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Used motors search

Performs a filtered keyword search in the Used cars section of Trade Me Motors.

HTTP Method: GET
Requires Authentication? Yes
Permission Required: None
Supported Formats: XML, JSON
Rate Limited? Yes

URL parameters

file_format Enumeration (required) The format of the response.
xml Serialize responses into XML.
json Serialize responses into JSON.

Query String parameters

body_style String (optional)

Car body style.

condition Enumeration (optional)

Filter listings by condition.


Any condition.


The item is new.


The item is used.

date_from DateTime (optional)

Excludes listings starting before this date.

doors_max String (optional)

The minimum number of car doors (integer).

doors_min String (optional)

The minimum number of car doors (integer).

engine_size_max Integer (optional)

Maximum engine size in cubic centimetres (e.g. 1000 for 1 litre engine).

engine_size_min Integer (optional)

Minimum engine size in cubic centimetres (e.g. 2000 for 2 litre engine).

listed_as Enumeration (optional)

Restricts search to either auctions or classifieds


All listing types.


Only auctions.


Only classifieds.

listing_type Enumeration (optional)

Whether or not dealer and/or private sellers should be excluded.


All listings.


Only private sales.


Only dealer sales.

make String (optional)

The make (the list of applicable values for this parameter is the list of subcategories from the “Used cars” section of Trade Me Motors).

member_listing Integer (optional)

Filters the listings to only those with the given seller.

model String (optional)

The model name or number.

odometer_max Integer (optional)

Maximum odometer value, in kilometres.

odometer_min Integer (optional)

Minimum odometer value, in kilometres.

page Integer (optional)

The page number of the set of results to return, starting from 1. Defaults to 1.

photo_size Enumeration (optional)

The size of the images to return in the results. Defaults to Thumbnail.


The thumbnail sized photo (always 85x64, with white borders).


The list view sized photo (scaled down to fit 160x120).


The medium sized photo (scaled down to fit 175x175).


The gallery sized photo (scaled down to fit 233x176).


The large sized photo (scaled down to fit 352x264).


The full sized photo (scaled down to fit 670x502).


The SearchCard photo (scaled down to fit 670x502).

price_max Number (optional)

Maximum price, in NZD.

price_min Number (optional)

Minimum price, in NZD.

rows Integer (optional)

The number of results per page; also the maximum number of results to return. The maximum is 25 for unauthenticated requests and 500 for authenticated requests. Defaults to 25 (unauthenticated) or 50 (authenticated).

search_string String (optional)

One or more keywords to use in a search query.

seats_max Integer (optional)

The maximum number of car seats (integer).

seats_min Integer (optional)

The minimum number of car seats (integer).

shipping_method String (optional)

Filters listings to those that have free shipping or those that allow pick ups.

sort_order Enumeration (optional)

Sorts the returned results using the specified sort order.


The default sort order. The exact sort order depends on the type of search (for example, simple category searches show featured listings first, but keyword searches show the best matches first).


Featured listings are shown at the top of the list. The secondary sort order depends on the search (can be either expiry date or best match). In some categories listings with Gallery are given priority over those without, but will still follow Featured listings.


Used to order by feature first for supergrid layout.


Sort by title (alphabetically).


Sort by expiry date (expiring soon).


Sort by expiry date (newest listings).


Sort by price (lowest to highest).


Sort by price (highest to lowest).


Sort by number of bids (highest to lowest).


Sort by Buy Now price (lowest to highest).


Sort by Buy Now price (highest to lowest).


Sort by number of reviews (highest to lowest). Applies to services listings only.


Motors only sort by expiry date (expiring soon).


Motors only sort by expiry date (newest listings).


Motors only sort by title (alphabetically).


Sort by salary (highest to lowest). Only applicable to jobs.


Sort by salary (lowest to highest). Only applicable to jobs.


Sort by number of kilometres (lowest to highest). Only applicable to motors. For boats, this sort order uses the number of engine hours instead of kilometres.


Sort by number of kilometres (highest to lowest). Only applicable to motors. For boats, this sort order uses the number of engine hours instead of kilometres.


Sort by year of manufacture (newest to oldest). Only applicable to motors.


Sort by year of manufacture (oldest to newest). Only applicable to motors.


Sort by best match. Only applicable to jobs.


Sort by rerank. Only applicable to jobs.


Sort by rerank with feature pagination. Only applicable to jobs.


Sort by largest discount (highest to lowest).


Sort by premium package - Gold/Platinum first, then Silver, then Starter or FeatureCombo'd, then Base listing. Secondary ordering by refresh date.


Sort by featured first, with premium listings taking priority on featured


Sort by earliest open home (not ones in the past) on the nested field `OpenHomesStartDate` and then by `HasTopTier`, `IsFeature`, `RefreshDate` descending.

transmission String (optional)

The type of transmission.

user_region Integer (optional)

Restricts search results to items from sellers located in the specified region. Note that there are multiple region lists, this parameter accepts a motors region ID.

year_max Integer (optional)

Maximum year of manufacture.

year_min Integer (optional)

Minimum year of manufacture.



TotalCount Integer

The total number of results in the collection. Can be larger than the number of returned results.

TotalCountTruncated Boolean

True if the total count of results exceeded the allowed maximum and was truncated.

Page Integer

The index of the current page of results (starts at 1).

PageSize Integer

The number of results in the current page.

List Collection of <Car> or null

A list of the results in the current page.

ListingId Long Integer

The ID of the listing.

Title String or null

The listing title.

Category String or null

The listing category.

StartPrice Number

The start price.

BuyNowPrice Number

The Buy Now price.

StartDate DateTime

The date the listing was created.

EndDate DateTime

The date the listing will end.

IsFeatured Boolean

Is this a featured listing?

HasGallery Boolean

Is this a gallery listing?

IsBold Boolean

Is this a bold listing?

IsHighlighted Boolean

Is this a highlighted listing?

HasHomePageFeature Boolean

Is this a homepage feature listing?

MaxBidAmount Number

The current leading bid amount.

AsAt DateTime

The date and time the response was generated on the server.

CategoryPath String or null

The category path.

PictureHref String or null

The URL of the primary photo for the listing (if the listing has a photo). By default you'll get a thumbnail-sized photo, but you can control the size of the photo using the photo_size parameter.

HasPayNow Boolean

Indicates whether the item has Pay Now.

IsNew Boolean

Indicates whether the item is marked as new.

RegionId Integer

The ID of the region where this item is located. In the general search, listing details and watchlist APIs this is the ID of the seller's region (using the two-tier region/suburb system), which means it might be inconsistent with the region name. In the property search API this is the ID of the property region, using the three-tier region/district/suburb system.

This field cannot cope with the two main geographical classification systems. Except for the property search API, it should not be used.

Region String or null

The name of the region where this item is located.

