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Get nearby homes cards

Get sold cards nearby

HTTP Method: GET
Requires Authentication? Yes
Permission Required: None
Supported Formats: XML, JSON
Rate Limited? Yes

URL parameters

file_format Enumeration (required) The format of the response.
xml Serialize responses into XML.
json Serialize responses into JSON.

Query String parameters

limit Integer (optional)

Maximum number of results to return

max_distance Integer (optional)

Option distance from property to search

property_id String (optional)

Property Id to query to Homes



A PropertyCardResponse object that contain some details about the nearby properties

Error String or null


Cards Collection of <PropertyCard> or null


Date String or null


DisplayPrice String or null

Display Price

DistanceToPoint Number or null

Distance To Point

FeaturedAt String or null

Featured At

FeaturedPlan Integer or null

Featured Plan

ListingId String or null

Listing Id

Point <GeoPoint> or null


(This type has already been defined)
Price Number or null


PropertyDetails <PropertyCardPropertyDetails> or null

Property Details

Address String or null


DisplayAddress String or null

Display Address

CoverImageUrl String or null

Cover Image Url

CoverImageUrlSource String or null

Cover Image Url Source

NumBathrooms Integer or null

Num Bathrooms

LatestBedrooms String or null

Latest Bedrooms

NumCarSpaces Integer or null

Num Car Spaces

LatestCarSpaces String or null

Latest Car Spaces

LatestSource String or null

Latest Source

Headline String or null


EstimatedValueRevisionDate String or null

Estimated Value Revision Date

DisplayEstimatedLowerValueShort String or null

Display Estimated Lower Value Short

DisplayEstimatedUpperValueShort String or null

Display Estimated Upper Value Short

DisplayEstimatedValueShort String or null

Display Estimated Value Short

EstimatedRentalRevisionDate String or null

Estimated Rental Revision Date

DisplayEstimatedRentalLowerValueShort String or null

Display Estimated Rental Lower Value Short

DisplayEstimatedRentalUpperValueShort String or null

Display Estimated Rental Upper Value Short

EstimatedRentalYield String or null

Estimated Rental Yield

CapitalValue Number or null

Capital Value

ImprovementValue Number or null

Improvement Value

LandValue Number or null

Land Value

DisplayCapitalValueShort String or null

Display Capital Value Short

DisplayImprovementValueShort String or null

Display Improvement Value Short

DisplayLandValueShort String or null

Display Land Value Short

CurrentRevisionDate String or null

Current Revision Date

PreviousCapitalValue Number or null

Previous Capital Value

PreviousRevisionDate String or null

Previous Revision Date

SuburbId Integer or null

Suburb Id

CityId Integer or null

City Id

UnitIdentifier String or null

Unit Identifier

StreetNumber String or null

Street Number

StreetAlpha String or null

Street Alpha

Street String or null


Suburb String or null


City String or null


Ta String or null


NumBedrooms Integer or null

Num Bedrooms

LatestBathrooms Number or null

Latest Bathrooms

TradeMeSuburbId Integer or null

Trademe suburb id

TradeMeRegionId Integer or null

Trademe region id

TradeMeDistrictId Integer or null

Trademe district id

TradeMeCoverImageUrl String or null

Trademe cover image url

PropertyId String or null

Property Id

SalesCount Integer or null

Sales Count

State Integer or null


Url String or null


DisplayShortPrice String or null

Display Short Price

TMListingId String or null

Last TM Listing Id

SuburbUrl String or null


Example XML Response (switch to JSON)

<PropertyCardsResponse xmlns="">
      <Point />
      <Point />

Example JSON Response (switch to XML)

