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Retrieve feedback for a member

Retrieves feedback information for a member.

HTTP Method: GET
Requires Authentication? Yes
Permission Required: None
Supported Formats: XML, JSON
Rate Limited? Yes

URL parameters

memberId Integer (required)

The ID of the member to retrieve feedback information for.

filter String (required)

"Selling", "Buying" or "All".

file_format Enumeration (required) The format of the response.
xml Serialize responses into XML.
json Serialize responses into JSON.

Query String parameters

page Integer (optional)

The page number of the set of results to return, starting from 1. Defaults to 1.

rows Integer (optional)

The number of results per page; also the maximum number of results to return. Defaults to 50.

since DateTime (optional)

Ignores any feedback from before this date.



TotalCount Integer

The total number of results in the collection. Can be larger than the number of returned results.

Page Integer

The index of the current page of results (starts at 1).

PageSize Integer

The number of results in the current page.

List Collection of <FeedbackItem> or null

A list of the results in the current page.

IsSeller Boolean

Indicates whether the feedback is from the seller.

DateEntered DateTime

The date and time the feedback was entered.

Text String or null

The text of the feedback.

ListingId Long Integer

The ID of the listing the feedback was about.

BuyNowPrice Number

The Buy Now price.

IsAnOffer Boolean

Determines if the sale was an offer.

MaximumBidAmount Number

The final bid amount.

OfferPrice Number

The offer price (if it was a fixed price offer).

DateResponded DateTime

The date and time the response was given to the feedback.

Response String or null

The response to the feedback.

HasReturnedFeedback Boolean

Indicates whether a response has been given to the feedback.

IsEdited Boolean

Indicates whether the feedback has been edited.

SellerId Integer

The member ID of the seller.

FeedbackType Enumeration

The type of feedback given (positive, negative, etc).

Negative 0

Negative feedback.

Positive 1

Positive feedback.

Neutral 2

Neutral feedback.

TradeMe 3

Feedback from the Trade Me customer service team.

FeedbackFrom <Member> or null

The member who gave the feedback.

MemberId Integer

The ID of the member. This may be 0, if we determine it is necessary to protect the member's privacy.

Nickname String or null

The nickname of the member. Some characters may be changed, if we determine it is necessary to protect the member's privacy.

DateAddressVerified DateTime

The date the member was address verified.

DateJoined DateTime

The date the member joined.

UniqueNegative Integer

The number of distinct members who have placed negative feedback against this member.

UniquePositive Integer

The number of distinct members who have placed positive feedback against this member.

FeedbackCount Integer

The member's total feedback (UniquePositive minus UniqueNegative).

IsAddressVerified Boolean

Indicates whether the member has been address verified.

IsDealer Boolean

Indicates whether the member is a car dealer.

IsAuthenticated Boolean

Indicates whether the member is authenticated.

FeedbackId Integer

The ID of the the feedback.

PurchaseId Integer

The purchase-specific ID (or auction sold id). Can only be provided for feedback against listings less than 45 days old, or eCommerce listings. Feedback cannot be placed against purchases older than 45 days regardless.

FeedbackCount <FeedbackCount> or null

Feedback statistics.

TotalCount Integer

The total of the feedback taking unique postive and negative counts into account.

TotalPositive Integer

The number of positive feedback given.

UniquePositive Integer

The number of individuals who have left feedback.

TotalNeutral Integer

The number of neutral feedback given.

TotalNegative Integer

The number of negative feedback given.

UniqueNegative Integer

The number of negative feedback given.

Nickname String or null

The nickname of the member. Some characters may be changed, if we determine it is necessary to protect the member's privacy.

LastLoggedIn DateTime

The time the member last logged in.

DateJoined DateTime

The date the member joined.

TwoMonthListingCount Integer

The number of listing in the past 2 months by this member.

IsAuthenticated Boolean

Indicates whether the member has been authenticated.

Example XML Response (switch to JSON)

<Feedback xmlns="">

Example JSON Response (switch to XML)

  "TotalCount": 123,
  "Page": 123,
  "PageSize": 123,
  "List": [
      "IsSeller": false,
      "DateEntered": "\/Date(1514764800)\/",
      "Text": "ABC",
      "ListingId": 123,
      "BuyNowPrice": 123.0,
      "IsAnOffer": false,
      "MaximumBidAmount": 123.0,
      "OfferPrice": 123.0,
      "DateResponded": "\/Date(1514764800)\/",
      "Response": "ABC",
      "HasReturnedFeedback": false,
      "IsEdited": false,
      "SellerId": 123,
      "FeedbackType": 0,
      "FeedbackFrom": {
        "MemberId": 123,
        "Nickname": "ABC",
        "DateAddressVerified": "\/Date(1514764800)\/",
        "DateJoined": "\/Date(1514764800)\/",
        "UniqueNegative": 123,
        "UniquePositive": 123,
        "FeedbackCount": 123,
        "IsAddressVerified": false,
        "IsDealer": false,
        "IsAuthenticated": false
      "FeedbackId": 123,
      "PurchaseId": 123
      "IsSeller": false,
      "DateEntered": "\/Date(1514764800)\/",
      "Text": "ABC",
      "ListingId": 123,
      "BuyNowPrice": 123.0,
      "IsAnOffer": false,
      "MaximumBidAmount": 123.0,
      "OfferPrice": 123.0,
      "DateResponded": "\/Date(1514764800)\/",
      "Response": "ABC",
      "HasReturnedFeedback": false,
      "IsEdited": false,
      "SellerId": 123,
      "FeedbackType": 0,
      "FeedbackFrom": {
        "MemberId": 123,
        "Nickname": "ABC",
        "DateAddressVerified": "\/Date(1514764800)\/",
        "DateJoined": "\/Date(1514764800)\/",
        "UniqueNegative": 123,
        "UniquePositive": 123,
        "FeedbackCount": 123,
        "IsAddressVerified": false,
        "IsDealer": false,
        "IsAuthenticated": false
      "FeedbackId": 123,
      "PurchaseId": 123
  "FeedbackCount": {
    "TotalCount": 123,
    "TotalPositive": 123,
    "UniquePositive": 123,
    "TotalNeutral": 123,
    "TotalNegative": 123,
    "UniqueNegative": 123,
    "Nickname": "ABC",
    "LastLoggedIn": "\/Date(1514764800)\/",
    "DateJoined": "\/Date(1514764800)\/",
    "TwoMonthListingCount": 123,
    "IsAuthenticated": false