API Index
Address Methods
Address Contract
GET v1/Property/Address |
Search by address |
Bidding and Buying Methods
These methods allow you to place a bid or purchase an item outright using Buy Now.
POST v1/Bidding/Bid |
Place a bid (normal or auto-bid) on a listing. |
POST v1/Bidding/BuyNow |
Buys an item using Buy Now. |
POST v1/Bidding/SendDeliveryAddress |
Selects a delivery address for an auction you've won and sends that information, along with an optional phone number and message, to the seller. Do not use this API if the buyer is planning to pay with Pay Now, since the Pay Now process already includes this step. An address can only be sent once; the buyer must contact the seller directly if there was a mistake. |
Branding Methods
These methods expose member branding related services
POST v1/Member/{memberId}/BrandingImages |
Adds an image to the authenticated user's list of branding images. These photos can be used when listing a classified. Branding images are only supported for Job listings. At the moment, only the following image types are supported:
GET v1/Member/{memberId}/BrandingImages |
Returns a list of branding images associated with a member. The response includes the Url to the branding images. |
GET v1/Member/{memberId}/BrandingImages/{brandingId} |
Returns a branding image associated with a member. The response includes the Url to the branding image. |
POST v1/Member/{memberId}/BrandingImages/{brandingId} |
Update the priority of a specific branding image given the branding id in the url. It sets the branding image specified in the url to the default for its branding image type. For example, if the member has two branding logos, the branding logo they specify in the url will become the default. Success will always be returned regardless of whether or not the image was previously the default. NOTE: This operation ignores all elements in the request. |
DELETE v1/Member/{memberId}/BrandingImages/{brandingId} |
Deletes a specific branding image. The physical branding file will not physically be deleted immediately. |
Catalogue Methods
Catalogue methods expose general interest data that does not belong to an individual membership, or that is attached to an individual membership but is already publicly available. These methods are GET operations, require no authentication, and do not count towards rate limits.
GET v1/Categories/{number} |
Retrieves all or part of the Trade Me category tree. |
GET v1/Categories |
Retrieves all or part of the Trade Me category tree. |
GET v1/attributesuggestions/{id}/{input} |
Returns a list of attribute values that match the string provided |
GET v1/Categories/UsedCars |
This is a convenience method that returns ‘Used car’ child categories from Trade Me Motors. |
GET v1/Categories/MotorBikes |
This is a convenience method that returns all subcategories from the Motorbikes category. Names of these subcategories represent applicable values for the ‘type’ parameter in Motorbike search. |
GET v1/Categories/Jobs |
This is a convenience method that returns jobs categories from Trade Me Jobs. |
GET v1/Categories/lastupdated |
Returns the date the category tree was last changed. You can use this information to help decide whether you need to redownload the category tree. This API is deprecated in favour of E-Tags.
GET v1/Categories/{category}/Attributes |
Retrieves the list of attributes which are applicable to a specific category. Some categories are currently unsupported (including subcategories): 350 (Real Estate), 5000 (Jobs) and 36 (Businesses for sale). This API is deprecated in favour of the category details API.
GET v1/Categories/{category}/LegalNotice |
Retrieves the legal notice that the user is required to agree to before listing. Most categories do not require that the user agree to a legal notice - these categories will return an empty string. This API is deprecated in favour of the category details API.
GET v1/Categories/{category}/Durations |
Retrieves the default duration and the duration options that are available for listings in a specific category. Some categories are currently unsupported (including subcategories): 350 (Real Estate), 5000 (Jobs) and 36 (Businesses for sale). This API is deprecated in favour of the category details API.
GET v1/Categories/{category}/Fees |
Retrieves a list of fees for a specific category. Some categories are currently unsupported (including subcategories): 350 (Real Estate), 5000 (Jobs) and 36 (Businesses for sale). This API is deprecated in favour of the category details API.
GET v1/Categories/{category}/Details |
Retrieves detailed information about a single category. This includes applicable attributes, a legal notice (for categories that have one), available listing durations, listing fees and information about whether classifieds and/or auctions are allowed to be sold within the category. This API replaces and extends these APIs:
Note: this API does not require authentication, but without authentication the information returned from this API is less accurate. It is highly recommended that you authenticate when calling this API. |
GET v1/Categories/Details |
Retrieves detailed information about a single category. This includes applicable attributes, a legal notice (for categories that have one), available listing durations, listing fees and information about whether classifieds and/or auctions are allowed to be sold within the category. Note: this API does not require authentication, but without authentication the information returned from this API is less accurate. It is highly recommended that you authenticate when calling this API. |
GET v1/Localities |
Returns a three-tier locality hierarchy of regions, districts and their respective suburbs (including adjacent suburbs, if they have them). These values are used in Trade Me Property, Trade Me Jobs and Services. |
GET v1/Localities/Regions |
Returns a three-tier locality hierarchy of regions, districts and their respective suburbs (including adjacent suburbs, if they have them). These values are used in Trade Me Property, Trade Me Jobs and Services. This API is identical to the localities API. Use that one instead.