SuburbId Integer

The ID of the suburb where this item is located. Only populated by the property search API, which means it uses the three-tier region/district/suburb system.

Suburb String or null

The name of the suburb where this item is located.

PickupLocality <PickupLocality> or null

The pick-up location details if pick-up is allowed and has been specified.

Suburb String or null

The pickup suburb.

District String or null

The pickup district.

Region String or null

The pickup region.

BidCount Integer

The number of bids on the item.

IsReserveMet Boolean

Indicates whether the item's reserve has been met.

HasReserve Boolean

Indicates whether the item has a reserve.

HasBuyNow Boolean

Indicates whether the item has Buy Now.

NoteDate DateTime

The date of the note on an item.

ReserveState Enumeration

The flag to display on an item.

None 0

There is no reserve on the item (i.e. the reserve price is the same as the starting price).

Met 1

The value of the highest bid has exceeded the reserve price.

NotMet 2

The value of the highest bid has not reached the reserve price.

NotApplicable 3

The listing cannot have a reserve because bidding is not allowed. This may be because it is a classified or because it is a Buy Now Only auction.

Attributes Collection of <Attribute> or null

The attributes for the item that are intended to be displayed on the UI.

Name String or null

A name which uniquely identifies the attribute. Required when selling or editing.

DisplayName String or null

The name of the attribute, in a form suitable for displaying to users. Not required when selling or editing.

Value String or null

The string value of the attribute. When listing, the valid values for the attribute can be determined using the "Retrieve attributes for a category" API. Use "false" or "true" for boolean attributes. Required when selling or editing.

DisplayValue String or null

The value of the attribute as it needs to be displayed to the end users

IsClassified Boolean

Indicates whether the item is a classified.

OpenHomes Collection of <OpenHome> or null

A collection of open home times for this listing. Only applies to open home listings.

Start DateTime

The date and time the open home is open for viewing. The date must be in the future and it must be less than 56 days from the current date. Specify dates in the UTC time zone.

End DateTime

The date and time the open home is no longer open for viewing. Must be the same day as Start.

Subtitle String or null

The subtitle, if present.

IsBuyNowOnly Boolean

Indicates whether or not this is a Buy Now Only listing.

RemainingGalleryPlusRelists Integer or null

The number of times the item can be relisted and get the gallery promotion for free. This value is only present if you are the seller and the listing had the gallery promotion applied due to the gallery plus promotion. Note that for this field, a value of zero is not the same as if the field is missing (a value of zero means gallery plus is in effect whereas if the field is missing it means that you are not the seller or gallery plus is not in effect).

IsOnWatchList Boolean

Indicates whether the item is on the authenticated member's watchlist.

GeographicLocation <GeographicLocation> or null

The geographic location (latitude and longitude) of a property.

Latitude Number

The latitude of the location, in degrees (WGS84).

Longitude Number

The longitude of the location, in degrees (WGS84).

Northing Integer

The northing of the location, in metres (NZTM).

Easting Integer

The easting of the location, in metres (NZTM).

Accuracy Enumeration

The accuracy of the geographic location (address, street or suburb).

None 0

The accuracy of the geographic location is not known.

Address 1

The geographic location is accurate to the address level.

Street 3

The geographic location is accurate to the street level.

Suburb 2

The geographic location is accurate to the suburb level.

AdminPinpoint 4

The geographic location is accurate to the AdminPinPoint level.

PriceDisplay String or null

The price, in a format suitable for displaying to the user. Some categories may have special pricing rules, e.g. properties may have "Price by negotiation".

TotalReviewCount Integer

The total number of user-submitted reviews. Currently only applies to services listings.

PositiveReviewCount Integer

The number of user-submitted reviews which are positive (i.e. the user selected the thumbs up graphic when submitting a review). Currently only applies to services listings.

HasFreeShipping Boolean

Indicates if the listing offers free shipping as an option

IsClearance Boolean

This indicates that the listing is a clearance item. Clearance listings include listings with was/now pricing and general clearance stock.

WasPrice Number or null

The usual price that a product is sold at, or the price before it was marked down. This is always more than the Buy Now price for Auctions, or more than the asking price for Classifieds.This field will only be populated if IsClearance is true.

PercentageOff Integer or null

The percentage that a product has been discounted. This has been rounded for display purposes. This field will only be populated if IsClearance is true.

Branding <Branding> or null

A list of branding images associated with this listing.

LargeSquareLogo String or null

A large square branding image with dimensions of 480x480.

LargeWideLogo String or null

A large rectangular branding image with dimensions of 480x200.

BackgroundColor String or null

Banner outline/stroke colour, tick the checkbox before saving to apply the new colour

TextColor String or null

Banner background colour, tick the checkbox before saving to apply the new colour

StrokeColor String or null

Banner text colour, tick the checkbox before saving to apply the new colour

DisableBanner Boolean

Disable the agent branding regardless of Super Feature status

OfficeLocation String or null

The name of the office location

LargeBannerURL String or null

The url of a larger version of the logo

IsSuperFeatured Boolean

Is this a super featured listing?

ShortDescription String or null

Short description of a listing. This is Jobs and Services specfic.

PhotoUrls Collection of String or null

A collection of photo urls for the listing

PromotionId Integer or null

The ID of the promotion applied to this listing.

HasEmbeddedVideo Boolean

Indicates whether the listing has an embedded video

VariantDefinitionSummary <VariantDefinitionSummary> or null

A summary of the variant information.

PriceLow Number or null

The lowest price of all the variants, if there is a price range.

PriceHigh Number or null

The highest price of all the variants, if there is a price range.

Price Number or null

The price of all the variants, if they are all the same.

HasPriceRange Boolean

Whether or not the variants have a single price or a price range.

DiscountPercentLow Integer or null

The lowest discount percentage of all the variants, if there is a discount percentage range.

DiscountPercentHigh Integer or null

The highest discount percentage of all the variants, if there is a discount percentage range.

DiscountPercent Integer or null

The discount percentage of all the variants, if they are all the same.

HasDiscountPercentRange Boolean

Whether or not the variants have a single discount percentage or a discount percentage range.

AllDiscounted Boolean

Whether or not the variants are all discounted.

AllOnClearance Boolean

Whether or not the variants are all on clearance.

AdditionalData <AdditionalData> or null

Structured information for Listing Additional Data

BulletPoints Collection of String or null

The bullet points for display in the search results

Tags Collection of <Tag> or null

The tags for display in the search results

Name String or null

The name of the tag

ListingExtras Collection of String or null

A collection of extras that are currently applied to the listing

IsLoyaltyEligible Boolean

Indicates whether the listing is eligible to loyalty program.

HasPing Boolean

Indicates whether Ping is a supported payment option.

