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Retrieve your account statement

Gets the member ledger for the authenticated user.

HTTP Method: GET
Requires Authentication? Yes
Permission Required: MyTradeMeRead: Read your membership & listing data.
Supported Formats: XML, JSON
Rate Limited? Yes

URL parameters

filter String (required)

A time-based filter on the results.

AllReturn member ledger records from the last 365 days.
Last60DaysReturn member ledger records from the last 60 days.
Last45DaysReturn member ledger records from the last 45 days.
Last28DaysReturn member ledger records from the last 28 days.
Last14DaysReturn member ledger records from the last 14 days.
Last7DaysReturn member ledger records from the last 7 days.
Last24HoursReturn member ledger records from the last 24 hours.

file_format Enumeration (required) The format of the response.
xml Serialize responses into XML.
json Serialize responses into JSON.

Query String parameters

page Integer (optional)

The page number of the set of results to return, starting from 1. Defaults to 1.

rows Integer (optional)

The number of results per page; also the maximum number of results to return. Defaults to 50.

type Enumeration (optional)

A filter on the type of results returned.


Return all available ledger items.


Return all debits.


Return all credits.


Only return account credits (where the account is topped up manually or via auto billing).


Only return refunds.


Only return top seller discounts.


Only return gold trade rebates (final sales values rebates).



The member ledger for the authenticated user.

TotalCount Integer

The total number of results in the collection. Can be larger than the number of returned results.

Page Integer

The index of the current page of results (starts at 1).

PageSize Integer

The number of results in the current page.

List Collection of <MemberLedgerItem> or null

A list of the results in the current page.

Date DateTime

The transaction date.

Type Enumeration

The transaction type.

Other 0

An unknown ledger item.

ListingFee 1

The fee for a listing an item (applies to classifieds and auctions in certain categories).

HighVolumeFee 2

The fee for exceeding the free listing allowance.

SuccessFeeBid 3

The fee for a successful auction (won via a bid).

SuccessFeeOffer 4

The fee for a successful auction (won via a fixed price offer).

SuccessFeeBuyNow 5

The fee for a successful auction (won via Buy Now).

GalleryPromotion 100

The fee for listing an item with the gallery promotion.

GalleryPlusPromotion 101

The fee for listing an item with the gallery plus promotion.

BoldPromotion 102

The fee for listing an item with the bold title promotion.

SubtitlePromotion 103

The fee for listing an item with a subtitle.

HighlightPromotion 104

The fee for listing an item with a highlight.

FeaturePromotion 105

The fee for listing an item with the feature promotion.

FeatureComboPromotion 106

The fee for listing an item with the feature combo promotion.

HomepageFeaturePromotion 107

The fee for listing an item with the homepage feature promotion.

SuperFeaturePromotion 108

The fee for listing an item with the super feature promotion.

SuperFeatureComboPromotion 109

The fee for listing an item with the super feature combo promotion.

TenDayAuctionFee 110

The fee for listing an item with a duration of ten days.

MultiPhotoFee 111

The fee for listing an item with additional photos.

ScheduledEndDateFee 112

The fee for listing an item with a scheduled end date/time.

ReserveFee 113

The fee for listing an item with a reserve price.

SecondaryCategoryPromotion 114

The fee for listing an item with a reserve price.

JobPack5 200

The purchase of a five listing job pack.

JobPack10 201

The purchase of a ten listing job pack.

JobPack20 202

The purchase of a twenty listing job pack.

JobPack30 204

The purchase of a thirty listing job pack.

JobPack50 203

The purchase of a fifty listing job pack.

JobPack100 205

The purchase of a hundred listing job pack.

WithdrawalFee 300

The fee for withdrawing an auction over an hour after it started.

QuotableValueReportFee 301

The fee for purchasing a QV report.

MonthlyStoreFee 302

The monthly fee for having a Trade Me store.

CreditViaCreditCard 400

The member credited their account with a credit card.

CreditViaBankTransfer 401

The member credited their account using internet banking.

CreditViaCheque 402

The member credited their account with a cheque.

CreditViaPing 403

This member credited their account with Ping.

RebateForListingFee 500

The rebate for listing an item.

RebateForHighVolumeFee 501

The rebate for exceeding the free listing allowance.

RebateForSuccessFeeBid 502

The rebate for a successful auction (won via a bid).

RebateForSuccessFeeOffer 503

The rebate for a successful auction (won via a fixed price offer).

RebateForSuccessFeeBuyNow 504

The rebate for a successful auction (won via Buy Now).

RebateForGalleryPromotion 505

The rebate for listing an item with the gallery promotion.

RebateForGalleryPlusPromotion 506

The rebate for listing an item with the gallery plus promotion.