GET v1/Localities/Region/{regionId} |
Returns the districts and suburbs within the region with the given ID. These values are used in Trade Me Property, Trade Me Jobs and Services. |
GET v1/Localities/Region/{regionId}/{districtId} |
Returns the suburbs within a district. These values are used in Trade Me Property, Trade Me Jobs and Services. |
GET v1/Localities/Region/{regionId}/{districtId}/{suburbId} |
Returns a specific suburb. These values are used in Trade Me Property, Trade Me Jobs and Services. |
GET v1/TmAreas |
Returns a list of towns used in member registration. This information is displayed on member profile as the “suburb” and also on listings where the approximate location of goods is important, such as in Trade Me Motors. |
GET v1/TravelAreas |
Returns a list of districts and suburbs as used by TradeMe travel. |
GET v1/DvdValidation |
Returns a list of DVD catalogue ID numbers. You can use this list to validate the catalogue ID before listing a DVD. These ID numbers don't change very often so you should cache them and only periodically refresh them. |
GET v1/BluRayValidation |
Returns a the list of Blu-ray catalogue ID numbers. You can use this list to validate the catalogue ID before listing a Blu-ray. These ID numbers don't change very often so you should cache them and only periodically refresh them. |
GET v1/dvd/find |
Searches the Trade Me DVD catalogue for movie titles. |
GET v1/bluray/find |
Searches the Trade Me Blu-ray catalogue for movie titles. |
GET v1/ComplaintSubjects |
Retrieves a list of possible complaint subjects. This is used in conjunction with the send a complaint API. |
GET v1/CustomerSupportEnquirySubjects |
Retrieves a list of possible customer support enquiry subjects. This is used in conjunction with the submit a customer support enquiry API. |
GET v1/MotorbikeMakes |
Retrieves a list of all motorbike makes. Can be used when searching. This API is deprecated.
GET v1/SiteStats |
Retrieves statistics about the Trade Me website, including the number of active members and the number of active listings. |
GET v1/SearchOptions |
Retrieves a list of options for a search filter. The list of options may depend on the value of another filter. |
GET v1/SearchOptions/Localities/@{latitude},{longitude} |
Retrieves search options for a locality that matches the provided geo-location point. |
GET v1/TopSellerCriteria |
Returns Top Seller Criteria |
GET v1/InTradeReasons |
Returns a list of reasons for changing the in trade status. This is used in conjunction with the set in trade status API. |
GET v1/SearchPromotions |
Retrieves a list of curated promotions, where each promotion links to a search. |
GET v1/Charities |
Retrieves a collection of charities available to donate to when listing. |
Document Service Methods
These methods expose document upload, download, and list functionailty to Job applicants
GET v1/mytrademe/SavedDocuments |
Retrieves a list of your saved CVs, cover letters and/or other documents. The actual document data is not returned, only the metadata. |
GET v1/mytrademe/SavedDocuments/{savedDocumentId} |
Retrieves the metadata and content of a specific CV, cover letter or document. |
POST v1/mytrademe/SavedDocuments |
Uploads a new CV, cover letter or document. |
DELETE v1/mytrademe/SavedDocuments/{savedDocumentId} |
Deletes a CV, cover letter or document. |
Favourite Methods
These methods allow you to view and save and modify saved searches, categories and sellers for the currently authenticated user.
POST v1/Favourites/Seller |
Saves a seller to the currently authenticated user's list of favourite sellers. |
POST v1/Favourites/Search |
Saves a search to the currently authenticated user's list of favourite searches. Can also be used to save a favourite category or seller with the option of specifying basic filters (condition, Buy Now, Pay Now) and sort order. |
POST v1/Favourites/Category |
Saves a category to the currently authenticated user's list of favourite categories. |
GET v1/Favourites/Sellers |
Retrieves the list of favourite sellers for the currently authenticated user. |
GET v1/Favourites/Categories |
Retrieves the list of favourite categories for the currently authenticated user. |
GET v1/Favourites/Searches/{filter} |
Retrieves the list of favourite searches for the currently authenticated user. |
DELETE v1/Favourites/{favouriteId}/{type} |
Deletes a saved search, category or seller from the currently authenticated user's favourites. |
POST v1/Favourites/{favouriteId}/{type}/{frequency} |
Modifies the email frequency for a saved favourite. |
Fixed Price Offer Methods
These methods allow you to retrieve a list of members you can make a fixed price offer to, as well as make and withdraw a fixed price offer.
