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Retrieve your profile information

Retrieves full statistics and profile information for the authenticated user.

HTTP Method: GET
Requires Authentication? Yes
Permission Required: MyTradeMeRead: Read your membership & listing data.
Supported Formats: XML, JSON
Rate Limited? Yes

URL parameters

file_format Enumeration (required) The format of the response.
xml Serialize responses into XML.
json Serialize responses into JSON.

Query String parameters

return_member_profile Boolean (optional)

If true, also returns the member's public profile information (occupation, bio, photo, etc).



The user's name, email address, bought, sold and feedback stats.

WatchListCount Integer

The number of items on the watchlist.

WonCount Integer

The number of items won.

LostCount Integer

The number of items lost.

SellingCount Integer

The number of items being sold.

SoldCount Integer

The number of items sold.

UnsoldCount Integer

The number of items unsold.

PositiveFeedback Integer

The total positive feedback.

NegativeFeedback Integer

The total negative feedback.

TotalFeedback Integer

The total feedback (positive - negative).

MemberId Integer

The ID of the member.

Nickname String or null

The member's nickname.

DateJoined DateTime

The date the member registered for an account on Trade Me.

DateAddressVerified DateTime

The date and time the member became address verified, if they are address verified.

IsAddressVerified Boolean

Indicates whether the member is address verified. This means the member entered a code that was delivered via the postal system to the member's street address. Note that currently, members retain their address verified status if they move, so having this status doesn't necessarily mean that the member's current address is valid.

Balance Number

The member's Trade Me account balance.

PayNowBalance Number

The member's Pay Now account balance.

FirstName String or null

The member's first name.

LastName String or null

The member's last name.

FixedPriceOffers Integer

The number of fixed price offers for the member.

Email String or null

The email address for the member.

Gender Enumeration

The gender of the member.

Unspecified 0

The gender is not specified.

Male 1

The member is male.

Female 2

The member is female.

DiverseGender 3

The member is gender diverse.

MembershipAddress <DeliveryAddress> or null

The member's primary address.

Name String or null

The name of the person whom the item is being delivered to.

Address1 String or null

The first line of the address.

Address2 String or null

The second line of the address (optional).

Suburb String or null

The suburb (optional).

City String or null

The city.

Postcode String or null

The postcode (optional).

Country String or null

The country (currently restricted to "New Zealand" or "Australia").

IsMembershipAddress Boolean

Indicates whether this address is a membership address. This type of address is comprised of address details that are supplied when registering an account. Do not supply this value when adding or updating a delivery address.

IsBusiness Boolean

Indicates whether the member has registered as a business.

BusinessName String or null

The member's business name (business memberships only).

BillingAddress <DeliveryAddress> or null

The member's billing address (business memberships only). This is optional even for business memberships. If it doesn't exist, assume the billing address is the same as the delivery address.

(This type has already been defined)
ClosestLocality String or null

The name of the closest locality to the member. Based on the "Closest town" information supplied by the member when creating their account.

ClosestDistrict String or null

The name of the closest district to the member. Based on the "Closest town" information supplied by the member when creating their account.

ClosestDistrictId Integer

The ID of the closest district to the member. Based on the "Closest town" information supplied by the member when creating their account.

IsAuthenticated Boolean

Indicates whether the member is authenticated.

IsPayNowAccepted Boolean

Indicates whether the member can accept Pay Now payments.

FavouriteSearchCount Integer

The number of saved searches in the member's favourites.

FavouriteCategoryCount Integer

The number of saved categories in the member's favourites.

FavouriteSellerCount Integer

The number of saved sellers in the member's favourites.

AutoBillingEnabled Boolean

Indicates whether the member has set up auto-billing.

CanListClearanceItems Boolean

Indicates whether the member can list clearance items using the IsClearance flag. This is currently only for certain elite sellers.

IsTopSeller Boolean

Indicates whether the member is currently a registered top seller.

