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Set your email preferences

Sets the authenticated user's email preferences.

Requires Authentication? Yes
Permission Required: MyTradeMeWrite: Maintain your watchlist, answer questions and post comments.
Supported Formats: XML, JSON
Rate Limited? Yes

URL parameters

file_format Enumeration (required) The format of the response.
xml Serialize responses into XML.
json Serialize responses into JSON.



IsAppliedToExisting Boolean (optional)

Indicates whether watchlist options are applied to existing items.

WatchlistReminder Enumeration (optional)

The user's preference of when they should get watchlist emails.

None 0

No emails for watchlist items.

OneHourBefore 1

One hour before the listing closes.

TwelveHoursBefore 2

Twelve hours before the listing closes.

TwentyFourHoursBefore 4

Twenty hours before the listing closes.

Newsletter Enumeration (optional)

The user's preference of which newsletters they want to receive.

None 0

No newsletters.

Monthly 1

Monthly general newsletter.

Motors 2

Motors newsletter.

Property 4

Property newsletter.

Jobs 8

Jobs newsletter.

DailyDeals 16

Daily Deals newsletter. DEPRECATED.

EmailFormat Enumeration (optional)

The format that emails are sent in.

Html 1

Html, with pictures etc.

Plain 2

Just text.

EmailMemberWhen Enumeration (optional)

The user's preference indicating which events should trigger an email.

None 0

No emails wanted.

FpoDeclined 1

Fixed price offer declined by trader.

FpoExpired 2

Fixed price offer expired.

NewFeedback 4

New feedback posted about member.

DailyListingSummary 8

Summary of listing listed.

ListingUnsold 16

Listing closed below reserve.

ListingSold 32

Listing sold.

Outbid 64

Member outbid.

BuyNowAdded 128

BuyNow added to item on watchlist.

ClassifiedExpired 256

Classified listed by member has expired.

ServiceReviewed 512

Service reviewed by another member.

FixedPriceOffer Enumeration (optional)

The user's preference of when they should get fixed price offer notifications.

None 0

Don't send notifications.

Bid 1

When a bid is placed.

Watchlist 2

If an item added to watchlist.

BidAndWatchlist 3

If an item has a bid or added to watchlist.

Relist Enumeration (optional)

The user's preference of when they should get relist notifications.

None 0

Don't send notifications.

Bid 1

When a bid is placed.

Watchlist 2

If an item added to watchlist.

BidAndWatchlist 3

If an item has a bid or added to watchlist.

Agent Enumeration (optional)

The user's preference for when agent emails should be sent.

None 0

Agent reports are not sent.

Current 1

Send agent reports for all current listings.

SevenDays 2

Send agent reports for listings closed in the last seven days.

FortyfiveDays 4

Send agent reports for listings closed in the last 45 days.

AgentReportFormat Enumeration (optional)

The format that agent emails are in.

None 0

Not given.

Csv 1

Agent reports should use the CSV format.

Pdf 2

Agent reports should use the PDF format.

Promotional Enumeration (optional)

The user's preference of which occasional promotional emails they want to receive about the Trade Me family of sites.

None 0

No promotional emails.

TradeMeProperty 2

Promos, contest, etc. from Trade Me Property. DEPRECATED.

TradeMeJobs 4

Promos, contest, etc. from Trade Me Jobs. DEPRECATED.

TradeMeMotors 8

Promos, contest, etc. from Trade Me Motors. DEPRECATED.

FindSomeone 16

Promos, contests, etc. from Findsomeone.

Travelbug 32

Promos, contests, etc. from TravelBug.

HolidayHouses 64

Promos, contests, etc. from Holiday Houses.

LifeDirect 128

Promos, contests, etc. from LifeDirect.

Harmoney 256

Promos, contests, etc. from Harmoney.

TradeMeInsurance 512

Promos, contests, etc. from Trade Me Insurance.

Sharesies 1024

Promos, contests, etc. from Sharesies.

Marketing Enumeration (optional)

The user's preference of which occasional marketing emails they want to receive regarding specials, promotions, and tips on site usage.

None 0

No promotional emails.

Tips 1

Trade Me Tips email. DEPRECATED.

Promos 2

Trade Me Promos email. DEPRECATED.

