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Retrieve site statistics

Retrieves statistics about the Trade Me website, including the number of active members and the number of active listings.

HTTP Method: GET
Requires Authentication? No
Permission Required: Public
Supported Formats: XML, JSON
Rate Limited? No

URL parameters

file_format Enumeration (required) The format of the response.
xml Serialize responses into XML.
json Serialize responses into JSON.



General statistics, including the number of active members and the number of active listings.

MembersOnline Integer

The number of people online right now (live).

ActiveMembers Integer

The number of active members (live).

ActiveListings Integer

The number of active listings (live).

AverageTimeSpent String or null

The average time spent on the site e.g. "10 minutes".

This field is deprecated and will return a default value of the empty string

AverageVisitorsPerDay Integer

The average number of people who visit each day (unique browsers).

This field is deprecated and will return a default value of 0

BusiestDayOfWeek String or null

The busiest day of the week e.g. "Monday".

This field is deprecated and will return a default value of the empty string

ReportMonthAndYear String or null

The month and year when the statistics for AverageTimeSpent, VistorsPerMonth and AverageVisitorsPerDay were gathered e.g. "May 2013".

This field is deprecated and will return a default value of the empty string

ReportSource String or null

The source of the AverageTimeSpent, VistorsPerMonth and AverageVisitorsPerDay information e.g. "Nielsen Online".

This field is deprecated and will return a default value of the empty string

Example XML Response (switch to JSON)

<SiteStats xmlns="">

Example JSON Response (switch to XML)

  "MembersOnline": 123,
  "ActiveMembers": 123,
  "ActiveListings": 123,
  "AverageTimeSpent": "ABC",
  "AverageVisitorsPerDay": 123,
  "BusiestDayOfWeek": "ABC",
  "ReportMonthAndYear": "ABC",
  "ReportSource": "ABC"