IsRegisteredWineSeller Boolean

Indicates whether the member is currently a registered wine seller. This will be false if the member has not registered, or if the registration has been disabled, or if the off-license has expired, or if the member cannot accept Pay Now payments.

IsPropertyAgent Boolean

Indicates whether the member is registered as a property agent.

IsRentalAgent Boolean

Indicates whether the member is registered as a rental agent.

IsJobAgent Boolean

Indicates whether the member is registered as a job agent.

CreditCardType String or null

If the user has a saved credit card that they can use, contains the card type ("Visa", "MasterCard", etc). Will be omitted if the user does not have a saved card.

CreditCardLastFourDigits String or null

If the user has a saved credit card, contains the last four digits of the card number (e.g. "1234"). Will be omitted if the user does not have a saved card.

CreditCardExpiryMonth Integer

If the user has a saved credit card, contains the month when it expires (1 = January, 12 = December).

CreditCardExpiryYear Integer

If the user has a saved credit card, contains the year when it expires.

RecentSearchesEnabled Boolean

Indicates whether recent searches are recorded against the user's profile.

HighVolumeListingCount Integer

The number of active listings the member has which contribute towards the high volume threshold. Generally speaking, auctions contribute towards the high volume threshold while classifieds do not. Some categories are exempt; listings within those categories do not count towards the threshold either.

HighVolumeThreshold Integer

The user's high volume listing allowance. This is the number of active listings you can have without incurring a high volume listing fee (this fee is charged for each new listing). All classifieds and auctions in some categories are exempt from high volume listing fees.

CanRemoveBids Boolean

Indicates whether the member can remove bids using the remove bid API.

This field will always return true.

ShoppingCartCount Integer

The number of items in the members cart.

IsInTrade Boolean

Indicates whether the member is a professional trader. If they are a professional trader then their listings are protected by the Consumer Guarantees Act.

MemberProfile <SimpleMemberProfile> or null

This member's public profile information.

Occupation String or null

The occupation of the member.

Biography String or null

The member's bio.

Quote String or null

The member's favourite quote.

Photo String or null

A URL representing the member's photo.

ExternalTrackingToken String or null

An external tracking token used to uniquely identify a member without exposing member information.

LandlinePhoneNumber String or null

The member's landline phone number.

MobilePhoneNumber String or null

The member's mobile phone number.

MemberToken String or null

The members token

TradevineAccountType Enumeration

The member's Tradevine account type (Tradevine, MyProducts or neither)

NotRegistered 0

Not registered with a Tradevine account

TradevineLite 1

Tradevine Lite account

Tradevine 2

Full Tradevine account

NewGoodsFeed 3

NGF account

TradeRunner 4

TradeRunner account

DraftSummary <DraftSummary> or null

The number of items lost.

DraftCount Integer

current number of drafts

DraftLimit Integer

the maximum limit of drafts allowed for each member

JobProfiles Collection of <JobProfileSummary> or null

The member's job profiles

ProfileId Integer

The id of the profile

Key String or null

A key to identify the profile

AvailableExternalPaymentProviders Collection of Enumeration or null

List of deferred payments the member can use

MemberTokens Collection of <MemberToken> or null

The collection of member tokens a member has for external services

Service Enumeration

The service the token is for.

None 0

Do not use.

Sentry 1

The token is for use with the service.

GoogleAnalytics 2

The token is for use with GA (Google Analytics)

ExternalSearch 3

The token is for use with external search

ListingCollections 4

The token is for use with the listing collections service

InternalServices 6

The token is for use with Trade Me internal services.

Token Guid

The token used for the service to uniquely identify the member.

LoyaltySubscriptionDetails <MemberLoyaltySubscriptionDetails> or null

The member's loyalty subscription details.