StoreBrandLogoUrl String or null

The store seller profile photo Url. This field is populated only if below criterias met - Listing has Gallery or Feature depth products - Listing belongs to a store - Store has a tier where store brand logo feature has turned on

WhyPayPrice Number or null

The why pay marketing price that is supplied by the deal provider when they create listings for our deal channel.

Has3DTour Boolean

Indicates whether the listing has a 3D Tour

ShippingDetails <ShippingDetails> or null

Shipping details for the current listing. Null if no shipping details available.

ShippingTemplateId Long Integer or null

Represents the template used to create the shipping options on this listing

SuggestedShipping <SuggestedShipping> or null

Suggested shipping details, based on member preferences.

Price Number or null

The price of the delivery option; 0 if it's free shipping

Destination String or null

Name of the shipping destination, if structured shipping information exists.

DeliveryTime <ShippingDeliveryTime> or null

Delivery time details for the current listing, if structured shipping information exists.

MinValue String or null

The earliest expected delivery time returned in ISO 8601 duration format.

MaxValue String or null

The latest expected delivery time returned in ISO 8601 duration format.

IsRural Boolean or null

Indicates if the SuggestedShipping option is for rural delivery, if structured shipping information exists.

PriceType Enumeration or null

Indicates the price type of boat and farming machinery listings

AskingPrice 0

Asking Price.

PriceOnApplication 1

Price On Application.

ExcludingGST 2

Excluding GST.

HasSpecialOffer Boolean

Indicates whether there is a special offer for motors and farming machinery listings

NewCarInformation <NewCarInformation> or null

Information specific to new cars if the current listing is a new car listing.

Availability Enumeration

Enum value denoting the availability of the car, can be : 'inTransit' , 'availableToOrder'

InTransit 2

New car is in transit: on its way to the dealer

AvailableToOrder 3

New car is available to order

Condition Enumeration

Enum value denoting the condition of the car, can be : 'brandNew', 'exDemo', 'certifiedPreOwned'

BrandNew 1

Indicates that this car is brand new

ExDemo 2

Indicates that this car is an ex-demo

CertifiedPreOwned 4

New car is certified pre owned

CertifiedPreOwned <CertifiedPreOwnedProgramme> or null

The car's certified pre-owned programme.

LogoUrl String or null

Url of the certified preowned programme's logo (designed for a light background).

DarkModeLogoUrl String or null

Url of the certified preowned programme's logo (designed for a dark background).

MemberDateJoined DateTime or null

Member joining date

LastServiceReview <LastServiceReview> or null

Latest positive review for a super feature addons. Null if no positive review available.

ServiceReviewerNickname String or null

Latest positive service reviewer's nick name

ServiceReviewText String or null

Latest positive service review

ServiceReviewDateEntered DateTime or null

Latest positive service review date

Sponsored <SponsoredListingsDetails> or null

listing’s required metadata relating to Sponsored Listings.

TopSortProductId String or null

The ID for the Tradevine (and thus TopSort) Product that the listing is related to.

TopSortResolveBidId String or null

TopSort ID for the bid that has won the sponsorship auction.

TopSortUniqueId String or null

Unique ID derived from the TopSort ID that is sent to TopSort for each impression / click

MotorsExternalMediaOverview <MotorsExternalMediaOverview> or null

An overview of what motors external media information exists.

HasInstavid360Spinner Boolean

Whether the listing has data for an Instavid 360 spinner.

ListingPlatform Enumeration

The backend platform that controls the listing.

Unset 0

The platform has not been set.

TradeMe 1

The listing is controlled by Trade Me.

Koru 2

The listing is controlled by Koru.

AllowsPickups Enumeration

The pickup option for the listing.

None 0

The listing allows pick up, but does not require it.

Allow 1

The buyer can pickup if they so choose.

Demand 2

The buyer must pickup the item.

Forbid 3

The buyer cannot pickup the item (delivery only).

SearchResultAttributes Collection of <SearchResultAttribute> or null

Attributes related to the search result, not the listing itself

Id Enumeration

Odometer 1

FuelType 2

Location 3

Transmission 4

EngineSize 5

GrossVehicleMass 6

DinghyType 7

Length 8

EngineHours 9

EngineDetails 10

Berths 11

SelfContained 12

CaravanLength 13

MotorhomeLength 14

HullType 15

MotorBikeType 16

DisplayValue String or null

Name String or null

Showroom <DealerShowroom> or null

Dealer showroom

Id Integer

ID of the Showroom

Url String or null

Url of the Showroom

Logo String or null

Logo of the Showroom

Banner String or null

Banner of the Showroom

BackgroundColour String or null

Background colour of the Showroom banner / logo

IsDealer Boolean

Indicates whether the listing is from a car dealer.

DealerName String or null

Indicates the name of a Motors dealer.

HasSearchCardBranding Boolean

Whether or not the Motors dealer has search card branding.

SearchCardTier Enumeration

Search card tier

Tier1 1

Will display Tier1 search card for the item.

Tier2 2

Will display Tier2 search card for the item.

Tier3 3

Will display Tier3 search card for the item.

Tier4 4

Will display tier4 search card for this item

OnRoadCostsIncluded Boolean or null

Are On Road costs included

DealerSettings Collection of <Setting> or null

A list of settings for the dealer

Code String or null

A code to identify which setting this value applies to

Value String or null

The value for this setting

BodyStyle String or null

Body style

Doors Integer

Number of doors

EngineSize Integer

Engine size in CC

Make String or null


Model String or null


Odometer Integer

Recorded distance

Year Integer

Year manufactured

Transmission String or null

Transmission type. A null value represents that no transmission has been specified

Fuel String or null

Fuel for the engine

NumberPlate String or null

Number plate

BestContactTime String or null

Best time to contact the seller

Cylinders Integer

Engine cylinder count

Owners Integer

Number of Previous owners

Vin String or null

Vehicle Identification Number

WofExpires DateTime

Warrant of Fitness expiration date

RegistrationExpires DateTime

Vehicle registration expiration date

StereoDescription String or null

What stereo does it have?

ExteriorColour String or null

Exterior color

ImportHistory String or null

Import History

HasMotorWebBasicReport Boolean

Indicates whether the listing has a MotorWeb basic report

ModelDetail String or null

Model detail

Seats Integer

Number of seats

Is4WD Boolean


DidYouMean String or null

The suggestion string, if the search produced no results and there is a popular search term that is lexicographically close to the search string.

FoundCategories Collection of <FoundCategory> or null

A collection of suggested categories and the number of search results in each category.

Count Integer

The number of results that were found in this category.

Category String or null

The category identifier string in the form nnnn- (e.g. "0344-3357-6420-").

Name String or null

The name of the category (e.g. "Blackberry").

IsRestricted Boolean

True if the category is restricted. All R18 categories are restricted by default.

CategoryId Integer

The category id (e.g. 6420).

IsLeaf Boolean

True if the category is a leaf category

FavouriteId Integer or null

The ID of a favourite search that corresponds to the current search, if the call is authenticated and the authenticated member has a favourite search that matches.