GET v1/FixedPriceOffers/List |
Retrieves a list of the outstanding fixed price offers that have been offered to the currently authenticated user. |
GET v1/FixedPriceOffers/Offered |
Retrieves a list of the active fixed price offers that have been made by the currently authenticated user. Only active offers are returned. A fixed price offer is active if it has not expired, has not been accepted and has not been rejected by all participants. |
POST v1/FixedPriceOffers/Respond |
Accepts or rejects a fixed price offer. |
POST v1/FixedPriceOffers/MakeOffer |
Makes a fixed price offer for an auction to the specified members. The auction must have finished closing and must have been in the closed state for less than 45 days. |
POST v1/FixedPriceOffers/WithdrawOffer |
Withdraws an offer that is current and not expired, accepted or rejected by all users. |
GET v1/FixedPriceOffers/{listingId}/Members/{filter} |
Returns a list of members you can make a fixed price offer to for a particular auction. |
Homes Methods
Homes Contract
GET v1/Property/Homes/Cards |
Get cards |
GET v1/Property/Homes/Nearby |
Get sold cards nearby |
GET v1/Property/Homes/NearbyListings |
Get for sale listings nearby |
Job Agent Methods
These methods expose job agent related endpoints
GET v1/Jobs/Members/{memberId}/Agent/Summary |
Retrieves a six month summary of a job agent's activity |
GET v1/Jobs/Members/{memberId}/Agent/Report/{filter} |
Retrieves a report of the job agent's listings |
Job Company Methods
Methods for retrieving and managing job companies
GET v1/Jobs/Companies |
Retrieves companies for the currently logged in member |
POST v1/Jobs/Companies |
Creates a company for the currently logged in member, or returns their existing company if they already have one |
Job Listing Methods
These endpoints expose capabilities to get job recommendations and other recommendations network data.
POST v1/Jobs/Listings/SalarySuggestions |
This method is to retrieve a salary suggestion for the given listing details |
Job Position Methods
These methods expose the ability to manage and retrieve job positions
GET v1/Jobs/Positions |
Retrieves paginated set of positions for a member or company |
GET v1/Jobs/Positions/{positionId} |
Retrieves a position |
POST v1/Jobs/Positions |
Creates a job Position |
POST v1/Jobs/Positions/{positionId}/Children |
Relists or lists a similar position as a child of the specified position |
POST v1/Jobs/Positions/{positionId} |
Updates an existing job position |
POST v1/Jobs/Positions/Track |
Tracking the listing process |
Jobs Catalogue Methods
Jobs catalogue lookup methods
GET v1/Jobs/Catalogue/SalaryValues |
Returns a list of valid salary options. |
GET v1/Jobs/Catalogue/HourlyRateValues |
Returns a list of valid hourly rates. |
GET v1/Jobs/Catalogue/PayTypes |
Returns a list of pay types |
GET v1/Jobs/Catalogue/EmploymentTypes |
Returns a list of Employment types |
GET v1/Jobs/Catalogue/EmploymentDurationTypes |
Returns a list of Employment duration types |
GET v1/Jobs/Catalogue/PositionPackages |
Returns a set of position package tiers |
GET v1/Jobs/Catalogue/PreferredApplicationModes |
Returns a list of preferred application modes |
Jobs Payment Methods
These methods expose jobs payment related endpoints
GET v1/Jobs/Payments/FeeApiJobsAccessInformationProviders |
Retrieves fee information for job products including Job Packs and Volume Plans Specifically information that does not relate to purchasing a specfic listing |
GET v1/Jobs/Payments/JobPacks/{jobPackId} |
Retrieves fee information about a specific Job Pack |
GET v1/Jobs/Payments/Invoices/JobPacks |
Retrieves a collection of Job Pack invoices associated with an authenticated member |
GET v1/Jobs/Payments/Invoices/JobPacks/{invoiceId} |
Retrieves a Job Pack invoice for a member |
Listing Enquiries Methods
Methods for enquiries made for a specific listing
GET v1/listings/{listingId}/enquiries |
Retrieve all enquiries made for a specific listing. |
Listing Methods
Provides services related to listings.
GET v1/Listings/{listingId} |
Retrieves the details of a single listing. |
GET v1/Listings/questions/unansweredquestions |
Retrieves a list of all the unanswered questions for all live auctions of the authenticated user. |
GET v1/Listings/{listingId}/questions/unansweredquestions |
Retrieves all of the unanswered questions for a single listing. |
POST v1/Listings/{listingId}/questions/{questionId}/answerquestion |
Post a response to a specific question on a listing. Only available to the seller of the listing. The member who asked the question will be notified. |
POST v1/Listings/{listingId}/addcomment |
Adds a question (or a comment) to a listing. The seller will be notified. |
POST v1/Listings/{listingId}/EmailSeller |
Sends a message to the seller of a classified via email. If possible, the listing will be added to the authenticated member's watchlist. |
POST v1/Listings/{listingId}/EmailPropertySeller |
Sends a message to the seller of a property classified via email. If possible, the listing will be added to the authenticated member's watchlist. |
POST v1/Listings/{listingId}/EmailFriend |
Sends a message to a friend via an email. |
GET v1/Listings/Hot |
Retrieves the hot items for the whole country or for a single region. |
GET v1/Listings/Latest |
Retrieves the latest listed items for the whole country or for a single region. |
GET v1/Listings/closing |
Retrieves the items closing soon for the whole country or for a single region. |
GET v1/Listings/oneDollar |
Retrieves the items with one dollar reserves for the whole country or for a single region. |
GET v1/Listings/Cool |
Retrieves the list of current cool listings. |
GET v1/Listings/{listingId}/related |
Retrieves items that are related to a listing. |
GET v1/Listings/{listingId}/reviews |
Retrieves reviews for a listing. Currently only applicable to services listings. |
POST v1/Listings/{listingId}/addreview |
Adds your review to a listing. Currently only applicable to services listings. You must be authenticated to post a review. You cannot post a review on your own listing. |
POST v1/Listings/{listingId}/editreview |
Edits one your reviews. Currently only applicable to services listings. |
GET v1/Listings/{listingId}/questions |
Retrieves the list of questions (and associated answers) for a listing. |
GET v1/Listings/Recommendations |
Retrieve a list of recommended listings, tailored to the current user. |
GET v1/Listings/{listingId}/Complementary |
Retrieves complementary items for a given listing. |
GET v1/Listings/{listingId}/Equivalent |
Retrieves listings that are considered equivalent to a given listing |
Membership Methods
Membership catalogue methods allow you to retrieve profile, feedback and listing data for a member.
