List an item
Starts a new auction or classified.
You should call the category details API to determine approximate fees, attribute metadata, the legal notice, listing durations and more. The fees API can be used to determine exact fees. The member profile API also contains some relevant information.
Listing services (category 9334) is currently not supported via the API. Listing properties (category 350) and businesses for sale (category 36) is supported, but only for members who are registered property or rental agents.
URL: |{file_format} |
HTTP Method: | POST |
Requires Authentication? | Yes |
Permission Required: | MyTradeMeWrite: Maintain your watchlist, answer questions and post comments. |
Supported Formats: | XML, JSON |
Rate Limited? | Yes |
URL parameters
file_format | Enumeration (required) | The format of the response. | ||||
Category | String (optional) |
The ID of the category to list the item in. For example, specify "6853" to list an oil heater. This field also accepts the MCAT category format (e.g. "0004-0370-0560-6853-"). Ignored when listing from the DVD/Blu-ray catalogue. |
Title | String (optional) |
The title of the listing. Maximum of 80 characters for Marketplace categories, 50 for the other businesses. Mandatory for most categories. In some categories (e.g. used cars, motorbikes, flatmates wanted) the title is based on one or more attributes. In these categories the title is optional, and is ignored if it is supplied. Not required when listing from the DVD/Blu-ray catalogue. |
Subtitle | String (optional) |
The subtitle of the listing. Optional. Maximum of 50 characters. |
Description | Collection of String (optional) |
A plain text description of the listing. Use CRLF to insert a new line. Mandatory for all auction types except DVD and Blu-ray catalogue listings. Maximum length of 5100 characters for job listings, 5200 characters for property listings and 2048 characters for all others. |
StartPrice | Number (optional) |
The start price of the listing. Mandatory for auctions. Must be a minimum of 50c and must be less than or equal to the ReservePrice. For most classifieds this value is optional: if specified it is the value that is displayed as the ‘Asking price’. A notable exception to this rule are business for sale classifieds. Not used for property listings (subcategories of category 350); use the PropertyPricePrice attribute instead. |
ReservePrice | Number (optional) |
The reserve price of the listing. Optional. If supplied, it must be a minimum of 50c and it must be greater than or equal to the StartPrice. Only applicable to auctions, ignored for classifieds. |
BuyNowPrice | Number (optional) |
The Buy Now price of the listing. Optional. Must be a minimum of 50c, must be greater than or equal to the StartPrice. For Buy Now Only auctions quantity and shipping information must be specified. See Quantity and IsFlatShippingCharge. Only applicable to auctions, ignored for classifieds. |
Duration | Enumeration (required) |
The duration of the listing. Mandatory. Must be one of the durations available as per the category details API. Can be a fixed duration or a specified end time. |
EndDateTime | DateTime (optional) |
The date and time the listing should close. Ignored unless Duration is set to EndDate. |
Pickup | Enumeration (optional) |
Indicates whether the buyer can (or is required to) pick-up the item. For auctions any value other than Demand implies that at least one shipping option must be provided. For classifieds this value is ignored. |
PickupSuburbId | Integer (optional) |
If the buyer can (or is required to) pick-up the item then this field can be used to specify the pick-up suburb id. It uses the three-tier region/district/suburb system. Optional. Only applicable to auctions, ignored for classifieds. |
IsBrandNew | Boolean (optional) |
Indicates whether the listing is for a brand new item. Optional, defaults to false. Only applicable to auctions, ignored for classifieds. |
AuthenticatedMembersOnly | Boolean (optional) |
Determines if only authenticated members can bid on the listing. Only applicable to auctions, ignored for classifieds. |
IsClassified | Boolean (optional) |
Determines if this listing is a classified or an auction. Optional, defaults to false. Some categories support auctions, some support classifieds and some accept both types. Use the category details API to check which types a category supports. |
OpenHomes | Collection of <OpenHome> (optional) |
A list of upcoming open home times. Currently only applies to residential for sale (category 3399) and lifestyle (category 9120) listings. |
SendPaymentInstructions | Boolean (optional) |
Determines if only the payment instructions are sent at the end of the listing Specifies if automatic payment instructions email will be sent to the winner of the auction. Optional, defaults to false. |
OtherPaymentMethod | String (optional) |
If the list of payment methods includes Other then this field can be used to specify the name of the payment method. Optional. Only applicable to auctions that have the Other payment method. |