FavouriteType Enumeration

The type of favourite (e.g. "Category", "Search", "Seller") that the FavouriteId property refers to. Only applicable for searches that match one of the authenticated user's favourites.

None 0


Category 1


Search 3

General search

AttributeSearch 4

Attributed search

Seller 6


Parameters Collection of <SearchParameter> or null

A list of search parameters which are applicable to the searched category. Not returned unless return_metadata is true.

DisplayName String or null

The name of the search parameter, in a form suitable for displaying to the user.

Name String or null

The name of the search parameter.

LowerBoundName String or null

If the parameter is a ranged parameter, this is the name of the parameter to use to specify the lower bound.

UpperBoundName String or null

If the parameter is a ranged parameter, this is the name of the parameter to use to specify the upper bound.

Type Enumeration

Indicates the type of the parameter value.

Boolean 0

The parameter value is a boolean (true/false). The default value for boolean parameters is false.

Numeric 1

The parameter value is numeric, with min and max.

String 2

The parameter value is textual.

PropertyRegionId 3

The parameter value should be a property region ID.

PropertyDistrictId 4

The parameter value should be a property district ID.

PropertySuburbId 5

The parameter value should be a property suburb ID.

Location 6

The parameter value should be a location.

AllowsMultipleValues Boolean

Indicates the user is allowed to select multiple values. Each value should be comma-separated. Currently applies only to String parameters.

MutualExclusionGroup String or null

If present, indicates this parameter is part of a group of parameters which are all mutually exclusive. The group name can be used as a heading name.

DependentOn String or null

If present, the Name (not the DisplayName) of another parameter. If the user is filtering by that other parameter, then this filter becomes available for use. The parameter that is referenced will be a single-valued (non-ranged).

ExternalOptionsKey String or null

If present, indicates that the list of options is not immediately available, but can be retrieved from the SearchOptions API endpoint. The value is the key that should be passed to the SearchOptions API. Either the list of options is really long, or the list is dependent on the value of another parameter (see the DependentOn field).

DisplayValue String or null

If this parameter is being filtered on in the current search, contains the display value. Currently only supported for parameters which expose a ExternalOptionsKey value.

Options Collection of <AttributeOption> or null

A list of options to display to the user.

Value String or null

The value of the item as a string.

Display String or null

What should be displayed for this value (often the same).

Count Integer or null

How many child elements are available.

DependentParameter <SearchParameter> or null

Dependent parameter to display cascading structure

(This type has already been defined)
DisplaySuggested Boolean

Indicates this parameter should be displayed by default

SortOrders Collection of <AttributeOption> or null

A list of sort orders which are applicable to the searched category. Not returned unless return_metadata is true.

(This type has already been defined)
MemberProfile <MemberProfile> or null

Details of the member that is being filtered on. Not returned unless member_listing is non-zero and return_metadata is true.

FirstName String or null

The first name of the member.

Occupation String or null

The occupation of the member.

Biography String or null

The member's bio.

Quote String or null

The member's favourite quote.

Photo String or null

A URL representing the member's photo.

IsEnabled Boolean

Indicates whether the member account is enabled.

DateRemoved DateTime

The date the member profile was disabled (assuming it has been disabled).

Member <Member> or null

Basic information about the member.

MemberId Integer

The ID of the member. This may be 0, if we determine it is necessary to protect the member's privacy.

Nickname String or null

The nickname of the member. Some characters may be changed, if we determine it is necessary to protect the member's privacy.

DateAddressVerified DateTime

The date the member was address verified.

DateJoined DateTime

The date the member joined.

UniqueNegative Integer

The number of distinct members who have placed negative feedback against this member.

UniquePositive Integer

The number of distinct members who have placed positive feedback against this member.

FeedbackCount Integer

The member's total feedback (UniquePositive minus UniqueNegative).

IsAddressVerified Boolean

Indicates whether the member has been address verified.

Suburb String or null

The name of the member's suburb.

IsDealer Boolean

Indicates whether the member is a car dealer.

IsAuthenticated Boolean

Indicates whether the member is authenticated.

IsInTrade Boolean

Indicates whether the member is a professional trader.

ImportChargesMayApply Boolean

Indicates that the trader is an international seller, and therefore customs import charges may apply.

Profile <SimpleMemberProfile> or null

Member profile details

Occupation String or null

The occupation of the member.

Biography String or null

The member's bio.

Quote String or null

The member's favourite quote.

Photo String or null

A URL representing the member's photo.

IsTopSeller Boolean

Indicates whether the member is currently a Top Seller

IsRentiUser Boolean

Indicates whether the member is a renti user.

FavouriteId Integer

The ID of a favourite seller, if the call is authenticated and this member is a favourite seller for the authenticated caller.

Store <Store> or null

Store details, if the seller has been set up as a Trade Me store.

Name String or null

The name of the store.

MemberId Integer

The ID of the member which corresponds to this store.

LogoImageUri String or null

The URL of a small logo image (180x52).

BannerImageUri String or null

The URL of a banner image. Stores extra banner images are 960x120. Store banner images are 633x75. When requesting listing details, only stores extra listings have a banner image.

Promotions Collection of <StorePromotion> or null

A collection of promotional images. Only applies to stores extra.

ImageUri String or null

The URL of the promotional image 760x240.

Uri String or null

The URL that the promotional image should link to.

AltText String or null

The alt text for the promo image.

ShortDescription String or null

A short description of what the store sells. Only returned when browsing the stores list.

LargeBannerImage <LargeBannerImage> or null

The URL's of a large banner image for each breakpoint, small, medium, large, extra large. When requesting listing details, only stores extra listings have a large banner image.

Small String or null

The URL of the promotional image in small size 320x180

Medium String or null

The URL of the promotional image in medium size 768x432.

Large String or null

The URL of the promotional image in large size 1024x576.

XLarge String or null

The URL of the promotional image in extra large size 1440x810.

StorePath String or null

A url friendly path for the store, that is unique.

SaleCount Integer

The number of on sale listings

Location String or null

The location for this store

PhoneNumber String or null

The phone number for this store

Website String or null

The website for this store

Email String or null

The email for this store

Member <Member> or null

The member details associated with this store

(This type has already been defined)
Pages Collection of <StorePage> or null

The pages for this store

Heading String or null

The heading

Text String or null

The text

Tier Enumeration

The tier ID of a tiered store

NotAStore 0

Store tier not applicable

Basic 1

Basic tier

Premium 2

Premium tier

IsPropertyAgent Boolean

Indicates whether the member is registered as a property agent.

SuperFeatures Collection of <Car> or null

A randomised collection of super features matching the current search

ListingId Long Integer

The ID of the listing.

Title String or null

The listing title.

Category String or null

The listing category.

StartPrice Number

The start price.

