ABC",
                  "LogoUrl": "ABC",
                  "BrandingBackgroundColor": "ABC"
                "Branch": {
                  "OfficeMemberId": "ABC",
                  "BranchName": "ABC",
                  "LogoUrl": "ABC",
                  "BrandingBackgroundColor": "ABC"
          "Valuation": {
            "CapitalValue": 123
          "Built": {
            "DecadeBuilt": "ABC"
          "ConsentIssued": {
            "ContentText": "ABC"
      "Trends": {
        "PropertyEstimateHistory": {
          "SeriesTitle": "ABC",
          "Data": [
              "Date": 123,
              "Estimate": 123.0,
              "LowEstimate": 123.0,
              "HighEstimate": 123.0,
              "EstimateDisplay": "ABC",
              "LowEstimateDisplay": "ABC",
              "HighEstimateDisplay": "ABC"
              "Date": 123,
              "Estimate": 123.0,
              "LowEstimate": 123.0,
              "HighEstimate": 123.0,
              "EstimateDisplay": "ABC",
              "LowEstimateDisplay": "ABC",
              "HighEstimateDisplay": "ABC"
        "SuburbEstimateHistory": {
      "NearbySchools": {
        "ZoningCalculated": false,
        "Schools": [
            "SchoolId": 123,
            "Name": "ABC",
            "Location": {
              "Latitude": 123.0,
              "Longitude": 123.0
            "StreetAddress": "ABC",
            "Suburb": "ABC",
            "CityDistrict": "ABC",
            "PostCode": "ABC",
            "InstitutionType": "ABC",
            "Authority": "ABC",
            "SchoolRoll": 123,
            "Decile": 123,
            "Gender": 0,
            "GenderDescription": "ABC",
            "AgeGroups": [
            "Zones": [
                "InZone": false,
                "AgeGroups": [
                "EncodedBoundaryPolygons": [
                "BoundaryAsWKT": "ABC"
                "InZone": false,
                "AgeGroups": [
                "EncodedBoundaryPolygons": [
                "BoundaryAsWKT": "ABC"
            "DistanceFromProperty": 123.0
            "SchoolId": 123,
            "Name": "ABC",
            "Location": {
              "Latitude": 123.0,
              "Longitude": 123.0
            "StreetAddress": "ABC",
            "Suburb": "ABC",
            "CityDistrict": "ABC",
            "PostCode": "ABC",
            "InstitutionType": "ABC",
            "Authority": "ABC",
            "SchoolRoll": 123,
            "Decile": 123,
            "Gender": 0,
            "GenderDescription": "ABC",
            "AgeGroups": [
            "Zones": [
                "InZone": false,
                "AgeGroups": [
                "EncodedBoundaryPolygons": [
                "BoundaryAsWKT": "ABC"
                "InZone": false,
                "AgeGroups": [
                "EncodedBoundaryPolygons": [
                "BoundaryAsWKT": "ABC"
            "DistanceFromProperty": 123.0
      "SuburbUrl": "ABC",
      "TmAgents": [
          "MemberId": 123,
          "FirstName": "ABC",
          "LastName": "ABC",
          "AgentProfilePhoto": "ABC",
          "BrandingBackgroundColor": "ABC",
          "BrandingTextColor": "ABC",
          "AgencyLogoUrl": "ABC",
          "AgencyName": "ABC",
          "AgencyMemberId": 123,
          "UrlSlug": "ABC",
          "AgentMembershipType": 0,
          "RecentSoldListingsCount": 123,
          "Experience": {
            "Years": 123,
            "Months": 123
          "KeySkills": [
              "Id": 123,
              "Name": "ABC"
              "Id": 123,
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