GET v1/Member/{memberName} |
Retrieves the member ID for the member, given their nickname. |
GET v1/Member/{memberId}/Profile |
Retrieve the public profile for any member. |
GET v1/Member/{memberId}/Feedback/{filter} |
Retrieves feedback information for a member. |
GET v1/Member/{memberId}/Listings/{filter} |
Returns the current listings for a seller. Provides data similar to that on the ‘Seller’s other listings’ page on the Trade Me website. This API is deprecated. Use the general search API with the member_listing parameter instead.
GET v1/Member/{memberId}/FeedbackCount |
Returns feedback summary information for a member. |
GET v1/Member/{category}/Fees |
Retrieves a list of fees for a category for the currently authenticated user. These fees can differ from the standard rates if the member is a top seller or is privileged in some other way. This API is deprecated in favour of the category details API.
My Trade Me Methods
These methods expose data and functionality typically accessed from a user’s My Trade Me pages.
GET v1/MyTradeMe/Summary |
Retrieves full statistics and profile information for the authenticated user. |
GET v1/MyTradeMe/SoldItems/{filter} |
Retrieves a list of sales for the authenticated user. Multiple-quantity auctions can have multiple sales. Note that multiple items can be sold in a single sale (the QuantitySold field will contain the number of items sold). |
GET v1/MyTradeMe/UnsoldItems/{filter} |
Retrieves a list of the authenticated user's unsold listings. Multiple-quantity auctions count as unsold if there is a least one item remaining (i.e. Quantity > 0). Listings that are in the closing state are not included in the list. |
POST v1/MyTradeMe/CourierParcels |
Track a Courier Parcel |
POST v1/MyTradeMe/CourierParcels/{courierParcelId} |
Update an existing Courier Parcel by Id |
DELETE v1/MyTradeMe/CourierParcels/{courierParcelId} |
Delete an existing Courier Parcel by Id |
GET v1/MyTradeMe/SellingItems/{filter} |
Retrieves the authenticated user's active listings. Listings that are in the closing state are included in the list. |
GET v1/MyTradeMe/ProductMappings |
Retrieves a list of product codes and stock levels associated with the authenticated user's active listings. The results will return data from feeds and My Products. Feeds and My Products are no longer supported via the Trade Me API; please use the Tradevine API instead. The list returned by this API will now always be empty.
GET v1/MyTradeMe/MemberLedger/{filter} |
Gets the member ledger for the authenticated user. |
GET v1/MyTradeMe/PayNowLedger/{filter} |
Returns Pay Now ledger entries for the authenticated user. If the authenticated user isn't Pay Now enabled, returns an error message. |
GET v1/MyTradeMe/PayNowSettlement/{batchId} |
Returns Pay Now ledger entries for a settlement into the authenticated user's bank account. |
GET v1/MyTradeMe/Won/{filter} |
Retrieves a list of purchases for the authenticated user. Multiple-quantity auctions can be purchased multiple times. |
GET v1/MyTradeMe/Lost/{filter} |
Retrieves listings the authenticated user lost. A listing counts as "lost" if it is on the user's watchlist when it closes. |
GET v1/MyTradeMe/Watchlist/{filter} |
Retrieves a list of items on the authenticated user's watchlist. |
GET v1/MyTradeMe/SalesSummary |
Retrieve sales statistics for the authenticated user. This API is deprecated in favour of the GetWeeklySummary endpoint
GET v1/MyTradeMe/WeeklySummary |
Retrieve sales statistics for the authenticated user. |
GET v1/MyTradeMe/TopSellerSummary |
Retrieve information for the authenticated user on if they have, or are eligible for Top Seller status. |
POST v1/MyTradeMe/WatchList/{listingId} |
Adds a listing to the authenticated user's watchlist. Alternatively see the Add a listing to your watchlist with options endpoint for more options. |
POST v1/MyTradeMe/WatchList/Add |
Adds a listing to the authenticated user's watchlist with the option to control when and if an email is sent to the member warning that the auction is closing soon. |
DELETE v1/MyTradeMe/WatchList/{listingId} |
Removes a listing from the authenticated user's watchlist. Note: an auction that the user has bid on cannot be removed. |
GET v1/mytrademe/propertyagentreport/{filter} |
Retrieves the Property Agent report for the authenticated user. |
GET v1/MyTradeMe/FixedPriceOffers |
Retrieves a list of the outstanding fixed price offers that have been offered to the currently authenticated user. This API is identical to this one. |
POST v1/MyTradeMe/FixedPriceOffer |
Accepts or rejects a fixed price offer. This API is identical to this one. |
POST v1/MyTradeMe/Notes |
Creates or updates the note on a listing. |
GET v1/MyTradeMe/Notes/{listingId} |
Retrieves the note for a listing, if there is one. |
DELETE v1/MyTradeMe/Notes/{listingId}/{noteId}/{offerId} |
Removes the note from a listing. |
POST v1/MyTradeMe/Status/{listingId}/{offerId}/{stat} |
Saves a status to a listing in the authenticated user's Sold Items list. This API cannot handle multiple quantity listings. Use the save status API that takes a purchase ID instead.
