ListingId |
String or null |
Details of the current Property
PropertyId |
String or null |
Details of the current Property
TradeMeSoldUrl |
String or null |
Details of the current Property
PropertyDetails |
<PropertyCardPropertyDetails> or null |
Details of the current Property
Address |
String or null |
DisplayAddress |
String or null |
Display Address
CoverImageUrl |
String or null |
Cover Image Url
CoverImageUrlSource |
String or null |
Cover Image Url Source
ListingImages |
Collection of String or null |
Listing Images
GoogleStreetViewUrl |
String or null |
Google Street View Url
NumBathrooms |
Integer or null |
Num Bathrooms
LatestBedrooms |
String or null |
Latest Bedrooms
NumCarSpaces |
Integer or null |
Num Car Spaces
LatestCarSpaces |
String or null |
Latest Car Spaces
LatestSource |
String or null |
Latest Source
Headline |
String or null |
EstimatedValueRevisionDate |
String or null |
Estimated Value Revision Date
DisplayEstimatedLowerValueShort |
String or null |
Display Estimated Lower Value Short
DisplayEstimatedUpperValueShort |
String or null |
Display Estimated Upper Value Short
DisplayEstimatedValueShort |
String or null |
Display Estimated Value Short
EstimatedRentalRevisionDate |
String or null |
Estimated Rental Revision Date
DisplayEstimatedRentalLowerValueShort |
String or null |
Display Estimated Rental Lower Value Short
DisplayEstimatedRentalUpperValueShort |
String or null |
Display Estimated Rental Upper Value Short
EstimatedRentalYield |
String or null |
Estimated Rental Yield
CapitalValue |
Number or null |
Capital Value
ImprovementValue |
Number or null |
Improvement Value
LandValue |
Number or null |
Land Value
DisplayCapitalValueShort |
String or null |
Display Capital Value Short
DisplayImprovementValueShort |
String or null |
Display Improvement Value Short
DisplayLandValueShort |
String or null |
Display Land Value Short
CurrentRevisionDate |
String or null |
Current Revision Date
PreviousCapitalValue |
Number or null |
Previous Capital Value
PreviousRevisionDate |
String or null |
Previous Revision Date
FirstGasEnabled |
String or null |
First Gas Enabled
Flags |
<PropertyCardPropertyDetailsFlags> or null |
DeprivationIndex |
String or null |
Deprivation Index
DotSa1 |
String or null |
Dot Sa 1
DotSegment |
String or null |
Dot Segment
FirstGas |
Boolean |
First Gas
Sky |
Boolean |
UltraFastFiber |
Boolean |
Ultra Fast Fiber
EstimateModelVersion |
String or null |
Estimate Model Version
EstimateModelReleaseDate |
String or null |
Estimate Model Release Date
SuburbId |
Integer or null |
Suburb Id
CityId |
Integer or null |
City Id
UnitIdentifier |
String or null |
Unit Identifier
StreetNumber |
String or null |
Street Number
StreetAlpha |
String or null |
Street Alpha
Street |
String or null |
Suburb |
String or null |
City |
String or null |
Ta |
String or null |
NumBedrooms |
Integer or null |
Num Bedrooms
LatestBathrooms |
Number or null |
Latest Bathrooms
TradeMeSuburbId |
Integer or null |
Trademe suburb id
TradeMeRegionId |
Integer or null |
Trademe region id
TradeMeDistrictId |
Integer or null |
Trademe district id
TradeMeCoverImageUrl |
String or null |
Trademe cover image url
TradeMeListingImages |
Collection of <HomesPhoto> or null |
Trademe photo formated listing images
Key |
String or null |
Value |
<HomesPhotoUrl> or null |
Thumbnail |
String or null |
The URL for the thumbnail sized photo (always 85x64, with white borders).
List |
String or null |
The URL for the list view sized photo (scaled down to fit 160x120).
Medium |
String or null |
The URL for the medium sized photo (scaled down to fit 175x175).
Gallery |
String or null |
The URL for the gallery sized photo (scaled down to fit 233x176).
Large |
String or null |
The URL for the large sized photo (scaled down to fit 352x264).
FullSize |
String or null |
The URL for the full sized photo (scaled down to fit 670x502).
PlusSize |
String or null |
The URL for the plus sized photo (scaled down to fit).
PhotoId |
String or null |
The ID of the photo.