IsOrNearOffer | Boolean (optional) |
Specifies if ‘ONO’ should be displayed with price on listing. Optional. Applicable only to classified listings. |
IsPriceOnApplication | Boolean (optional) |
Specifies that the price should be displayed as "Price on Application". Optional. Applicable only to businesses for sale listings (subcategories of category 36). |
IsBold | Boolean (optional) |
Applies the bold promotion onto the listing. Only permitted in categories that support bold. Whether or not it’s available in a category can be confirmed using the Fees API endpoint. Note that a discount may be applicable if all the feature combo promotions are specified (feature, bold, highlight and gallery). Also note that promotions cannot be removed from a listing. |
IsFeatured | Boolean (optional) |
Applies the feature promotion onto the listing. Only permitted in categories that support this promotion. Whether or not it’s available in a category can be confirmed using the Fees API endpoint. Note that a discount may be applicable if all the feature combo promotions are specified (feature, bold, highlight and gallery). Also note that promotions cannot be removed from a listing. |
IsHomepageFeatured | Boolean (optional) |
*deprecated* |
HasGallery | Boolean (optional) |
Applies the gallery promotion onto the listing. Only permitted in categories that support this promotion. Whether or not it’s available in a category can be confirmed using the Fees API endpoint. Note that a discount may be applicable if all the feature combo promotions are specified (feature, bold, highlight and gallery). Also note that promotions cannot be removed from a listing. |
HasGalleryPlus | Boolean (optional) |
Applies the gallery plus promotion onto the listing. Only permitted in categories that support this promotion. Whether or not it’s available in a category can be confirmed using the Fees API endpoint. This promotion cannot be applied to a listing that already has the gallery promotion. Note that promotions cannot be removed from a listing. |
Quantity | Integer (optional) |
For Buy Now Only auctions this is the quantity of items that are available for sale. Optional. Can be between 1 and 1000. Setting the quantity (even to 1) will prevent bidding and make a listing only purchasable via Buy Now. Note that when editing, the value must be less than or equal to 1000 - (quantity sold). The quantity sold for a listing can be calculated by adding up all the QuantitySold values from the listing details response. |
IsFlatShippingCharge | Boolean (optional) |
For Buy Now Only auctions this specifies if the shipping is one rate for multiple quantities. If false is specified the winning bidder will be charged the shipping rate multiplied by the quantity of items purchased. If true is specified one flat shipping rate is charged. Only applicable for auctions, ignored for classifieds. |
HasAgreedWithLegalNotice | Boolean (optional) |
Specifies if the user has read and agreed with the legal notice relevant to the category the listing is being created in. The category details API can be used to retrieve the legal notice for a specific category (only applies to certain categories, such as the category 6327 - Carbon Credits). |
AutoRelistLimit | Integer (optional) |
This field is deprecated and should not be used. |
HomePhoneNumber | String (optional) |
Home phone number to be displayed on listing. Optional. Only applicable in categories where the user has paid a listing fee. Must be 9 digits long and use a valid area code. Can be specified but will only be displayed when category permits. |
MobilePhoneNumber | String (optional) |
Mobile phone number to be displayed on listing. Optional. Only applicable in categories where the user has paid a listing fee. Must be 8 or 9 digits long. Can be specified but will only be displayed when category permits. |
IsHighlighted | Boolean (optional) |
Applies the “highlight” promotion onto the listing. Only permitted in categories that support this promotion. Whether or not it’s available in a category can be confirmed using the Fees API endpoint. Note that a discount may be applicable if all the feature combo promotions are specified (feature, bold, highlight and gallery). Also note that promotions cannot be removed from a listing. |
HasSuperFeature | Boolean (optional) |
Applies the “super feature” promotion onto the listing. Only permitted in categories that support this promotion. Whether or not it’s available in a category can be confirmed using the Fees API endpoint. Note that when creating a new listing with the super feature promotion, the feature, bold, highlight and gallery promotions will automatically be applied. Also note that promotions cannot be removed from a listing. |
PhotoIds | Collection of Long Integer (optional) |
Photo IDs for images that have already been uploaded that you want to display on the listing. For all general items categories all photos are free (up to 20 max). Check the category details API for exact details. Note that photos may be deleted if they are unused for too long. It is up to you to ensure that your photo IDs are valid. See our photo retention policy for more information. |