POST v1/MyTradeMe/Status/{purchaseId}/{stat} |
Saves a status to a listing in the authenticated user's Sold Items list. |
DELETE v1/MyTradeMe/Status/{listingId}/{offerId} |
Deletes the status from a listing in the authenticated user's Sold Items list. This API cannot handle multiple quantity listings. Use the delete status API that takes a purchase ID instead.
DELETE v1/MyTradeMe/Status/{purchaseId} |
Deletes the status from a listing in the authenticated user's Sold Items list. |
GET v1/MyTradeMe/DeliveryAddresses |
Retrieves a list of delivery addresses for the authenticated user. |
DELETE v1/MyTradeMe/DeliveryAddresses/{deliveryId} |
Removes a delivery address from the authenticated user's profile. |
POST v1/MyTradeMe/DeliveryAddresses |
Adds a delivery address to the authenticated user's profile. The phone number, if present, is ignored. |
POST v1/MyTradeMe/DeliveryAddresses/Update |
Modifies a delivery addresses in the authenticated user's profile. The phone number, if present, is ignored. |
GET v1/Purchases/{purchaseId}/Feedback |
Retrieves feedback for a single purchase, both placed and received. |
POST v1/MyTradeMe/Feedback |
Places feedback on the buyer or seller of an auction. |
POST v1/MyTradeMe/Feedback/Update |
Modifies feedback the authenticated user has posted against a listing. |
DELETE v1/MyTradeMe/Feedback/{feedbackId} |
Removes feedback the authenticated user has posted against a listing. |
POST v1/MyTradeMe/Feedback/Reply |
Replies to feedback placed against a listing where the authenticated user was the seller. |
GET v1/MyTradeMe/Blacklist |
Retrieves a list of all the members on the authenticated user's blacklist. |
POST v1/MyTradeMe/Blacklist/Add |
Adds a member to the authenticated user's blacklist. |
DELETE v1/MyTradeMe/Blacklist/{memberId} |
Removes a member from the authenticated user's blacklist. |
GET v1/MyTradeMe/EmailOptions |
Retrieves the authenticated user's email preferences. |
POST v1/MyTradeMe/EmailOptions |
Sets the authenticated user's email preferences. |
POST v1/MyTradeMe/UpdateEmailAddress |
Update the user's email address. |
POST v1/MyTradeMe/PayNowRefund |
Refunds a Pay Now payment where the authenticated user is the seller. Note that this API currently only works if the auction closed less than 45 days ago. If you need a refund for an auction that is older than this, please contact cusomter support. |
DELETE v1/MyTradeMe/ClearCreditCard |
Clears the authenticated member's saved credit card information. |
DELETE v1/MyTradeMe/Won/{purchaseId} |
Hides a listing from the won items list. |
DELETE v1/MyTradeMe/Lost/{listingId} |
Hides a listing from the lost items list. |
DELETE v1/MyTradeMe/SoldItems/{purchaseId} |
Hides a listing from the sold items list. |
DELETE v1/MyTradeMe/UnsoldItems/{listingId} |
Hides a listing from the unsold items list. |
POST v1/MyTradeMe/CustomerSupportEnquiry |
Submits a new enquiry message to Trade Me customer support. |
GET v1/MyTradeMe/PaymentInstructions |
Retrieves your payment instructions template. The payment instructions template affects the behaviour of listings with the SendPaymentInstructions flag set. Specifically if a listing with that flag sells, the buyer will be sent a payment instructions email that contains the text of your payment instructions template and the buyer can view the payment instructions from the Trade Me website, mobile apps or third-party tools. |
POST v1/MyTradeMe/PaymentInstructions |
Updates your payment instructions template. If you don't have a payment instructions template, it will be created. The payment instructions template affects the behaviour of listings with the SendPaymentInstructions flag set. Specifically if a listing with that flag sells, the buyer will be sent a payment instructions email that contains the text of your payment instructions template and the buyer can view the payment instructions from the Trade Me website, mobile apps or third-party tools. Note that buyers see the payment instructions as they were at the time of the sale; if you update the template it will only affect new sales. |
DELETE v1/MyTradeMe/PaymentInstructions |
Removes your payment instructions template. |
POST v1/MyTradeMe/SendPaymentInstructions/{purchaseId} |
Sends payment instructions to the winner of an auction. This will send an email to the buyer and will make the payment instructions available on the Trade Me website, mobile apps and third-party tools. Payment instructions can only be sent once, and cannot be sent at all if the buyer has already paid via Pay Now. You can check if payment instructions have been sent using the InvoiceId field (in the sold items API) or the PaymentInstructions field (in the listing details API). You can check if the buyer has paid using Pay Now using the IsPayNowPurchase field (in the sold items API) or the HasPaidByCreditCard field (in the listing details API). |
POST v1/MyTradeMe/InTrade |
Set whether the member is a professional trader. If they are a professional trader then their listings are protected by the Consumer Guarantees Act. See also get in trade reasons API. |
POST v1/MyTradeMe/RequestOffer |
Sends an email to the seller of a listing asking that they make a fixed price offer. |
POST v1/MyTradeMe/RequestRelist |
Sends an email to the seller of a listing asking that they relist the item. |
POST v1/MyTradeMe/RequestAddressVerification |
Request address verification letter to be physically mailed to the membership |
POST v1/MyTradeMe/ApplyAddressVerificationCode |
Confirm address verification by applying the code that has been physically mailed to the member |
Photo Methods
These methods allows photos to be listed, added and removed for the authenticated user.