BuyNowPrice Number

The Buy Now price.

StartDate DateTime

The date the listing was created.

EndDate DateTime

The date the listing will end.

IsFeatured Boolean

Is this a featured listing?

HasGallery Boolean

Is this a gallery listing?

IsBold Boolean

Is this a bold listing?

IsHighlighted Boolean

Is this a highlighted listing?

HasHomePageFeature Boolean

Is this a homepage feature listing?

MaxBidAmount Number

The current leading bid amount.

AsAt DateTime

The date and time the response was generated on the server.

CategoryPath String or null

The category path.

PictureHref String or null

The URL of the primary photo for the listing (if the listing has a photo). By default you'll get a thumbnail-sized photo, but you can control the size of the photo using the photo_size parameter.

HasPayNow Boolean

Indicates whether the item has Pay Now.

IsNew Boolean

Indicates whether the item is marked as new.

RegionId Integer

The ID of the region where this item is located. In the general search, listing details and watchlist APIs this is the ID of the seller's region (using the two-tier region/suburb system), which means it might be inconsistent with the region name. In the property search API this is the ID of the property region, using the three-tier region/district/suburb system.

This field cannot cope with the two main geographical classification systems. Except for the property search API, it should not be used.

Region String or null

The name of the region where this item is located.

SuburbId Integer

The ID of the suburb where this item is located. Only populated by the property search API, which means it uses the three-tier region/district/suburb system.

Suburb String or null

The name of the suburb where this item is located.

PickupLocality <PickupLocality> or null

The pick-up location details if pick-up is allowed and has been specified.

Suburb String or null

The pickup suburb.

District String or null

The pickup district.

Region String or null

The pickup region.

BidCount Integer

The number of bids on the item.

IsReserveMet Boolean

Indicates whether the item's reserve has been met.

HasReserve Boolean

Indicates whether the item has a reserve.

HasBuyNow Boolean

Indicates whether the item has Buy Now.

NoteDate DateTime

The date of the note on an item.

ReserveState Enumeration

The flag to display on an item.

None 0

There is no reserve on the item (i.e. the reserve price is the same as the starting price).

Met 1

The value of the highest bid has exceeded the reserve price.

NotMet 2

The value of the highest bid has not reached the reserve price.

NotApplicable 3

The listing cannot have a reserve because bidding is not allowed. This may be because it is a classified or because it is a Buy Now Only auction.

Attributes Collection of <Attribute> or null

The attributes for the item that are intended to be displayed on the UI.

Name String or null

A name which uniquely identifies the attribute. Required when selling or editing.

DisplayName String or null

The name of the attribute, in a form suitable for displaying to users. Not required when selling or editing.

Value String or null

The string value of the attribute. When listing, the valid values for the attribute can be determined using the "Retrieve attributes for a category" API. Use "false" or "true" for boolean attributes. Required when selling or editing.

DisplayValue String or null

The value of the attribute as it needs to be displayed to the end users

IsClassified Boolean

Indicates whether the item is a classified.

OpenHomes Collection of <OpenHome> or null

A collection of open home times for this listing. Only applies to open home listings.

Start DateTime

The date and time the open home is open for viewing. The date must be in the future and it must be less than 56 days from the current date. Specify dates in the UTC time zone.

End DateTime

The date and time the open home is no longer open for viewing. Must be the same day as Start.

Subtitle String or null

The subtitle, if present.

IsBuyNowOnly Boolean

Indicates whether or not this is a Buy Now Only listing.

RemainingGalleryPlusRelists Integer or null

The number of times the item can be relisted and get the gallery promotion for free. This value is only present if you are the seller and the listing had the gallery promotion applied due to the gallery plus promotion. Note that for this field, a value of zero is not the same as if the field is missing (a value of zero means gallery plus is in effect whereas if the field is missing it means that you are not the seller or gallery plus is not in effect).

IsOnWatchList Boolean

Indicates whether the item is on the authenticated member's watchlist.

GeographicLocation <GeographicLocation> or null

The geographic location (latitude and longitude) of a property.

Latitude Number

The latitude of the location, in degrees (WGS84).

Longitude Number

The longitude of the location, in degrees (WGS84).

Northing Integer

The northing of the location, in metres (NZTM).

Easting Integer

The easting of the location, in metres (NZTM).

Accuracy Enumeration

The accuracy of the geographic location (address, street or suburb).

None 0

The accuracy of the geographic location is not known.

Address 1

The geographic location is accurate to the address level.

Street 3

The geographic location is accurate to the street level.

Suburb 2

The geographic location is accurate to the suburb level.

AdminPinpoint 4

The geographic location is accurate to the AdminPinPoint level.

PriceDisplay String or null

The price, in a format suitable for displaying to the user. Some categories may have special pricing rules, e.g. properties may have "Price by negotiation".

TotalReviewCount Integer

The total number of user-submitted reviews. Currently only applies to services listings.

PositiveReviewCount Integer

The number of user-submitted reviews which are positive (i.e. the user selected the thumbs up graphic when submitting a review). Currently only applies to services listings.

HasFreeShipping Boolean

Indicates if the listing offers free shipping as an option

IsClearance Boolean

This indicates that the listing is a clearance item. Clearance listings include listings with was/now pricing and general clearance stock.

WasPrice Number or null

The usual price that a product is sold at, or the price before it was marked down. This is always more than the Buy Now price for Auctions, or more than the asking price for Classifieds.This field will only be populated if IsClearance is true.

PercentageOff Integer or null

The percentage that a product has been discounted. This has been rounded for display purposes. This field will only be populated if IsClearance is true.

Branding <Branding> or null

A list of branding images associated with this listing.

LargeSquareLogo String or null

A large square branding image with dimensions of 480x480.

LargeWideLogo String or null

A large rectangular branding image with dimensions of 480x200.

BackgroundColor String or null

Banner outline/stroke colour, tick the checkbox before saving to apply the new colour

TextColor String or null

Banner background colour, tick the checkbox before saving to apply the new colour

StrokeColor String or null

Banner text colour, tick the checkbox before saving to apply the new colour

DisableBanner Boolean

Disable the agent branding regardless of Super Feature status

OfficeLocation String or null

The name of the office location

LargeBannerURL String or null

The url of a larger version of the logo

IsSuperFeatured Boolean

Is this a super featured listing?

ShortDescription String or null

Short description of a listing. This is Jobs and Services specfic.

PhotoUrls Collection of String or null

A collection of photo urls for the listing

PromotionId Integer or null

The ID of the promotion applied to this listing.

HasEmbeddedVideo Boolean

Indicates whether the listing has an embedded video

VariantDefinitionSummary <VariantDefinitionSummary> or null

A summary of the variant information.

PriceLow Number or null

The lowest price of all the variants, if there is a price range.

PriceHigh Number or null

The highest price of all the variants, if there is a price range.