ShippingOptions | Collection of <ShippingOption> (optional) |
The shipping options to be displayed on the listing. Can contain up to ten shipping options. Mandatory for auctions, ignored for classifieds. |
PaymentMethods | Collection of Enumeration (optional) |
The acceptable payment methods to be displayed on the listing. Mandatory for auctions, ignored for classifieds. |
Attributes | Collection of <Attribute> (optional) |
The attribute values for a listing. The attributes for a category can be found using the category details API. Additionally, some API clients may supply any number of dynamic attributes i.e. name-value pairs as defined by the client Some well-known attribute names will also help users find your listings: Google Shopping Feed We include attributes that are named and correctly formatted in a feed that goes to Google Shopping. These are on the ProductSpecification section so include this data if you have it. |
IsClearance | Boolean (optional) |
Indicates that the listing is a clearance item. Only applicable on auctions for members who have a Trade Me store. Ignored for classifieds. |
ExternalReferenceId | String (optional) |
Allows the API client to associate an identifier (or any short string) against the listing. This value can be searched on but is otherwise only accessible via the API. Not used by Trade Me. Optional. Max 50 characters. |
Contacts | Collection of <Contact> (optional) |
A list of contact details. Optional. Currently only applicable for property categories and property agents that have billing methods covering the type of category. For example to add contact details in the residential for rent category the agent must have residential for rent billing enabled. |
ReturnListingDetails | Boolean (optional) |
Indicates whether full listing details should be returned in the Listing field. Not supported by the fee APIs. |
DonationRecipient | Enumeration (optional) |
Indicates the user would like to round up their success fees to the nearest dollar and donate the difference to the selected charity. |
CatalogueId | String (optional) |
Used for listing catalogue items and is the catalogue ID of the DVD or Blu-ray that is being listed. There is a separate API for finding the catalogue ID using the name of the movie. Catalogue items (category 9232 or category 365) can change their catalogue id but cannot be changed from a catalogue listing to a non-catalogue listing. |
RemainingGalleryPlusRelists | Integer (optional) |
The number of times the item can be relisted and get the gallery promotion for free. Ignored when creating or editing a listing. |
PromotionId | Integer (optional) |
Indicates the promotion to apply to this listing. This ID can be retrieved using the category details API. When editing, promotions can only be upgraded, they cannot be downgraded. |
ExcludeFromShippingPromotion | Boolean (optional) |
Exclude this listing from participating in the sellers shipping promotions. |
SKU | String (optional) |
SKU or Stock Keeping Unit. Used to uniquely identify an auction's product line. Maximum of 50 characters. |
AvailablePromotions | Collection of <Promotion> (optional) |
The list of available promotional options for this listing. Only one promotional option can be selected. These are only available in categories where Super Grid has been enabled. |
ImmutableFields | Collection of String (optional) |
A collection of the names of various fields and attributes which cannot be changed under various conditions e.g. a bid has been placed on an Auction, or 7 days has passed after a classified was created. |
GeographicLocation | <SimpleGeographicLocation> (optional) |
A custom geographic location |
WasPrice | Number (optional) |
The usual price that a product is sold at, or the price before it was marked down. This is always more than the Buy Now price for Auctions, or more than the asking price for Classifieds. |
EmbeddedContent | <EmbeddedContent> (optional) |
The content keys that are embedded in the listing page (e.g. YouTube Video Key).Use the category details API to check which content types a category supports. |
IsBranded | Boolean (optional) |
A flag indicating the listing should be branded. Only applicable to the Jobs category. |
ShortDescription | String (optional) |
Summary of the listing. Mandatory for Job listings Maximum of 150 characters. |
ShippingCalculatorInputs | <TmShippingCalculatorInputs> (optional) |
The criteria used within the Trade Me Shipping calculator to determine rates. |
AdditionalData | <AdditionalData> (optional) |
Structured information for Listing Additional Data. Currently only used by featured Job listings. |
VariantDefinition | <VariantDefinition> (optional) |
When specified, turns the listing request into a multi-variant listing that creates several child listings. The variants definition is used to describe the variant options that are available and the combinations of variants that make up the multi-variant listing. |