POST v1/Photos/Add |
Adds the photo to the authenticated user's list of photos. These photos can be used when selling. Our photo retention policy is as follows:
It is recommended that a new photo be uploaded whenever you create a new listing. If you are relisting then uploading a new photo is not required, since you cannot relist a listing that closed more than 45 days ago. |
DELETE v1/Photos/{photoId}/Remove |
Removes a photo from the authenticated user's list of photos. |
GET v1/Photos |
Returns a list of all currently available photos uploaded by authenticated user. |
GET v1/Photos/Details |
Returns a list of all currently available photos uploaded by authenticated user. Includes information about which auctions are currently using each photo. |
POST v1/Photos/{photoId}/Add/{listingId} |
Adds a photo to an auction. The currently authenticated user must be the seller. This API can currently only add a single photo to an auction without any photos. It is recommended that photos are instead specified when creating a listing or when using the edit listing API (both APIs can handle multiple photos). |
POST v1/Photos/agentbranding |
Adds the agent branding image to the authenticated user's list of agent branding images. These images can be used to enhance an agent contact details. This API method is currently available only for property agents. These images are retained indefinitely. |
POST v1/Photos/memberprofile |
Uploads and sets the member's profile image. These images are retained indefinitely. |
DELETE v1/Photos/memberprofile |
Removes the member's profile image These images are retained indefinitely. |
GET v1/Photos/{photoId} |
Get a collection of the different URLs for a given photo ID |
GET v1/Photos/{photoId}/Metadata |
Analyse the photo to check whether the photo is a logo or a photo. |
POST v1/Photos/ImageSearch |
Converts a photo into a search that can be executed to find listings that are similar to the given photo. |
Ping Methods
These methods expose data and functionality for a user’s Ping account.
GET v1/Ping/Transactions |
Gets the ping balance ledger for the logged in member |
POST v1/Ping/Transactions/Refunds |
Performs full or partial refunds against a Ping purchase. Can be called multiple times for partial amounts. |
Property Agency Methods
Property agency methods for working with offices.
GET v1/Property/Office/{officeMemberId}/LiveListingStatistics |
Retrieve a list of a property listings for office user, with some basic statistics for This endpoint is available for all Trademe partner API accounts however is rate limited to 100 calls per hour per consumer |
GET v1/Property/Office/ListingStatistics |
Returns listing statistics for all current listings listed by the office, including a break up by day and suburb. |
GET v1/Property/Office/{officeMemberId}/HomesListingStatistics/{listingId} |
Retrieves the counts for listing statistics from homes |
Property Agent Methods
Property agents contract
GET v1/Property/Agents/{memberId}/LiveListingStatistics |
Retrieve a list of a property agent's live listings, with some basic statistics for the agent's listings and their office's listings. This endpoint is available for all Trademe partner API accounts however is rate limited to 100 calls per hour per consumer |
Property Map Methods
Property Map Methods
POST v1/Property/Map/Dots |
Get map dots for a given search request |
Property Sold Search Methods
Property Sold Search Methods
POST v1/Property/Sold/Search |
Get search card based on address, points, or polyline |
Property Timeline Methods
Property Timeline Methods
GET v1/Property/Timeline/{homesPropertyId} |
Get property timeline by homes property id |
Renti Methods
Contains methods that relate to Renti
POST v1/Property/Renti/MemberStatus |
Update renti status of the member. Member will be inferred from context. |
GET v1/Property/Renti/MemberStatus |
Retrieve renti status of the logged in member. Member will be inferred from context. |
GET v1/Property/Renti/ViewingTimes/{listingId} |
Retrieve renti viewing times for a listing. |
POST v1/Property/Renti/Viewing/{listingId} |
Send Renti viewing request for a listing. |
POST v1/Property/Renti/Enquiry/{listingId} |
Send Renti enquiry request for a listing. |
Search Methods
These methods allow you to search for items on Trade Me.