Price Number or null

The price of all the variants, if they are all the same.

HasPriceRange Boolean

Whether or not the variants have a single price or a price range.

DiscountPercentLow Integer or null

The lowest discount percentage of all the variants, if there is a discount percentage range.

DiscountPercentHigh Integer or null

The highest discount percentage of all the variants, if there is a discount percentage range.

DiscountPercent Integer or null

The discount percentage of all the variants, if they are all the same.

HasDiscountPercentRange Boolean

Whether or not the variants have a single discount percentage or a discount percentage range.

AllDiscounted Boolean

Whether or not the variants are all discounted.

AllOnClearance Boolean

Whether or not the variants are all on clearance.

AdditionalData <AdditionalData> or null

Structured information for Listing Additional Data

BulletPoints Collection of String or null

The bullet points for display in the search results

Tags Collection of <Tag> or null

The tags for display in the search results

Name String or null

The name of the tag

ListingExtras Collection of String or null

A collection of extras that are currently applied to the listing

IsLoyaltyEligible Boolean

Indicates whether the listing is eligible to loyalty program.

HasPing Boolean

Indicates whether Ping is a supported payment option.

StoreBrandLogoUrl String or null

The store seller profile photo Url. This field is populated only if below criterias met - Listing has Gallery or Feature depth products - Listing belongs to a store - Store has a tier where store brand logo feature has turned on

WhyPayPrice Number or null

The why pay marketing price that is supplied by the deal provider when they create listings for our deal channel.

Has3DTour Boolean

Indicates whether the listing has a 3D Tour

ShippingDetails <ShippingDetails> or null

Shipping details for the current listing. Null if no shipping details available.

ShippingTemplateId Long Integer or null

Represents the template used to create the shipping options on this listing

SuggestedShipping <SuggestedShipping> or null

Suggested shipping details, based on member preferences.

Price Number or null

The price of the delivery option; 0 if it's free shipping

Destination String or null

Name of the shipping destination, if structured shipping information exists.

DeliveryTime <ShippingDeliveryTime> or null

Delivery time details for the current listing, if structured shipping information exists.

MinValue String or null

The earliest expected delivery time returned in ISO 8601 duration format.

MaxValue String or null

The latest expected delivery time returned in ISO 8601 duration format.

IsRural Boolean or null

Indicates if the SuggestedShipping option is for rural delivery, if structured shipping information exists.

PriceType Enumeration or null

Indicates the price type of boat and farming machinery listings

AskingPrice 0

Asking Price.

PriceOnApplication 1

Price On Application.

ExcludingGST 2

Excluding GST.

HasSpecialOffer Boolean

Indicates whether there is a special offer for motors and farming machinery listings

NewCarInformation <NewCarInformation> or null

Information specific to new cars if the current listing is a new car listing.

Availability Enumeration

Enum value denoting the availability of the car, can be : 'inTransit' , 'availableToOrder'

InTransit 2

New car is in transit: on its way to the dealer

AvailableToOrder 3

New car is available to order

Condition Enumeration

Enum value denoting the condition of the car, can be : 'brandNew', 'exDemo', 'certifiedPreOwned'

BrandNew 1

Indicates that this car is brand new

ExDemo 2

Indicates that this car is an ex-demo

CertifiedPreOwned 4

New car is certified pre owned

CertifiedPreOwned <CertifiedPreOwnedProgramme> or null

The car's certified pre-owned programme.

LogoUrl String or null

Url of the certified preowned programme's logo (designed for a light background).

DarkModeLogoUrl String or null

Url of the certified preowned programme's logo (designed for a dark background).

MemberDateJoined DateTime or null

Member joining date

LastServiceReview <LastServiceReview> or null

Latest positive review for a super feature addons. Null if no positive review available.

ServiceReviewerNickname String or null

Latest positive service reviewer's nick name

ServiceReviewText String or null

Latest positive service review

ServiceReviewDateEntered DateTime or null

Latest positive service review date

Sponsored <SponsoredListingsDetails> or null

listing’s required metadata relating to Sponsored Listings.

TopSortProductId String or null

The ID for the Tradevine (and thus TopSort) Product that the listing is related to.

TopSortResolveBidId String or null

TopSort ID for the bid that has won the sponsorship auction.

TopSortUniqueId String or null

Unique ID derived from the TopSort ID that is sent to TopSort for each impression / click

MotorsExternalMediaOverview <MotorsExternalMediaOverview> or null

An overview of what motors external media information exists.

HasInstavid360Spinner Boolean

Whether the listing has data for an Instavid 360 spinner.

ListingPlatform Enumeration

The backend platform that controls the listing.

Unset 0

The platform has not been set.

TradeMe 1

The listing is controlled by Trade Me.

Koru 2

The listing is controlled by Koru.

AllowsPickups Enumeration

The pickup option for the listing.

None 0

The listing allows pick up, but does not require it.

Allow 1

The buyer can pickup if they so choose.

Demand 2

The buyer must pickup the item.

Forbid 3

The buyer cannot pickup the item (delivery only).

SearchResultAttributes Collection of <SearchResultAttribute> or null

Attributes related to the search result, not the listing itself

Id Enumeration

Odometer 1

FuelType 2

Location 3

Transmission 4

EngineSize 5

GrossVehicleMass 6

DinghyType 7

Length 8

EngineHours 9

EngineDetails 10

Berths 11

SelfContained 12

CaravanLength 13

MotorhomeLength 14

HullType 15

MotorBikeType 16

DisplayValue String or null

Name String or null

Showroom <DealerShowroom> or null

Dealer showroom

Id Integer

ID of the Showroom

Url String or null

Url of the Showroom

Logo String or null

Logo of the Showroom

Banner String or null

Banner of the Showroom

BackgroundColour String or null

Background colour of the Showroom banner / logo

IsDealer Boolean

Indicates whether the listing is from a car dealer.

DealerName String or null

Indicates the name of a Motors dealer.

HasSearchCardBranding Boolean

Whether or not the Motors dealer has search card branding.

SearchCardTier Enumeration

Search card tier

Tier1 1

Will display Tier1 search card for the item.

Tier2 2

Will display Tier2 search card for the item.

Tier3 3

Will display Tier3 search card for the item.

Tier4 4

Will display tier4 search card for this item

OnRoadCostsIncluded Boolean or null

Are On Road costs included

DealerSettings Collection of <Setting> or null

A list of settings for the dealer

Code String or null

A code to identify which setting this value applies to

Value String or null

The value for this setting

BodyStyle String or null

Body style

Doors Integer

Number of doors

EngineSize Integer

Engine size in CC

Make String or null


Model String or null


Odometer Integer

Recorded distance

Year Integer

Year manufactured

Transmission String or null

Transmission type. A null value represents that no transmission has been specified

Fuel String or null

Fuel for the engine

NumberPlate String or null

Number plate

BestContactTime String or null

Best time to contact the seller

Cylinders Integer

Engine cylinder count

Owners Integer

Number of Previous owners

Vin String or null

Vehicle Identification Number

WofExpires DateTime

Warrant of Fitness expiration date

RegistrationExpires DateTime

Vehicle registration expiration date

StereoDescription String or null

What stereo does it have?

