Get office listing statistics
Returns listing statistics for all current listings listed by the office, including a break up by day and suburb.
URL: |{file_format} |
HTTP Method: | GET |
Requires Authentication? | Yes |
Permission Required: | MyTradeMeRead: Read your membership & listing data. |
Supported Formats: | XML, JSON |
Rate Limited? | Yes |
URL parameters
file_format | Enumeration (required) | The format of the response. | ||||
Query String parameters
days | Integer (optional) |
The number of days of statistical data to retrieve, ending yesterday. Defaults to 30. Minimum 1, Maximum 30 |
page | Integer (optional) |
The page number of the set of results to return, starting from 1. Defaults to 1. |
A paged collection of listing statistics
TotalCount | Integer |
The total number of results in the collection. Can be larger than the number of returned results. |
Page | Integer |
The index of the current page of results (starts at 1). |
PageSize | Integer |
The number of results in the current page. |
List | Collection of <ListingStatistics> or null |
A list of the results in the current page. |
TotalPages | Integer or null |
Total number of pages available |