RebateForBoldPromotion 507

The rebate for listing an item with the bold title promotion.

RebateForSubtitlePromotion 508

The rebate for listing an item with a subtitle.

RebateForHighlightPromotion 509

The rebate for listing an item with a highlight.

RebateForFeaturePromotion 510

The rebate for listing an item with the feature promotion.

RebateForFeatureComboPromotion 511

The rebate for listing an item with the feature combo promotion.

RebateForHomepageFeaturePromotion 512

The rebate for listing an item with the homepage feature promotion.

RebateForSuperFeaturePromotion 513

The rebate for listing an item with the super feature promotion.

RebateForSuperFeatureComboPromotion 514

The rebate for listing an item with the super feature combo promotion.

RebateForTenDayAuctionFee 515

The rebate for listing an item with a duration of ten days.

RebateForMultiPhotoFee 516

The rebate for listing an item with additional photos.

RebateForScheduledEndDateFee 517

The rebate for listing an item with a scheduled end date/time.

RebateForReserveFee 518

The rebate for listing an item with a reserve price.

RebateForSecondaryCategoryPromotion 519

The rebate for listing an item with a secondary category.

RefundOfListingFee 600

A refund for listing an item.

RefundOfSuccessFee 601

Refund of auction success fees.

RefundOfGalleryPromotion 602

The refund for listing an item with the gallery promotion.

RefundOfGalleryPlusPromotion 603

The refund for listing an item with the gallery plus promotion.

RefundOfBoldPromotion 604

The refund for listing an item with the bold title promotion.

RefundOfSubtitlePromotion 605

The refund for listing an item with a subtitle.

RefundOfHighlightPromotion 606

The refund for listing an item with a highlight.

RefundOfFeaturePromotion 607

The refund for listing an item with the feature promotion.

RefundOfFeatureComboPromotion 608

The refund for listing an item with the feature combo promotion.

RefundOfHomepageFeaturePromotion 609

The refund for listing an item with the homepage feature promotion.

RefundOfSuperFeaturePromotion 610

The refund for listing an item with the super feature promotion.

RefundOfSuperFeatureComboPromotion 611

The refund for listing an item with the super feature combo promotion.

RefundOfTenDayAuctionFee 612

The refund for listing an item with a duration of ten days.

RefundOfMultiPhotoFee 613

The refund for listing an item with additional photos.

RefundOfScheduledEndDateFee 614

The refund for listing an item with a scheduled end date/time.

RefundOfReserveFee 615

The refund for listing an item with a reserve price.

RefundOfSecondaryCategoryPromotion 616

The refund for listing an item with a secondary category.

DiscountOfListingFee 617

Discount of listing fee

DiscountOfSuperfeature 618

Discount of superfeature fee

DiscountOfHighlight 619

Discount of highlight fee

DiscountOfFeature 620

Discount of feature fee

DiscountOfBoldTitle 621

Discount of boldTitle fee

DiscountOfFeatureCombo 622

Discount of feature combo fee

DiscountOfSubtitle 623

Discount of subtitle fee

RebateForGoldTradeSuccessFee 624

The rebate for providing timely shipping information.

MotorsFeatureBundleUpgrade 625

For upgrading Motors Feature Bundle

Description String or null

A description of the transaction.

Credit Number

The amount to credit to the member's account.

Debit Number

The amount to debit from the member's account.

Balance Number

The balance of the member's account after the transaction. This field is not populated when filtering by transaction type.

ReferenceId Long Integer

For ledger entries that relate to a listing, this field contains the listing ID. For other types of ledger entries, the contents of this field should be ignored.

PurchaseId Integer

For ledger entries that relate to a specific purchase, this field contains the purchase ID.

Sku String or null

The SKU for the listing, if any.

LedgerId Long Integer

The unique identifier for this ledger item.

Example XML Response (switch to JSON)

<MemberLedger xmlns="">

Example JSON Response (switch to XML)

  "TotalCount": 123,
  "Page": 123,
  "PageSize": 123,
  "List": [
      "Date": "\/Date(1514764800)\/",
      "Type": 0,
      "Description": "ABC",
      "Credit": 123.0,
      "Debit": 123.0,
      "Balance": 123.0,
      "ReferenceId": 123,
      "PurchaseId": 123,
      "Sku": "ABC",
      "LedgerId": 123
      "Date": "\/Date(1514764800)\/",
      "Type": 0,
      "Description": "ABC",
      "Credit": 123.0,
      "Debit": 123.0,
      "Balance": 123.0,
      "ReferenceId": 123,
      "PurchaseId": 123,
      "Sku": "ABC",
      "LedgerId": 123