GET v1/Search/General |
Allows you to search for listings on Trade Me by category, by keywords or a combination of these two. The result set can be filtered by a variety of properties, including availability of Buy Now, Pay Now, item condition or seller. Parameters listed below apply to all categories. Additional parameters are available for certain categories (for example, category 3405, digital cameras). Use the return_metadata parameter in combination with the category parameter to retrieve information about the available parameters. This API is not recommended to search for Residential property as some categories will be excluded unless specified. To search for Residential property use the Residential Search API. |
GET v1/Search/Motors/Used |
Performs a filtered keyword search in the Used cars section of Trade Me Motors. |
GET v1/Search/Motors/Boats |
Performs a filtered keyword search in the boats section of Trade Me Motors. Use the optional parameters to narrow down the items returned in the response. |
GET v1/Search/Motors/Bikes |
Performs a filtered keyword search in the Motorbikes section of Trade Me Motors. |
GET v1/Search/Property/Residential |
Performs a search in the residential property section of Trade Me Property. |
GET v1/Search/Property/NewHomes |
Performs a search in New Homes of Trade Me Property |
GET v1/Search/Property/Rental |
Performs a search in the rental property section of Trade Me Property. |
GET v1/Search/Property/CommercialSale |
Performs a search in the commercial property section of Trade Me Property. |
GET v1/Search/Property/CommercialLease |
Performs a search in the leased commercial property section of Trade Me Property. |
GET v1/Search/Property/Rural |
Performs a search in the rural property section of Trade Me Property. |
GET v1/Search/Property/Lifestyle |
Performs a search in the lifestyle property section of Trade Me Property. |
GET v1/Search/Property/Retirement |
Performs a search in the retirement village section of Trade Me Property. |
GET v1/Search/Flatmates |
Performs a search within the Flatmates Wanted category. |
GET v1/Search/Property/OpenHomes |
Performs a search in the open home section of Trade Me Property. |
GET v1/Search/Jobs |
Performs a search in Trade Me Jobs. |
GET v1/Search/Stores |
Performs a search within the list of registered stores. |
GET v1/Search/Suggestions |
Returns up to three collections of search suggestions all based on the passed in search term: Autosuggestions - suggestions based on similar search terms popular with the Trade Me community Recent searches - suggestions based on previous searches the logged in member has performed Category suggestions - suggestions based on categories similar to the passed in search term. |
POST v1/Search/Suggestions |
Modifies the user's search suggestion settings. |
DELETE v1/Search/RecentSearches |
Clear any or all recent searches recorded against the user's profile. |
GET v1/Search/RecentSearches |
Retrieve the recent searches for the logged in member. |
DELETE v1/Search/RecentSearches/{searchId} |
Delete a single recent search. |
GET v1/Search/PriceHistogram |
Retrieve price grouping data representing the price distribution of listings retrieved from a given search query. Intended to be rendered as a histogram. |
GET v1/Search/Property/Residential/Recommendations/SRP |
Performs a search in the residential section of Trade Me Property for listings in nearby suburbs with an active SRP Recommendations listing extra |
GET v1/Search/Property/Residential/Recommendations/HP |
Performs a search in the residential section of Trade Me Property for listings in nearby suburbs with an active HP Recommendations listing extra |
Selling Methods
These methods allow you to list an item on the site. When selling you can choose to either list and not view the fees that you will be charged, or get a response back to confirm the total fees for the particular listing you are creating.
POST v1/Selling |
Starts a new auction or classified. You should call the category details API to determine approximate fees, attribute metadata, the legal notice, listing durations and more. The fees API can be used to determine exact fees. The member profile API also contains some relevant information. Listing services (category 9334) is currently not supported via the API. Listing properties (category 350) and businesses for sale (category 36) is supported, but only for members who are registered property or rental agents. |
POST v1/Selling/Validate |
Determines if a listing request is valid. Even if the request is valid, a new listing is not created. |
POST v1/Selling/Fees |
Returns a breakdown of the fees that will be charged for a listing, without actually creating the listing. |
POST v1/Selling/EditFees |
Returns a breakdown of the fees that will be charged for editing a listing, without actually editing anything. |
POST v1/Selling/RelistFees |
Returns a breakdown of the fees that will be charged for relisting a listing, without actually relisting anything. |
POST v1/Selling/RelistWithEditsFees |
Returns a breakdown of the fees that will be relisting a listing with edits, without actually relisting anything. |
POST v1/Selling/WithdrawFees |
Returns the fees that will be charged for withdrawing a listing. An error is reported if the listing cannot be withdrawn. |
POST v1/Selling/SuccessFees |
Returns an estimate of the success fees that will be charged for a listing if it were sold at the given sale price |
POST v1/Selling/Edit |
