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Retrieve list of charities

Retrieves a collection of charities available to donate to when listing.

HTTP Method: GET
Requires Authentication? No
Permission Required: Public
Supported Formats: XML, JSON
Rate Limited? No

URL parameters

file_format Enumeration (required) The format of the response.
xml Serialize responses into XML.
json Serialize responses into JSON.


Collection of <Charity>

Charities collection.

CharityType Enumeration

The unique identifier of the charity.

None 0

The default charity identifier. Used if the user chose not to donate to a charity at all.

ForestAndBird 1

Donate to Forest and Bird's kiwis for kiwis program.

Plunket 2

Donate to Plunket.

StJohn 3

Donate to St John.

OurPeopleOurCityFund 4

Donate to Our People, Our City Fund.

WomensRefuge 5

Donate to Women's Refuge

KidsCan 6

Donate to KidsCan

ImageSource String or null

The URL for this charity's brand image (designed for a light background).

DarkModeImageSource String or null

The URL for this charity's brand image (designed for a dark background).

Description String or null

The name of the charity e.g. "Plunket", "Kiwis for kiwi".

Tagline String or null

A short description of what the charity does.

Example XML Response (switch to JSON)

<CharityCollection xmlns="">

Example JSON Response (switch to XML)

    "CharityType": 0,
    "ImageSource": "ABC",
    "DarkModeImageSource": "ABC",
    "Description": "ABC",
    "Tagline": "ABC"
    "CharityType": 0,
    "ImageSource": "ABC",
    "DarkModeImageSource": "ABC",
    "Description": "ABC",
    "Tagline": "ABC"