  "Error": "ABC",
  "Cards": [
      "Date": "ABC",
      "DisplayPrice": "ABC",
      "DistanceToPoint": 123.0,
      "FeaturedAt": "ABC",
      "FeaturedPlan": 123,
      "ListingId": "ABC",
      "Point": {
      "Price": 123.0,
      "PropertyDetails": {
        "Address": "ABC",
        "DisplayAddress": "ABC",
        "CoverImageUrl": "ABC",
        "CoverImageUrlSource": "ABC",
        "NumBathrooms": 123,
        "LatestBedrooms": "ABC",
        "NumCarSpaces": 123,
        "LatestCarSpaces": "ABC",
        "LatestSource": "ABC",
        "Headline": "ABC",
        "EstimatedValueRevisionDate": "ABC",
        "DisplayEstimatedLowerValueShort": "ABC",
        "DisplayEstimatedUpperValueShort": "ABC",
        "DisplayEstimatedValueShort": "ABC",
        "EstimatedRentalRevisionDate": "ABC",
        "DisplayEstimatedRentalLowerValueShort": "ABC",
        "DisplayEstimatedRentalUpperValueShort": "ABC",
        "EstimatedRentalYield": "ABC",
        "CapitalValue": 123.0,
        "ImprovementValue": 123.0,
        "LandValue": 123.0,
        "DisplayCapitalValueShort": "ABC",
        "DisplayImprovementValueShort": "ABC",
        "DisplayLandValueShort": "ABC",
        "CurrentRevisionDate": "ABC",
        "PreviousCapitalValue": 123.0,
        "PreviousRevisionDate": "ABC",
        "SuburbId": 123,
        "CityId": 123,
        "UnitIdentifier": "ABC",
        "StreetNumber": "ABC",
        "StreetAlpha": "ABC",
        "Street": "ABC",
        "Suburb": "ABC",
        "City": "ABC",
        "Ta": "ABC",
        "NumBedrooms": 123,
        "LatestBathrooms": 123.0,
        "TradeMeSuburbId": 123,
        "TradeMeRegionId": 123,
        "TradeMeDistrictId": 123,
        "TradeMeCoverImageUrl": "ABC"
      "PropertyId": "ABC",
      "SalesCount": 123,
      "State": 123,
      "Url": "ABC",
      "DisplayShortPrice": "ABC",
      "TMListingId": "ABC",
      "SuburbUrl": "ABC"
      "Date": "ABC",
      "DisplayPrice": "ABC",
      "DistanceToPoint": 123.0,
      "FeaturedAt": "ABC",
      "FeaturedPlan": 123,
      "ListingId": "ABC",
      "Point": {
      "Price": 123.0,
      "PropertyDetails": {
        "Address": "ABC",
        "DisplayAddress": "ABC",
        "CoverImageUrl": "ABC",
        "CoverImageUrlSource": "ABC",
        "NumBathrooms": 123,
        "LatestBedrooms": "ABC",
        "NumCarSpaces": 123,
        "LatestCarSpaces": "ABC",
        "LatestSource": "ABC",
        "Headline": "ABC",
        "EstimatedValueRevisionDate": "ABC",
        "DisplayEstimatedLowerValueShort": "ABC",
        "DisplayEstimatedUpperValueShort": "ABC",
        "DisplayEstimatedValueShort": "ABC",
        "EstimatedRentalRevisionDate": "ABC",
        "DisplayEstimatedRentalLowerValueShort": "ABC",
        "DisplayEstimatedRentalUpperValueShort": "ABC",
        "EstimatedRentalYield": "ABC",
        "CapitalValue": 123.0,
        "ImprovementValue": 123.0,
        "LandValue": 123.0,
        "DisplayCapitalValueShort": "ABC",
        "DisplayImprovementValueShort": "ABC",
        "DisplayLandValueShort": "ABC",
        "CurrentRevisionDate": "ABC",
        "PreviousCapitalValue": 123.0,
        "PreviousRevisionDate": "ABC",
        "SuburbId": 123,
        "CityId": 123,
        "UnitIdentifier": "ABC",
        "StreetNumber": "ABC",
        "StreetAlpha": "ABC",
        "Street": "ABC",
        "Suburb": "ABC",
        "City": "ABC",
        "Ta": "ABC",
        "NumBedrooms": 123,
        "LatestBathrooms": 123.0,
        "TradeMeSuburbId": 123,
        "TradeMeRegionId": 123,
        "TradeMeDistrictId": 123,
        "TradeMeCoverImageUrl": "ABC"
      "PropertyId": "ABC",
      "SalesCount": 123,
      "State": 123,
      "Url": "ABC",
      "DisplayShortPrice": "ABC",
      "TMListingId": "ABC",
      "SuburbUrl": "ABC"