IsMemberEligibleForNewSubscription Boolean

Indicates whether the member is eligible for a new loyalty subscription

Subscription <LoyaltySubscriptionDetail> or null

Return the current member subscription

Id Integer

Subscription Id

Status Enumeration

Status of the subscription

NotSubscribed 0

Member not subscribed

Active 1

Subscription is active

Expired 2

Subscription is expired

SubscribedAt DateTime

When the subscription was purchased

ExpiresAt DateTime

When the subscription expires

Product <LoyaltyProductDetail> or null

Product details for the current subscription

Id Integer

Product ID

This field is deprecated.

Price Number

Product price per PaymentInterval unit

This field is deprecated.

PaymentInterval <LoyaltyPaymentIntervalDetail> or null

String representation of the subscription period

This field is deprecated.

Description String or null

Description of the payment interval in a friendly format

This field is deprecated.

IntervalType Enumeration

The type of payment interval

This field is deprecated.

Once 0

One time only

Week 1


Month 2


IntervalsPerPayment Integer

The number of payment intervals between payments

This field is deprecated.

Benefits Collection of <LoyaltyBenefitDetail> or null

Benefits provided by this product.

This field is deprecated.

Type Enumeration

Type of benefit

This field is deprecated.

Unknown 0


FreeShipping 1

Free shipping on eligible items

FreeSuccessFee 2

Free success fee

SubsidyLimit Number

The maximum shipping subsidy given by this benefit

This field is deprecated.

IsUnlimited Boolean or null

Indicates whether the free success fee benefit is unlimited

This field is deprecated.

Quota Integer or null

The total number of free success fee sales benefits available

This field is deprecated.

QuotaRemaining Integer or null

The remaining number of free success fee sales benefits available

This field is deprecated.

TaxLiabilities Collection of <TaxRate> or null

The taxes that Trade Me will collect automatically on behalf of this member when they sell on Trade Me

Type Enumeration

The type of tax that is included

NZ_GST_Overseas_Supplies 1

New Zealand GST on overseas supplies

Country String or null

The country that is levying the tax e.g. NZ

Name String or null

The name of the tax e.g. GST

FlatRate Number

The rate at which the tax is charged (as a decimal e.g 0.15)

Description String or null

A string that can be used as a caption where necessary

IsSellRestrictionsEffective Boolean

Whether certain features like auction, unspecified shipping, pickups, non hosted payment methods should be restricted

IsTaxEffective Boolean

Whether the effective date for the tax has been reached e.g. 1st Dec for NZ GST

Location <MapPoint> or null

Longitude and Latitude of member's location. For now it's based on the "Closest town" information supplied by the member when creating their account.

Latitude Number

Latitude of the map point

Longitude Number

Longitude of the map point

PayNowStatus Enumeration

The status of the member's pay now account.

Unknown 0

Status Unknown

NotRegistered 1

Not Registered

PendingFirstActivation 2

Pending First Activation

ActivePendingReplacementActivation 3

Active Pending Replacement Activation

Active 4


Suspended 5


Bounced 6


BouncedPendingReplacementActivation 7

Bounced Pending Replacement Activation

SegmentUserId String or null

The member's Segment user ID.

IsBasic Boolean

Indicates the member has only registered with a small portion of information

Example XML Response (switch to JSON)

<MemberSummary xmlns="">

Example JSON Response (switch to XML)