SellerSpecials 4

Trade Me Seller Specials email. DEPRECATED.

Specials 8

Trade Me Specials email. DEPRECATED.

TradeMeUpdates Enumeration (optional)

The user's preference of which Trade Me update emails they want to receive.

None 0

No Trade Me emails.

CompsAndPromos 1

Competitions & promotions.

DealsAndOffers 2

Deals & offers.

PersonalisedRecommendations 4

Personalised recommendations.

Surveys 8


TipsAndUpdates 16

Tips & updates.

Services 32

Services from TradeMe.

TradeMePropertyUpdates Enumeration (optional)

The user's preference of which Trade Me Property update emails they want to receive.

None 0

No Trade Me Property emails.

CompsAndPromos 1

Competitions & promotions.

DealsAndOffers 2

Deals & offers.

PersonalisedRecommendations 4

Personalised recommendations.

Surveys 8


TipsAndUpdates 16

Tips & updates.

TradeMeJobsUpdates Enumeration (optional)

The user's preference of which Trade Me Jobs update emails they want to receive.

None 0

No Trade Me Jobs emails.

CompsAndPromos 1

Competitions & promotions.

DealsAndOffers 2

Deals & offers.

PersonalisedRecommendations 4

Personalised recommendations.

Surveys 8


TipsAndUpdates 16

Tips & updates.

TradeMeMotorsUpdates Enumeration (optional)

The user's preference of which Trade Me Motors updates emails they want to receive.

None 0

No Trade Me Motors emails.

CompsAndPromos 1

Competitions & promotions.

DealsAndOffers 2

Deals & offers.

PersonalisedRecommendations 4

Personalised recommendations.

Surveys 8


TipsAndUpdates 16

Tips & updates.



The authenticated user's email preferences, after the changes were applied.

WatchlistReminder Enumeration

The user's preference of when they should get watchlist emails.

None 0

No emails for watchlist items.

OneHourBefore 1

One hour before the listing closes.

TwelveHoursBefore 2

Twelve hours before the listing closes.

TwentyFourHoursBefore 4

Twenty hours before the listing closes.

Newsletter Enumeration

The user's preference of which newsletters they want to receive.

None 0

No newsletters.

Monthly 1

Monthly general newsletter.

Motors 2

Motors newsletter.

Property 4

Property newsletter.

Jobs 8

Jobs newsletter.

DailyDeals 16

Daily Deals newsletter. DEPRECATED.

EmailFormat Enumeration

The format that emails are sent in.

Html 1

Html, with pictures etc.

Plain 2

Just text.

EmailMemberWhen Enumeration

The user's preference indicating which events should trigger an email.

None 0

No emails wanted.

FpoDeclined 1

Fixed price offer declined by trader.

FpoExpired 2

Fixed price offer expired.

NewFeedback 4

New feedback posted about member.

DailyListingSummary 8

Summary of listing listed.

ListingUnsold 16

Listing closed below reserve.

ListingSold 32

Listing sold.

Outbid 64

Member outbid.

BuyNowAdded 128

BuyNow added to item on watchlist.

ClassifiedExpired 256

Classified listed by member has expired.

ServiceReviewed 512

Service reviewed by another member.

FixedPriceOffer Enumeration

The user's preference of when they should get fixed price offer notifications.

None 0

Don't send notifications.

Bid 1

When a bid is placed.

Watchlist 2

If an item added to watchlist.

BidAndWatchlist 3

If an item has a bid or added to watchlist.

Relist Enumeration

The user's preference of when they should get relist notifications.

None 0

Don't send notifications.

Bid 1

When a bid is placed.

Watchlist 2

If an item added to watchlist.

BidAndWatchlist 3

If an item has a bid or added to watchlist.

Agent Enumeration

The user's preference for when agent emails should be sent.

None 0

Agent reports are not sent.

Current 1

Send agent reports for all current listings.

SevenDays 2

Send agent reports for listings closed in the last seven days.

FortyfiveDays 4

Send agent reports for listings closed in the last 45 days.

AgentReportFormat Enumeration

The format that agent emails are in.

None 0

Not given.

Csv 1

Agent reports should use the CSV format.

Pdf 2

Agent reports should use the PDF format.