IsMatched |
Boolean |
Has the data been matched from api source
FullDetailPageUrl |
String or null |
URL to the full detail page on Homes
PropertyEstimates |
<ResearchPropertyEstimates> or null |
Property estimates for the property
IsUpdatedToday |
Boolean |
Is the data updated today
UpdatedDate |
DateTime |
When the data is updated
IsAgentAppraised |
Boolean |
Is the data agent appraised
EstimatedMarketPriceRangeDisplay |
String or null |
Estimated Market Price range display string
SuburbName |
String or null |
The Suburb name
SuburbNearbySalesUrl |
String or null |
The Suburb near by sale url
MinimumEstimatedMarketPrice |
Long Integer or null |
Min estimated market price
MaximumEstimatedMarketPrice |
Long Integer or null |
Max estimated market price
RentEstimates |
<RentEstimates> or null |
Rent estimates for the property
UpdatedDate |
DateTime |
When the data is updated
EstimatedPricePerWeekRangeDisplay |
String or null |
Estimated Price Per Week range display string
EstimatedRentalYieldDisplay |
String or null |
Estimated rent yield
MinimumEstimatedPerWeek |
Integer or null |
Min estimated rent per week
MaximumEstimatedPerWeek |
Integer or null |
Max estimated rent per week
CapitalValue |
<CapitalValueData> or null |
Capital value of the property
UpdatedDate |
DateTime |
When the capital value is updated
CapitalValueDisplay |
String or null |
How much is the capital value
LandValueDisplay |
String or null |
How much is the land value
ImprovementValueDisplay |
String or null |
How much is the Improvement value
CapitalValue |
Long Integer or null |
How much is the capital value
LandValue |
Long Integer or null |
How much is the land value
ImprovementValue |
Long Integer or null |
How much is the Improvement value
TMSuburb |
String or null |
The TM version of the suburb
TMSuburbUrlToHomes |
String or null |
Homes map for the TM suburb
NearbyPropertyValuesURL |
String or null |
URL for nearby property values on homes
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"EstimatedValueRevisionDate": "ABC",
"DisplayEstimatedLowerValueShort": "ABC",
"DisplayEstimatedUpperValueShort": "ABC",
"DisplayEstimatedValueShort": "ABC",
"EstimatedRentalRevisionDate": "ABC",
"DisplayEstimatedRentalLowerValueShort": "ABC",
"DisplayEstimatedRentalUpperValueShort": "ABC",
"EstimatedRentalYield": "ABC",
"CapitalValue": 123.0,
"ImprovementValue": 123.0,
"LandValue": 123.0,
"DisplayCapitalValueShort": "ABC",
"DisplayImprovementValueShort": "ABC",
"DisplayLandValueShort": "ABC",
"CurrentRevisionDate": "ABC",
"PreviousCapitalValue": 123.0,
"PreviousRevisionDate": "ABC",
"FirstGasEnabled": "ABC",
"Flags": {
"DeprivationIndex": "ABC",
"DotSa1": "ABC",
"DotSegment": "ABC",
"FirstGas": false,
"Sky": false,
"UltraFastFiber": false,
"EstimateModelVersion": "ABC",
"EstimateModelReleaseDate": "ABC"
"SuburbId": 123,
"CityId": 123,
"UnitIdentifier": "ABC",
"StreetNumber": "ABC",
"StreetAlpha": "ABC",
"Street": "ABC",
"Suburb": "ABC",
"City": "ABC",
"Ta": "ABC",
"NumBedrooms": 123,
"LatestBathrooms": 123.0,
"TradeMeSuburbId": 123,
"TradeMeRegionId": 123,
"TradeMeDistrictId": 123,
"TradeMeCoverImageUrl": "ABC",
"TradeMeListingImages": [
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"Value": {
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"Key": "ABC",
"Value": {
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"IsMatched": false,
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"PropertyEstimates": {
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"UpdatedDate": "\/Date(1514764800)\/",
"IsAgentAppraised": false,
"EstimatedMarketPriceRangeDisplay": "ABC",
"SuburbName": "ABC",
"SuburbNearbySalesUrl": "ABC",
"MinimumEstimatedMarketPrice": 123,
"MaximumEstimatedMarketPrice": 123
"RentEstimates": {
"UpdatedDate": "\/Date(1514764800)\/",
"EstimatedPricePerWeekRangeDisplay": "ABC",
"EstimatedRentalYieldDisplay": "ABC",
"MinimumEstimatedPerWeek": 123,
"MaximumEstimatedPerWeek": 123
"CapitalValue": {
"UpdatedDate": "\/Date(1514764800)\/",
"CapitalValueDisplay": "ABC",
"LandValueDisplay": "ABC",
"ImprovementValueDisplay": "ABC",
"CapitalValue": 123,
"LandValue": 123,
"ImprovementValue": 123
"TMSuburb": "ABC",
"TMSuburbUrlToHomes": "ABC",
"NearbyPropertyValuesURL": "ABC"