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Retrieve member profile

Retrieve the public profile for any member.

HTTP Method: GET
Requires Authentication? Yes
Permission Required: None
Supported Formats: XML, JSON
Rate Limited? Yes

URL parameters

memberId Integer (required)

The ID of the member to retrieve profile information for.

file_format Enumeration (required) The format of the response.
xml Serialize responses into XML.
json Serialize responses into JSON.



FirstName String or null

The first name of the member.

Occupation String or null

The occupation of the member.

Biography String or null

The member's bio.

Quote String or null

The member's favourite quote.

Photo String or null

A URL representing the member's photo.

IsEnabled Boolean

Indicates whether the member account is enabled.

DateRemoved DateTime

The date the member profile was disabled (assuming it has been disabled).

Member <Member> or null

Basic information about the member.

MemberId Integer

The ID of the member. This may be 0, if we determine it is necessary to protect the member's privacy.

Nickname String or null

The nickname of the member. Some characters may be changed, if we determine it is necessary to protect the member's privacy.

DateAddressVerified DateTime

The date the member was address verified.

DateJoined DateTime

The date the member joined.

UniqueNegative Integer

The number of distinct members who have placed negative feedback against this member.

UniquePositive Integer

The number of distinct members who have placed positive feedback against this member.

FeedbackCount Integer

The member's total feedback (UniquePositive minus UniqueNegative).

IsAddressVerified Boolean

Indicates whether the member has been address verified.

Suburb String or null

The name of the member's suburb.

IsDealer Boolean

Indicates whether the member is a car dealer.

IsAuthenticated Boolean

Indicates whether the member is authenticated.

IsInTrade Boolean

Indicates whether the member is a professional trader.

ImportChargesMayApply Boolean

Indicates that the trader is an international seller, and therefore customs import charges may apply.

Profile <SimpleMemberProfile> or null

Member profile details

Occupation String or null

The occupation of the member.

Biography String or null

The member's bio.

Quote String or null

The member's favourite quote.

Photo String or null

A URL representing the member's photo.

IsTopSeller Boolean

Indicates whether the member is currently a Top Seller

IsRentiUser Boolean

Indicates whether the member is a renti user.

FavouriteId Integer

The ID of a favourite seller, if the call is authenticated and this member is a favourite seller for the authenticated caller.

Store <Store> or null

Store details, if the seller has been set up as a Trade Me store.

Name String or null

The name of the store.

LogoImageUri String or null

The URL of a small logo image (180x52).

BannerImageUri String or null

The URL of a banner image. Stores extra banner images are 960x120. Store banner images are 633x75. When requesting listing details, only stores extra listings have a banner image.

Promotions Collection of <StorePromotion> or null

A collection of promotional images. Only applies to stores extra.

ImageUri String or null

The URL of the promotional image 760x240.

ShortDescription String or null

A short description of what the store sells. Only returned when browsing the stores list.

LargeBannerImage <LargeBannerImage> or null

The URL's of a large banner image for each breakpoint, small, medium, large, extra large. When requesting listing details, only stores extra listings have a large banner image.

Small String or null

The URL of the promotional image in small size 320x180

Medium String or null

The URL of the promotional image in medium size 768x432.

Large String or null

The URL of the promotional image in large size 1024x576.

XLarge String or null

The URL of the promotional image in extra large size 1440x810.

StorePath String or null

A url friendly path for the store, that is unique.

Location String or null

The location for this store

PhoneNumber String or null

The phone number for this store

Website String or null

The website for this store

Member <Member> or null

The member details associated with this store

(This type has already been defined)
IsPropertyAgent Boolean

Indicates whether the member is registered as a property agent.


Example XML Response (switch to JSON)

<MemberProfile xmlns="">
    <Member />

Example JSON Response (switch to XML)

  "FirstName": "ABC",
  "Occupation": "ABC",
  "Biography": "ABC",
  "Quote": "ABC",
  "Photo": "ABC",
  "IsEnabled": false,
  "DateRemoved": "\/Date(1514764800)\/",
  "Member": {
    "MemberId": 123,
    "Nickname": "ABC",
    "DateAddressVerified": "\/Date(1514764800)\/",
    "DateJoined": "\/Date(1514764800)\/",
    "UniqueNegative": 123,
    "UniquePositive": 123,
    "FeedbackCount": 123,
    "IsAddressVerified": false,
    "Suburb": "ABC",
    "IsDealer": false,
    "IsAuthenticated": false,
    "IsInTrade": false,
    "ImportChargesMayApply": false,
    "Profile": {
      "Occupation": "ABC",
      "Biography": "ABC",
      "Quote": "ABC",
      "Photo": "ABC"
    "IsTopSeller": false,
    "IsRentiUser": false
  "FavouriteId": 123,
  "Store": {
    "Name": "ABC",
    "LogoImageUri": "ABC",
    "BannerImageUri": "ABC",
    "Promotions": [
        "ImageUri": "ABC"
        "ImageUri": "ABC"
    "ShortDescription": "ABC",
    "LargeBannerImage": {
      "Small": "ABC",
      "Medium": "ABC",
      "Large": "ABC",
      "XLarge": "ABC"
    "StorePath": "ABC",
    "Location": "ABC",
    "PhoneNumber": "ABC",
    "Website": "ABC",
    "Member": {
  "IsPropertyAgent": false