Promotional Enumeration or null

The user's preference of which occasional promotional emails they want to receive about the Trade Me family of sites.

None 0

No promotional emails.

TradeMeProperty 2

Promos, contest, etc. from Trade Me Property. DEPRECATED.

TradeMeJobs 4

Promos, contest, etc. from Trade Me Jobs. DEPRECATED.

TradeMeMotors 8

Promos, contest, etc. from Trade Me Motors. DEPRECATED.

FindSomeone 16

Promos, contests, etc. from Findsomeone.

Travelbug 32

Promos, contests, etc. from TravelBug.

HolidayHouses 64

Promos, contests, etc. from Holiday Houses.

LifeDirect 128

Promos, contests, etc. from LifeDirect.

Harmoney 256

Promos, contests, etc. from Harmoney.

TradeMeInsurance 512

Promos, contests, etc. from Trade Me Insurance.

Sharesies 1024

Promos, contests, etc. from Sharesies.

Marketing Enumeration or null

The user's preference of which occasional marketing emails they want to receive regarding specials, promotions, and tips on site usage.

None 0

No promotional emails.

Tips 1

Trade Me Tips email. DEPRECATED.

Promos 2

Trade Me Promos email. DEPRECATED.

SellerSpecials 4

Trade Me Seller Specials email. DEPRECATED.

Specials 8

Trade Me Specials email. DEPRECATED.

TradeMeUpdates Enumeration or null

The user's preference of which Trade Me update emails they want to receive.

None 0

No Trade Me emails.

CompsAndPromos 1

Competitions & promotions.

DealsAndOffers 2

Deals & offers.

PersonalisedRecommendations 4

Personalised recommendations.

Surveys 8


TipsAndUpdates 16

Tips & updates.

Services 32

Services from TradeMe.

TradeMePropertyUpdates Enumeration or null

The user's preference of which Trade Me Property update emails they want to receive.

None 0

No Trade Me Property emails.

CompsAndPromos 1

Competitions & promotions.

DealsAndOffers 2

Deals & offers.

PersonalisedRecommendations 4

Personalised recommendations.

Surveys 8


TipsAndUpdates 16

Tips & updates.

TradeMeJobsUpdates Enumeration or null

The user's preference of which Trade Me Jobs update emails they want to receive.

None 0

No Trade Me Jobs emails.

CompsAndPromos 1

Competitions & promotions.

DealsAndOffers 2

Deals & offers.

PersonalisedRecommendations 4

Personalised recommendations.

Surveys 8


TipsAndUpdates 16

Tips & updates.

TradeMeMotorsUpdates Enumeration or null

The user's preference of which Trade Me Motors updates emails they want to receive.

None 0

No Trade Me Motors emails.

CompsAndPromos 1

Competitions & promotions.

DealsAndOffers 2

Deals & offers.

PersonalisedRecommendations 4

Personalised recommendations.

Surveys 8


TipsAndUpdates 16

Tips & updates.

Example XML Request (switch to JSON)

<EmailOptions xmlns="">

Example JSON Request (switch to XML)

  "IsAppliedToExisting": false,
  "WatchlistReminder": 0,
  "Newsletter": 0,
  "EmailFormat": 1,
  "EmailMemberWhen": 0,
  "FixedPriceOffer": 0,
  "Relist": 0,
  "Agent": 0,
  "AgentReportFormat": 0,
  "Promotional": 0,
  "Marketing": 0,
  "TradeMeUpdates": 0,
  "TradeMePropertyUpdates": 0,
  "TradeMeJobsUpdates": 0,
  "TradeMeMotorsUpdates": 0

Example XML Response (switch to JSON)

<EmailOptions xmlns="">

Example JSON Response (switch to XML)

  "WatchlistReminder": 0,
  "Newsletter": 0,
  "EmailFormat": 1,
  "EmailMemberWhen": 0,
  "FixedPriceOffer": 0,
  "Relist": 0,
  "Agent": 0,
  "AgentReportFormat": 0,
  "Promotional": 0,
  "Marketing": 0,
  "TradeMeUpdates": 0,
  "TradeMePropertyUpdates": 0,
  "TradeMeJobsUpdates": 0,
  "TradeMeMotorsUpdates": 0