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Retrieves job agent report

Retrieves a report of the job agent's listings

HTTP Method: GET
Requires Authentication? Yes
Permission Required: MyTradeMeRead: Read your membership & listing data.
Supported Formats: XML, JSON
Rate Limited? Yes

URL parameters

memberId Integer (required)

The member id to retrieve the report for. Must be the authenticated member

filter String (required)

The range for the report.

CurrentAll the current listings.
Last45DaysListings in the last 45 days.
Last7DaysListings in the last 7 days.
AllAll the current listings.

file_format Enumeration (required) The format of the response.
xml Serialize responses into XML.
json Serialize responses into JSON.



The job agent report data.

TotalCount Integer

The total number of results in the collection. Can be larger than the number of returned results.

Page Integer

The index of the current page of results (starts at 1).

PageSize Integer

The number of results in the current page.

List Collection of <JobAgentReportLine> or null

A list of the results in the current page.

ListingId Long Integer

The ID of the listing.

AgentReference String or null

The agent's reference for the listing.

Title String or null

The title used for the listing.

District String or null

The district the listing is located.

Region String or null

The region name for the listing.

Views Integer

The number of views on the listing.

StartDate DateTime

The UTC start date of the listing.

EndDate DateTime

The UTC end date of the listing.

Category String or null

The category of the listing.

CompanyName String or null

The name of the company for the listing.

Applications Integer

The number of applications for the job.

IsFeatured Boolean

Indicates whether the listing is featured.

ClicksToApply Integer

The number of clicks to apply for the job.

Example XML Response (switch to JSON)

<JobAgentReport xmlns="">

Example JSON Response (switch to XML)

  "TotalCount": 123,
  "Page": 123,
  "PageSize": 123,
  "List": [
      "ListingId": 123,
      "AgentReference": "ABC",
      "Title": "ABC",
      "District": "ABC",
      "Region": "ABC",
      "Views": 123,
      "StartDate": "\/Date(1514764800)\/",
      "EndDate": "\/Date(1514764800)\/",
      "Category": "ABC",
      "CompanyName": "ABC",
      "Applications": 123,
      "IsFeatured": false,
      "ClicksToApply": 123
      "ListingId": 123,
      "AgentReference": "ABC",
      "Title": "ABC",
      "District": "ABC",
      "Region": "ABC",
      "Views": 123,
      "StartDate": "\/Date(1514764800)\/",
      "EndDate": "\/Date(1514764800)\/",
      "Category": "ABC",
      "CompanyName": "ABC",
      "Applications": 123,
      "IsFeatured": false,
      "ClicksToApply": 123