Retrieves the list of favourite categories for the currently authenticated user.
A list of favourite categories.
TotalCount |
Integer |
The total number of results in the collection. Can be larger than the number of returned results.
Page |
Integer |
The index of the current page of results (starts at 1).
PageSize |
Integer |
The number of results in the current page.
List |
Collection of <SavedCategory> or null |
A list of the results in the current page.
FavouriteId |
Integer |
The ID of the favourite.
SearchApi |
Enumeration |
The search API endpoint that should be used in conjunction with the SearchString property to build up a search URL. Examples include "General", "Motors/Used", etc.
General |
0 |
General search.
UsedMotors |
1 |
Used cars.
MotorBoat |
2 |
Motor boats.
MotorBike |
3 |
Motor bikes.
Residential |
4 |
Residential property for sale.
Rental |
5 |
Residential property to rent.
CommercialSale |
6 |
Commercial property for sale.
CommercialLease |
7 |
Commercial property leases.
Rural |
8 |
Rural property.
Lifestyle |
9 |
Lifestyle blocks.
Flatmate |
10 |
OpenHomes |
11 |
Open homes.
Retirement |
12 |
Retirement villages.
Job |
13 |
NewHomes |
14 |
New Homes property.
Caravan |
15 |
Motors caravan property
Motorhome |
16 |
Motors motorhomes property
SearchString |
String or null |
A string containing the search parameters. This is formatted like a HTTP query string (but without a leading question mark) and can include any of the parameters accepted by the search APIs.
Attributes |
<SearchAttributes> or null |
The attributes saved in the search.
TotalCount |
Integer |
The total number of results in the collection. Can be larger than the number of returned results.
Page |
Integer |
The index of the current page of results (starts at 1).
PageSize |
Integer |
The number of results in the current page.
List |
Collection of <SearchAttribute> or null |
A list of the results in the current page.
Name |
String or null |
A name which uniquely identifies the attribute. Required when selling or editing.
DisplayName |
String or null |
The name of the attribute, in a form suitable for displaying to users. Not required when selling or editing.
Value |
String or null |
The string value of the attribute. When listing, the valid values for the attribute can be determined using the "Retrieve attributes for a category" API. Use "false" or "true" for boolean attributes. Required when selling or editing.
DisplayValue |
String or null |
The value of the attribute as it needs to be displayed to the end users
SearchParameterName |
String or null |
The name of the attribute when used in a search string.
EmailOptions |
Enumeration |
Indicates how often the email updates should be sent for this favourite.
None |
0 |
No emails are sent.
Daily |
1 |
An email is sent every day.
Every3Days |
3 |
An email is sent each third day.
Weekly |
7 |
An email is sent every week.
Option |
Enumeration |
The favourite type. Only used when updating and deleting.
None |
0 |
Category |
1 |
Search |
3 |
General search
AttributeSearch |
4 |
Attributed search
Seller |
6 |
LastAccessed |
DateTime or null |
The date the favourite was last accessed in UTC format.
FavouritePushFrequency |
Enumeration |
The push notification of the favourite, which the FavouriteId property refers to.
None |
0 |
Push not enabled for this favourite.
Instant |
1 |
Push is enabled for this favourite.
CategoryPath |
String or null |
The breadcrumb trail for the category, e.g. "Books > Children & babies > Picture books > Beatrix Potter".
CategoryName |
String or null |
The name of the category.
Category |
String or null |
The full category identifier, e.g. "0193-0462-0255-6659-".
CategoryId |
Integer |
The category ID, e.g. 6659.
"TotalCount": 123,
"Page": 123,
"PageSize": 123,
"List": [
"FavouriteId": 123,
"SearchApi": 0,
"SearchString": "ABC",
"Attributes": {
"TotalCount": 123,
"Page": 123,
"PageSize": 123,
"List": [
"Name": "ABC",
"DisplayName": "ABC",
"Value": "ABC",
"DisplayValue": "ABC",
"SearchParameterName": "ABC"
"Name": "ABC",
"DisplayName": "ABC",
"Value": "ABC",
"DisplayValue": "ABC",
"SearchParameterName": "ABC"
"EmailOptions": 0,
"Option": 0,
"LastAccessed": "\/Date(1514764800)\/",
"FavouritePushFrequency": 0,
"CategoryPath": "ABC",
"CategoryName": "ABC",
"Category": "ABC",
"CategoryId": 123
"FavouriteId": 123,
"SearchApi": 0,
"SearchString": "ABC",
"Attributes": {
"TotalCount": 123,
"Page": 123,
"PageSize": 123,
"List": [
"Name": "ABC",
"DisplayName": "ABC",
"Value": "ABC",
"DisplayValue": "ABC",
"SearchParameterName": "ABC"
"Name": "ABC",
"DisplayName": "ABC",
"Value": "ABC",
"DisplayValue": "ABC",
"SearchParameterName": "ABC"
"EmailOptions": 0,
"Option": 0,
"LastAccessed": "\/Date(1514764800)\/",
"FavouritePushFrequency": 0,
"CategoryPath": "ABC",
"CategoryName": "ABC",
"Category": "ABC",
"CategoryId": 123