Edit an auction or classified that you have created. The listing must be active. We recommend you call Retrieve the details of a single listing to populate the details of your edit listing request with any default values you are not changing. Any omitted values are treated as having been edited to a default value. You will need to resubmit the complete sell form as used when you created the listing but with the fields you wish to edit modified. Request format will error if fields are locked and cannot be edited. Editing services (category 9334) is currently not supported via the API. Editing properties (category 350) and businesses for sale (category 36) is supported, but only for members who are registered property or rental agents. Not all types of edits are currently supported. For example, attempting to move a motors listing into a general category is not supported and will fail. |
POST v1/Selling/Withdraw |
Withdraw a listing from Trade Me for either being sold or unsold. |
POST v1/Selling/Extend |
Extends the duration of an active classified listing. The resulting expiry date of the listing will be the current date and time plus the category-specific extension period. Extension periods are currently either 14 or 21 days. This API is currently supported for classifieds in the following categories: Trade Me Property, Trade Me Motors and Businesses for Sale. |
POST v1/Selling/Relist |
Relist an item that has expired. Relists an item without modifying editable fields. Relist copies all data from original listing and applies them to the new listing. The only exceptions are where there are default durations that are applied on relisted items. Some categories are currently unsupported (including subcategories): 98 (Livestock), 1349 (Horses). |
POST v1/Selling/RelistWithEdits |
Relist an item that has expired, with altered listing details. Mostly equivalent to relisting and then editing the resulting listing, but are some differences:
This API has the same limits in terms of what you can change as the edit API. |
POST v1/Selling/Similar |
Sell similar from an existing or expired auction or classified. Creates a new listing without modifying editable fields. Sell similar copies all data from original listing and applies them to the new listing. The only exceptions are where there are default durations that are applied on sell similar items. Some categories are currently unsupported (including subcategories): 98 (Livestock), 1349 (Horses). |
POST v1/Selling/RemoveLeadingBid |
Removes the leading bid from an auction. To remove a bid, you must be the seller of the auction. |
GET v1/Selling/Listings/{listingId} |
Retrieves the details of a single listing, in a format suitable for editing. This API only works if you are the seller of the listing. |
POST v1/Selling/ListingTemporalExtraPromotion |
Promote a listing with a Temporal (time based) Extra |
POST v1/Selling/Drafts |
Create a draft listing for use in the sell process |
POST v1/Selling/Drafts/{draftId} |
Update an existing saved draft listing |
DELETE v1/Selling/Drafts/{draftId} |
Delete an existing saved draft listing |
GET v1/Selling/Drafts |
Get all saved draft listings for member |
GET v1/Selling/Drafts/{draftId} |
Get a single saved draft listing for member |
GET v1/Selling/Preferences |
Retrieves the selling preferences of the authenticated member |
POST v1/Selling/Preferences |
Updates the selling preferences of the authenticated member |
SEO methods for dynamic pages directory
Dynamic pages directory
GET v1/seo/jobs/dynamicpagesdirectory |
Retrieves jobs dynamic pages directory. |
SEO methods for internal linking
These methods allow you to Get SEO internal links on Trade Me.
GET v1/seo/property/search |
Gets the list of SEO links for the Property search |
GET v1/seo/motors/search |
Gets the list of SEO links for the Motors search |
GET v1/seo/property/landingpage |
Retrieves internal links for the Property homepage. |
GET v1/seo/motors/landingpage |
Retrieves internal links for the Motors homepage. |
SEO methods for landing page content
These methods allow you to Get SEO internal links on Trade Me.
GET v1/seo/jobs/landingpageinfo |
Retrieves internal links and seo content for the Jobs homepage. |
GET v1/seo/property/landingpageinfo |
Retrieves internal links and seo content for the homepages of the property vertical. |
GET v1/seo/motors/landingpageinfo |
Retrieves internal links and seo content for the homepages of the motors vertical. |
GET v1/seo/marketplace/landingpageinfo |
Retrieves seo content for the homepage of the marketplace vertical. |
SEO methods for menu links
Menu links to be displayed in the "Browse jobs" navigation menu in Trade me jobs from the database.
GET v1/seo/jobs/menuinfo |
Retrieves menu links for job homepage. |
Shipping Methods
These methods allow you to manage structured Shipping Templates.
GET v1/Shipping/Regions |
Retrieves a list of valid shipping regions to be used when creating a Shipping Template. |
POST v1/Shipping/Templates |
Adds a Shipping Template and related options. |
GET v1/Shipping/Carriers |
Retrieves a list of valid Carriers to be used when creating a Shipping Template. |
GET v1/Shipping/Carriers/{carrierId}/Products |
Retrieves a list of Carrier Products from the provided Carrier id. |
GET v1/Shipping/Templates |
Retrieves a summary of all shipping templates for the user. This summary is shallow and excludes nested objects i.e.: ShippingOptions are not included. Use String) to retrieve a fully expanded ShippingTemplate. |
GET v1/Shipping/Templates/{shippingTemplateId} |
Retrieves the details of a single shipping template. |
PUT v1/Shipping/Templates/{shippingTemplateId} |
Updates the shipping template with the given ID. |
Suburb Search Methods
Class that store the functions related to finding Suburb details under /Property/Sold
GET v1/Property/Sold/Suburb/{cityName}/{suburbName} |
Get suburb details based on cityName, and suburbName. Accepted combinations should be city name, followed with the suburb name. All space should be replaced with dash. E.g "new-plymouth/highlands-park" |