Selling Methods
These methods allow you to list an item on the site. When selling you can choose to either list and not view the fees that you will be charged, or get a response back to confirm the total fees for the particular listing you are creating.
- List an item
- Validate a listing request
- Retrieve fees for listing an item
- Retrieve fees for editing an item
- Retrieve fees for relisting an item
- Retrieve fees for relisting an item with edits
- Retrieve fees for withdrawing a listing
- Retrieve estimated success fees for selling an item
- Edit an item
- Withdraw an auction or classified
- Extend a classified
- Relist an item
- Relist an item with edits
- Sell similar from an existing auction or classified
- Remove leading bid
- Retrieve the details of a single listing
- Promote a listing with a temporal extra
- Create a draft listing
- Update a draft listing
- Delete a draft listing
- Get a list of draft listings
- Get a draft listing
- Retrieve member selling preferences
- Update member selling preferences