SecondCategory | String (optional) |
The ID of the second category to list the item in. For example, specify "6853" to list an oil heater. This field also accepts the MCAT category format (e.g. "0004-0370-0560-6853-"). Not all categories can be used as a second category and not all primary categories can be paired with a second category. |
PremiumPackageCode | String (optional) |
The code of the premium package to apply to the listing. This will be null if a package is not applied to the listing or a package was previously applied but has since completed. |
ProductSpecification | <ProductSpecification> (optional) |
The specifications of the product if the listing relates to a product. If this is a multi-variant product, specify these in the Variants section. |
(This type has already been defined) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ListingExtras | Collection of <ListingExtras> (optional) |
A collection of extras to apply to the listing. This is an input field. We require Name, & Variant for each ListingExtra. |
ListingExtrasLedger | Collection of <ListingExtras> (optional) |
A collection of extras that have been applied to the listing. This is an output field. We will provide Id, Name, Variant, StartDate, & EndDate. Any changes to this collection is ignored when creating or editing a listing. |
(This type has already been defined) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
HasGoodFor2Relists | Boolean (optional) |
Indicates if Good For 2 Relists is included with the premium package. |
IsCounterOffersAllowed | Boolean (optional) |
Indicates if Make an Offer is enabled or not. true is enabled, false is disabled and null means it hasn't set yet. |
MaximumOffers | Integer (optional) |
The maximum number of Buyer offers the listing accepts if the listing has Counter Offers enabled. |
ShippingTemplateId | Long Integer (optional) |
The identifier of the shipping template containing the shipping options. |
Photos | Collection of <Photo> (optional) |
A collection of photo URLs for the listing. Ignored when creating or editing a listing. |
Files | Collection of <ListingFile> (optional) |
A list of files on the listing |
Success | Boolean |
Indicates whether the operation was successful. |
Description | String or null |
The description of the error, if the operation failed. |
ListingId | Long Integer |
The ID of the listing. |
Listing | <ListedItemDetail> or null |
The state of the listing, after the listing operation has successfully completed. This field is only present if the ReturnListingDetails parameter is true and the operation was successful. This field will also be missing if there was an error retrieving the listing details. For more information on this field, see the documentation for the listing details API. |
(This type is defined elsewhere) | |||
ListingGroupId | Long Integer or null |
The identifier of the group of related multi-variant listings. Blank if the listing is not multi-variant |
Variants | Collection of <Variant> or null |
The individual variants created in the group of related multi-variant listings. |
(This type has already been defined) |
General auction with reserve and buy now, no photos, no specified shipping, no 'other' shipping option:
<ListingRequest xmlns="">
<Title>Arty surprise</Title>
<Paragraph>All true art lovers will buy this.</Paragraph>
Auction with attributes - Computers > Desktops:
<ListingRequest xmlns="">
<Title>Extreme PC XXX</Title>
<Subtitle>Lots of bang for your buck!</Subtitle>
<Paragraph>This computer is the bees knees!</Paragraph>
<Method>Overnight courier (urban areas only)</Method>
<Method>Rural delivery (2-3 days)</Method>
Buy Now Listing with multiple variants:
<ListingRequest xmlns="">
<Title>Example MVL</Title>
<Paragraph>The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.</Paragraph>
Listing a used car:
<ListingRequest xmlns="">
<Paragraph>Looking for a bit of European thrill? Then why not take a look at this 2.0L 147kW Turbo Quattro Audi A4 wagon. Presented in superb condition with Moro Blue exterior with Chrome details.</Paragraph>
<Value>Dark Blue</Value>
<Value>FSI Quattro</Value>
Listing a motorboat:
<ListingRequest xmlns="">
<Title>My fantastic boat</Title>
<Paragraph>My fantastic boat can do all sorts of wonderful things.</Paragraph>
Listing international accommodation:
<ListingRequest xmlns="">
<Title>Hotel Italy</Title>
<Paragraph>Italy on a budget.</Paragraph>
Listing a motorbike as an auction:
<ListingRequest xmlns="">
<Paragraph>The best Audi you'll find anywhere!</Paragraph>
<Method>Courier NZ Wide</Method>
Listing a motorbike as a classified:
<ListingRequest xmlns="">
<Paragraph>The best Audi you'll find anywhere!</Paragraph>
Listing a residential property with agent names and open homes times:
<ListingRequest xmlns="">
<Title>House with some agents</Title>
<Value>Unit B</Value>
<Value>Sesame street</Value>
<FullName>Johnny Cash</FullName>
<FullName>Sam Cooke</FullName>
Listing a lifestyle property with auto-extend:
<ListingRequest xmlns="">
<Title>Lifestyle test listing</Title>
<Paragraph>So sunny!</Paragraph>