ExteriorColour String or null

Exterior color

ImportHistory String or null

Import History

HasMotorWebBasicReport Boolean

Indicates whether the listing has a MotorWeb basic report

ModelDetail String or null

Model detail

Seats Integer

Number of seats

Is4WD Boolean


SearchQueryId String or null

Search query ID for the search.

FavouriteFrequency Integer

The frequency of favourite search selected (e.g. "Deleted: -1", "Daily: 1", "ThreeDays: 3", "Weekly:7") that the FavouriteId property refers to. Only applicable for searches that match one of the authenticated user's favourites.

FavouritePushFrequency Enumeration

The push notification of the favourite search performed, which the FavouriteId property refers to. Only applicable for searches that match one of the authenticated user's favourites.

None 0

Push not enabled for this favourite.

Instant 1

Push is enabled for this favourite.

BusinessLine Enumeration

This field contains BusinessLine information when we can extract it out of search category

NotSpecified 0

None specified.

All 0


Marketplace 1


Property 2


Motors 3


Jobs 4


Services 5


AggregateCounts Collection of <AggregateCount> or null

The results of aggregation queries returned from the Search Domain.

Example XML Response (switch to JSON)

<Cars xmlns="">
      <DependentParameter />
      <DependentParameter />
    <AttributeOption />
    <AttributeOption />
      <Member />
    <AggregateCount />
    <AggregateCount />

Example JSON Response (switch to XML)