  "WatchListCount": 123,
  "WonCount": 123,
  "LostCount": 123,
  "SellingCount": 123,
  "SoldCount": 123,
  "UnsoldCount": 123,
  "PositiveFeedback": 123,
  "NegativeFeedback": 123,
  "TotalFeedback": 123,
  "MemberId": 123,
  "Nickname": "ABC",
  "DateJoined": "\/Date(1514764800)\/",
  "DateAddressVerified": "\/Date(1514764800)\/",
  "IsAddressVerified": false,
  "Balance": 123.0,
  "PayNowBalance": 123.0,
  "FirstName": "ABC",
  "LastName": "ABC",
  "FixedPriceOffers": 123,
  "Email": "ABC",
  "Gender": 0,
  "MembershipAddress": {
    "Name": "ABC",
    "Address1": "ABC",
    "Address2": "ABC",
    "Suburb": "ABC",
    "City": "ABC",
    "Postcode": "ABC",
    "Country": "ABC",
    "IsMembershipAddress": false
  "IsBusiness": false,
  "BusinessName": "ABC",
  "BillingAddress": {
    "Name": "ABC",
    "Address1": "ABC",
    "Address2": "ABC",
    "Suburb": "ABC",
    "City": "ABC",
    "Postcode": "ABC",
    "Country": "ABC"
  "ClosestLocality": "ABC",
  "ClosestDistrict": "ABC",
  "ClosestDistrictId": 123,
  "IsAuthenticated": false,
  "IsPayNowAccepted": false,
  "FavouriteSearchCount": 123,
  "FavouriteCategoryCount": 123,
  "FavouriteSellerCount": 123,
  "AutoBillingEnabled": false,
  "CanListClearanceItems": false,
  "IsTopSeller": false,
  "IsRegisteredWineSeller": false,
  "IsPropertyAgent": false,
  "IsRentalAgent": false,
  "IsJobAgent": false,
  "CreditCardType": "ABC",
  "CreditCardLastFourDigits": "ABC",
  "CreditCardExpiryMonth": 123,
  "CreditCardExpiryYear": 123,
  "RecentSearchesEnabled": false,
  "HighVolumeListingCount": 123,
  "HighVolumeThreshold": 123,
  "CanRemoveBids": false,
  "ShoppingCartCount": 123,
  "IsInTrade": false,
  "MemberProfile": {
    "Occupation": "ABC",
    "Biography": "ABC",
    "Quote": "ABC",
    "Photo": "ABC"
  "ExternalTrackingToken": "ABC",
  "LandlinePhoneNumber": "ABC",
  "MobilePhoneNumber": "ABC",
  "MemberToken": "ABC",
  "TradevineAccountType": 0,
  "DraftSummary": {
    "DraftCount": 123,
    "DraftLimit": 123
  "JobProfiles": [
      "ProfileId": 123,
      "Key": "ABC"
      "ProfileId": 123,
      "Key": "ABC"
  "AvailableExternalPaymentProviders": [
  "MemberTokens": [
      "Service": 0,
      "Token": "ABCDEF12-0123-4567-ABBA-01234567ABCD"
      "Service": 0,
      "Token": "ABCDEF12-0123-4567-ABBA-01234567ABCD"
  "LoyaltySubscriptionDetails": {
    "IsMemberEligibleForNewSubscription": false,
    "Subscription": {
      "Id": 123,
      "Status": 0,
      "SubscribedAt": "\/Date(1514764800)\/",
      "ExpiresAt": "\/Date(1514764800)\/",
      "Product": {
        "Id": 123,
        "Price": 123.0,
        "PaymentInterval": {
          "Description": "ABC",
          "IntervalType": 0,
          "IntervalsPerPayment": 123
        "Benefits": [
            "Type": 0,
            "SubsidyLimit": 123.0,
            "IsUnlimited": false,
            "Quota": 123,
            "QuotaRemaining": 123
            "Type": 0,
            "SubsidyLimit": 123.0,
            "IsUnlimited": false,
            "Quota": 123,
            "QuotaRemaining": 123
  "TaxLiabilities": [
      "Type": 1,
      "Country": "ABC",
      "Name": "ABC",
      "FlatRate": 123.0,
      "Description": "ABC",
      "IsSellRestrictionsEffective": false,
      "IsTaxEffective": false
      "Type": 1,
      "Country": "ABC",
      "Name": "ABC",
      "FlatRate": 123.0,
      "Description": "ABC",
      "IsSellRestrictionsEffective": false,
      "IsTaxEffective": false
  "Location": {
    "Latitude": 123.0,
    "Longitude": 123.0
  "PayNowStatus": 0,
  "SegmentUserId": "ABC",
  "IsBasic": false