Retrieve the public profile for any member.
FirstName |
String or null |
The first name of the member.
Occupation |
String or null |
The occupation of the member.
Biography |
String or null |
The member's bio.
Quote |
String or null |
The member's favourite quote.
Photo |
String or null |
A URL representing the member's photo.
IsEnabled |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the member account is enabled.
DateRemoved |
DateTime |
The date the member profile was disabled (assuming it has been disabled).
Member |
<Member> or null |
Basic information about the member.
MemberId |
Integer |
The ID of the member. This may be 0, if we determine it is necessary to protect the member's privacy.
Nickname |
String or null |
The nickname of the member. Some characters may be changed, if we determine it is necessary to protect the member's privacy.
DateAddressVerified |
DateTime |
The date the member was address verified.
DateJoined |
DateTime |
The date the member joined.
UniqueNegative |
Integer |
The number of distinct members who have placed negative feedback against this member.
UniquePositive |
Integer |
The number of distinct members who have placed positive feedback against this member.
FeedbackCount |
Integer |
The member's total feedback (UniquePositive minus UniqueNegative).
IsAddressVerified |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the member has been address verified.
Suburb |
String or null |
The name of the member's suburb.
IsDealer |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the member is a car dealer.
IsAuthenticated |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the member is authenticated.
IsInTrade |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the member is a professional trader.
ImportChargesMayApply |
Boolean |
Indicates that the trader is an international seller, and therefore customs import charges may apply.
Profile |
<SimpleMemberProfile> or null |
Member profile details
Occupation |
String or null |
The occupation of the member.
Biography |
String or null |
The member's bio.
Quote |
String or null |
The member's favourite quote.
Photo |
String or null |
A URL representing the member's photo.
IsTopSeller |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the member is currently a Top Seller
IsRentiUser |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the member is a renti user.
FavouriteId |
Integer |
The ID of a favourite seller, if the call is authenticated and this member is a favourite seller for the authenticated caller.
Store |
<Store> or null |
Store details, if the seller has been set up as a Trade Me store.
Name |
String or null |
The name of the store.
LogoImageUri |
String or null |
The URL of a small logo image (180x52).
BannerImageUri |
String or null |
The URL of a banner image. Stores extra banner images are 960x120. Store banner images are 633x75. When requesting listing details, only stores extra listings have a banner image.
Promotions |
Collection of <StorePromotion> or null |
A collection of promotional images. Only applies to stores extra.
ImageUri |
String or null |
The URL of the promotional image 760x240.
ShortDescription |
String or null |
A short description of what the store sells. Only returned when browsing the stores list.
LargeBannerImage |
<LargeBannerImage> or null |
The URL's of a large banner image for each breakpoint, small, medium, large, extra large. When requesting listing details, only stores extra listings have a large banner image.
Small |
String or null |
The URL of the promotional image in small size 320x180
Medium |
String or null |
The URL of the promotional image in medium size 768x432.
Large |
String or null |
The URL of the promotional image in large size 1024x576.
XLarge |
String or null |
The URL of the promotional image in extra large size 1440x810.
StorePath |
String or null |
A url friendly path for the store, that is unique.
Location |
String or null |
The location for this store
PhoneNumber |
String or null |
The phone number for this store
Website |
String or null |
The website for this store
Member |
<Member> or null |
The member details associated with this store
(This type has already been defined)
IsPropertyAgent |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the member is registered as a property agent.
"FirstName": "ABC",
"Occupation": "ABC",
"Biography": "ABC",
"Quote": "ABC",
"Photo": "ABC",
"IsEnabled": false,
"DateRemoved": "\/Date(1514764800)\/",
"Member": {
"MemberId": 123,
"Nickname": "ABC",
"DateAddressVerified": "\/Date(1514764800)\/",
"DateJoined": "\/Date(1514764800)\/",
"UniqueNegative": 123,
"UniquePositive": 123,
"FeedbackCount": 123,
"IsAddressVerified": false,
"Suburb": "ABC",
"IsDealer": false,
"IsAuthenticated": false,
"IsInTrade": false,
"ImportChargesMayApply": false,
"Profile": {
"Occupation": "ABC",
"Biography": "ABC",
"Quote": "ABC",
"Photo": "ABC"
"IsTopSeller": false,
"IsRentiUser": false
"FavouriteId": 123,
"Store": {
"Name": "ABC",
"LogoImageUri": "ABC",
"BannerImageUri": "ABC",
"Promotions": [
"ImageUri": "ABC"
"ImageUri": "ABC"
"ShortDescription": "ABC",
"LargeBannerImage": {
"Small": "ABC",
"Medium": "ABC",
"Large": "ABC",
"XLarge": "ABC"
"StorePath": "ABC",
"Location": "ABC",
"PhoneNumber": "ABC",
"Website": "ABC",
"Member": {
"IsPropertyAgent": false