  "TotalCount": 123,
  "TotalCountTruncated": false,
  "Page": 123,
  "PageSize": 123,
  "List": [
      "ListingId": 123,
      "Title": "ABC",
      "Category": "ABC",
      "StartPrice": 123.0,
      "BuyNowPrice": 123.0,
      "StartDate": "\/Date(1514764800)\/",
      "EndDate": "\/Date(1514764800)\/",
      "IsFeatured": false,
      "HasGallery": false,
      "IsBold": false,
      "IsHighlighted": false,
      "HasHomePageFeature": false,
      "MaxBidAmount": 123.0,
      "AsAt": "\/Date(1514764800)\/",
      "CategoryPath": "ABC",
      "PictureHref": "ABC",
      "HasPayNow": false,
      "IsNew": false,
      "RegionId": 123,
      "Region": "ABC",
      "SuburbId": 123,
      "Suburb": "ABC",
      "PickupLocality": {
        "Suburb": "ABC",
        "District": "ABC",
        "Region": "ABC"
      "BidCount": 123,
      "IsReserveMet": false,
      "HasReserve": false,
      "HasBuyNow": false,
      "NoteDate": "\/Date(1514764800)\/",
      "ReserveState": 0,
      "Attributes": [
          "Name": "ABC",
          "DisplayName": "ABC",
          "Value": "ABC",
          "DisplayValue": "ABC"
          "Name": "ABC",
          "DisplayName": "ABC",
          "Value": "ABC",
          "DisplayValue": "ABC"
      "IsClassified": false,
      "OpenHomes": [
          "Start": "\/Date(1514764800)\/",
          "End": "\/Date(1514764800)\/"
          "Start": "\/Date(1514764800)\/",
          "End": "\/Date(1514764800)\/"
      "Subtitle": "ABC",
      "IsBuyNowOnly": false,
      "RemainingGalleryPlusRelists": 123,
      "IsOnWatchList": false,
      "GeographicLocation": {
        "Latitude": 123.0,
        "Longitude": 123.0,
        "Northing": 123,
        "Easting": 123,
        "Accuracy": 0
      "PriceDisplay": "ABC",
      "TotalReviewCount": 123,
      "PositiveReviewCount": 123,
      "HasFreeShipping": false,
      "IsClearance": false,
      "WasPrice": 123.0,
      "PercentageOff": 123,
      "Branding": {
        "LargeSquareLogo": "ABC",
        "LargeWideLogo": "ABC",
        "BackgroundColor": "ABC",
        "TextColor": "ABC",
        "StrokeColor": "ABC",
        "DisableBanner": false,
        "OfficeLocation": "ABC",
        "LargeBannerURL": "ABC"
      "IsSuperFeatured": false,
      "ShortDescription": "ABC",
      "PhotoUrls": [
      "PromotionId": 123,
      "HasEmbeddedVideo": false,
      "VariantDefinitionSummary": {
        "PriceLow": 123.0,
        "PriceHigh": 123.0,
        "Price": 123.0,
        "HasPriceRange": false,
        "DiscountPercentLow": 123,
        "DiscountPercentHigh": 123,
        "DiscountPercent": 123,
        "HasDiscountPercentRange": false,
        "AllDiscounted": false,
        "AllOnClearance": false
      "AdditionalData": {
        "BulletPoints": [
        "Tags": [
            "Name": "ABC"
            "Name": "ABC"
      "ListingExtras": [
      "IsLoyaltyEligible": false,
      "HasPing": false,
      "StoreBrandLogoUrl": "ABC",
      "WhyPayPrice": 123.0,
      "Has3DTour": false,
      "ShippingDetails": {
        "ShippingTemplateId": 123,
        "SuggestedShipping": {
          "Price": 123.0,
          "Destination": "ABC",
          "DeliveryTime": {
            "MinValue": "ABC",
            "MaxValue": "ABC"
          "IsRural": false
      "PriceType": 0,
      "HasSpecialOffer": false,
      "NewCarInformation": {
        "Availability": 2,
        "Condition": 1,
        "CertifiedPreOwned": {
          "LogoUrl": "ABC",
          "DarkModeLogoUrl": "ABC"
      "MemberDateJoined": "\/Date(1514764800)\/",
      "LastServiceReview": {
        "ServiceReviewerNickname": "ABC",
        "ServiceReviewText": "ABC",
        "ServiceReviewDateEntered": "\/Date(1514764800)\/"
      "Sponsored": {
        "TopSortProductId": "ABC",
        "TopSortResolveBidId": "ABC",
        "TopSortUniqueId": "ABC"
      "MotorsExternalMediaOverview": {
        "HasInstavid360Spinner": false
      "ListingPlatform": 0,
      "AllowsPickups": 0,
      "SearchResultAttributes": [
          "Id": 1,
          "DisplayValue": "ABC",
          "Name": "ABC"
          "Id": 1,
          "DisplayValue": "ABC",
          "Name": "ABC"
      "Showroom": {
        "Id": 123,
        "Url": "ABC",
        "Logo": "ABC",
        "Banner": "ABC",
        "BackgroundColour": "ABC"
      "IsDealer": false,
      "DealerName": "ABC",
      "HasSearchCardBranding": false,
      "SearchCardTier": 1,
      "OnRoadCostsIncluded": false,
      "DealerSettings": [
          "Code": "ABC",
          "Value": "ABC"
          "Code": "ABC",
          "Value": "ABC"
      "BodyStyle": "ABC",
      "Doors": 123,
      "EngineSize": 123,
      "Make": "ABC",
      "Model": "ABC",
      "Odometer": 123,
      "Year": 123,
      "Transmission": "ABC",
      "Fuel": "ABC",
      "NumberPlate": "ABC",
      "BestContactTime": "ABC",
      "Cylinders": 123,
      "Owners": 123,
      "Vin": "ABC",
      "WofExpires": "\/Date(1514764800)\/",
      "RegistrationExpires": "\/Date(1514764800)\/",
      "StereoDescription": "ABC",
      "ExteriorColour": "ABC",
      "ImportHistory": "ABC",
      "HasMotorWebBasicReport": false,
      "ModelDetail": "ABC",
      "Seats": 123,
      "Is4WD": false
      "ListingId": 123,
      "Title": "ABC",
      "Category": "ABC",
      "StartPrice": 123.0,
      "BuyNowPrice": 123.0,
      "StartDate": "\/Date(1514764800)\/",
      "EndDate": "\/Date(1514764800)\/",
      "IsFeatured": false,
      "HasGallery": false,
      "IsBold": false,
      "IsHighlighted": false,
      "HasHomePageFeature": false,
      "MaxBidAmount": 123.0,
      "AsAt": "\/Date(1514764800)\/",
      "CategoryPath": "ABC",
      "PictureHref": "ABC",
      "HasPayNow": false,
      "IsNew": false,
      "RegionId": 123,
      "Region": "ABC",
      "SuburbId": 123,
      "Suburb": "ABC",
      "PickupLocality": {
        "Suburb": "ABC",
        "District": "ABC",
        "Region": "ABC"
      "BidCount": 123,
      "IsReserveMet": false,
      "HasReserve": false,
      "HasBuyNow": false,
      "NoteDate": "\/Date(1514764800)\/",
      "ReserveState": 0,
      "Attributes": [
          "Name": "ABC",
          "DisplayName": "ABC",
          "Value": "ABC",
          "DisplayValue": "ABC"
          "Name": "ABC",
          "DisplayName": "ABC",
          "Value": "ABC",
          "DisplayValue": "ABC"
      "IsClassified": false,
      "OpenHomes": [
          "Start": "\/Date(1514764800)\/",
          "End": "\/Date(1514764800)\/"
          "Start": "\/Date(1514764800)\/",
          "End": "\/Date(1514764800)\/"
      "Subtitle": "ABC",
      "IsBuyNowOnly": false,
      "RemainingGalleryPlusRelists": 123,
      "IsOnWatchList": false,
      "GeographicLocation": {
        "Latitude": 123.0,
        "Longitude": 123.0,
        "Northing": 123,
        "Easting": 123,
        "Accuracy": 0
      "PriceDisplay": "ABC",
      "TotalReviewCount": 123,
      "PositiveReviewCount": 123,
      "HasFreeShipping": false,
      "IsClearance": false,
      "WasPrice": 123.0,
      "PercentageOff": 123,
      "Branding": {
        "LargeSquareLogo": "ABC",
        "LargeWideLogo": "ABC",
        "BackgroundColor": "ABC",
        "TextColor": "ABC",
        "StrokeColor": "ABC",
        "DisableBanner": false,
        "OfficeLocation": "ABC",
        "LargeBannerURL": "ABC"
      "IsSuperFeatured": false,
      "ShortDescription": "ABC",
      "PhotoUrls": [
      "PromotionId": 123,
      "HasEmbeddedVideo": false,
      "VariantDefinitionSummary": {
        "PriceLow": 123.0,
        "PriceHigh": 123.0,
        "Price": 123.0,
        "HasPriceRange": false,
        "DiscountPercentLow": 123,
        "DiscountPercentHigh": 123,
        "DiscountPercent": 123,
        "HasDiscountPercentRange": false,
        "AllDiscounted": false,
        "AllOnClearance": false
      "AdditionalData": {
        "BulletPoints": [
        "Tags": [
            "Name": "ABC"
            "Name": "ABC"
      "ListingExtras": [
      "IsLoyaltyEligible": false,
      "HasPing": false,
      "StoreBrandLogoUrl": "ABC",
      "WhyPayPrice": 123.0,
      "Has3DTour": false,
      "ShippingDetails": {
        "ShippingTemplateId": 123,
        "SuggestedShipping": {
          "Price": 123.0,
          "Destination": "ABC",
          "DeliveryTime": {
            "MinValue": "ABC",
            "MaxValue": "ABC"
          "IsRural": false
      "PriceType": 0,
      "HasSpecialOffer": false,
      "NewCarInformation": {
        "Availability": 2,
        "Condition": 1,
        "CertifiedPreOwned": {
          "LogoUrl": "ABC",
          "DarkModeLogoUrl": "ABC"
      "MemberDateJoined": "\/Date(1514764800)\/",
      "LastServiceReview": {
        "ServiceReviewerNickname": "ABC",
        "ServiceReviewText": "ABC",
        "ServiceReviewDateEntered": "\/Date(1514764800)\/"
      "Sponsored": {
        "TopSortProductId": "ABC",
        "TopSortResolveBidId": "ABC",
        "TopSortUniqueId": "ABC"
      "MotorsExternalMediaOverview": {
        "HasInstavid360Spinner": false
      "ListingPlatform": 0,
      "AllowsPickups": 0,
      "SearchResultAttributes": [
          "Id": 1,
          "DisplayValue": "ABC",
          "Name": "ABC"
          "Id": 1,
          "DisplayValue": "ABC",
          "Name": "ABC"
      "Showroom": {
        "Id": 123,
        "Url": "ABC",
        "Logo": "ABC",
        "Banner": "ABC",
        "BackgroundColour": "ABC"
      "IsDealer": false,
      "DealerName": "ABC",
      "HasSearchCardBranding": false,
      "SearchCardTier": 1,
      "OnRoadCostsIncluded": false,
      "DealerSettings": [
          "Code": "ABC",
          "Value": "ABC"
          "Code": "ABC",
          "Value": "ABC"
      "BodyStyle": "ABC",
      "Doors": 123,
      "EngineSize": 123,
      "Make": "ABC",
      "Model": "ABC",
      "Odometer": 123,
      "Year": 123,
      "Transmission": "ABC",
      "Fuel": "ABC",
      "NumberPlate": "ABC",
      "BestContactTime": "ABC",
      "Cylinders": 123,
      "Owners": 123,
      "Vin": "ABC",
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